2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Scientific Foundations Of Yoga Practices

Yoga today has become another kind of physical movement exercise or fitness technique for increasing the individual’s flexibility by means of different poses. The main purpose and the need of the practice in the purest way and truest essence are often diluted if not completely ignored and forgotten. This 5000 year old ancient Indian practice of yoga education for the merging of the body and mind is a practical aid not a religion. Even though yoga developed in India it...
5 Pages 2331 Words

Should Genetic Engineering On Human Babies Be Allowed ?

Everybody wants a perfect child, but not everyone can get their way. Babies were meant to be created naturally. This world is evolving drastically, heading straight for destruction and is moving closer and closer to being able to make babies exactly how the parents want them to look. Our people today have went from cross-breeding animals to really the actual custom-making of humans beings. From the looks of it, should the people of our world be scared? Not every parent...
5 Pages 2309 Words

The Progression Of Popularity Of Rock Climbing And The Re-Occurring Injuries From Literature

History of Rock Climbing Indoor and outdoor bouldering has become a widespread popular sport, which deservedly has been recognised as a suitable sporting event for the upcoming 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games (Jones and Johnson, 2016). Indoor and outdoor bouldering is known now as a well-known sporting activity. The location of this sport usually are indoor climbing facilities with artificial holds, boulders, slabs, and volumes, where as outdoor bouldering uses the environment such as, rock surfaces, rock boulders, or even slabs...
6 Pages 2676 Words

The Biochemistry Of Apoptosis

Programmed Cell Death Apoptosis is defined as programmed cell death. Apoptosis recently is not considered as the only cell death pathway since various cell death pathways are discovered. More accurately programmed cell death is defined as cell death that is dependent on genetically encoded signals or activities within the dying cell. Therefore, the designation programmed refers to the fixed pathway followed by dying cells, regardless of the mechanism or of whether the characteristic features of apoptosis accompany the process. Acute...
6 Pages 2720 Words

Student Perception And The Value Of Studying And Working Abroad

Introduction The world is narrowing down. Nations, previously accustomed to a high degree of disunity, have now become closer than ever, as a result of rapid technological progress, improved infrastructure and ever-expanding communication networks. Due to the enhanced interaction between completely different societies and the rapidly growing orientation to the global market, the acquisition of international experience in cultivating a broad cultural perspective is not only becoming increasingly important in the interests of tolerance and understanding, but also plays an...
6 Pages 2646 Words

The Implication Of Semiotic In Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension

Abstract This writing explains the symbols or signs in a short story, The Selfish Giant, written by Oscar Wilde, to explore the explicit meaning of the text. The writer chooses this short story, because the short story is used to examine students’ reading comprehension. This research applies Semiotic which discusses about symbols. The capabilities of students to identify the meaning of symbols help them to realize that signs and symbols in a text are a way to express human’s feeling...
5 Pages 2483 Words

Goals, Aspirations And Happiness As A Consequence Of Connections And Communication

We have all had childhood dreams. That one thing that seemed so possible and achievable. However, then you grow up and reality kicks in. A study show that only 6% of people achieve their childhood dream. Nearly all people desire progress. Nearly all people fear falling short of their own and others expectations. Why don’t we achieve our dream? Nearly all people struggle to make their aspirations a reality because of fear, lack of motivation, or a simple lack of...
6 Pages 2584 Words

The Strengths And Weaknesses Of The Good Friday Agreement

The achievement of the Belfast or Good Friday Agreement in 1998 created history, where for the first time the contentious and previously irreconcilable differences between the rigid stance assumed by the opposing factions reached a situation of a possible harmony in a manner that was acceptable to the concerned parties-after 30 years of violence. This ground-breaking Agreement resulted in a new political system, designed to balance power sharing between the two communities. While the Agreement is a mere 30 pages...
5 Pages 2365 Words

The History Of The Church Of God

The modern pentecostal movement is considered by many scholars the most revolutionary phenomenon in the history of Christianity in the 20th century, and perhaps one of the most striking of the whole history of the church. In relatively few decades, the Pentecostal churches gathered a huge amount of people in virtually all continental tes, totaling today, according to calculations by experts, about half a billion adherents around the mun. More than this, Pentecostalism has brought profound changes to the Christian...
5 Pages 2261 Words

Relationship Between Friends And Academic Performance

Abstract Friends play an important role in academic performance as they encourage and discourage academic performance. The purpose of this study aims to seek a relationship between friends and academic performance. Two research questions are raised: 1) Does relationship with friends affect academic performance, and; 2) How does it affect academic performance, why? The data from a questionnaire with 35 Sunway College respondents has been analysed and interpreted. The results show that students spend more time with friends increasing their...
6 Pages 2666 Words

The Types And Peculiarities Of Stakeholders

Stakeholders are groups or individuals that have an interest in a business. Stakeholders are important and can affect the running of the business. There are two types of stakeholders; internal and external, with different interests and priorities. Internal stakeholders are for example employees, managers and shareholders(owners). Examples of external stakeholders are customers, suppliers, government, local community and trade unions. Internal Stakeholders Shareholders/Owners Shareholders invest into Tesco in hopes of receiving a profit. Shareholders(Owners) have a very large influence on Tesco...
5 Pages 2441 Words

Grit By Angela Duckworth: The Power Of Passion And Perseverance

One problem our society lives with is the rigid mindset we have, believing that achievement lays in the power of talent or chance and we end up neglecting the real reason why people achieve success: long-term perseverance and passion. GRIT by Angela Duckworth is a book which talks about these principles beside some others like persistence, taking action after failure or hardworking, which she called more simply: GRIT. The book explains where grit comes from, how it can be developed...
5 Pages 2466 Words

Heavy Metals In The Aquatic Ecosystem Of An Urban Lake In Kashmir Himalayas

Abstract Contaminations by heavy metals in aquatic ecosystems strongly affect foodchain relationships through the process of biomagnification. Heavy metals (i.e. Fe, Cu, Mn, Pb, Zn, Cd, Cr, and Co) were determined from sediment, water and macrophytic species (Ceratophyllum demersum, Phragmites australis, and Potamogeton crispus) of Nigeen lake. The concentration of different heavy metals was determined using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The concentration of heavy metals was found highest in sediments (viz: Fe- 61.43 ppm, Zn- 56.54 ppm, Cu- 54.77 ppm, Pb-...
6 Pages 2621 Words

Social Acceptance Is Directly Proportional To Fairness

Introduction “Being Fair” is a new trend. All the girls having dark or dull skin complexion want to have fair skin tone. The concept is that “dark skin is associated with labor and field work in the sun. white skin has colonial notion of power and superiority”. (Shankar and Subish, 2017). Earlier, this differentiation between dark and fair women was done mostly in US, but then this concept started spreading in the world. It is considered that the “light skin...
5 Pages 2255 Words

Why Hunting Is Beneficial To Nature And Society

Hunters and anglers are two of the strongest components to wildlife conservation and keeping a healthy ecosystem. There tends to be controversy that surrounds the activity of hunting, but the fact is that it is really a natural human instinct that has evolved to become a vital role in society to this day. When laws and regulations are respected, hunting maintains a balanced environment for species of all kinds and is extremely beneficial for society as well. Humans and wildlife...
6 Pages 2648 Words

Books Vs Movies Compare and Contrast Essay

Introduction to Books and Movies Nowadays, there are various ways for people to spend their leisure time such as reading books and watching movies. One might ask, what does reading books even benefits us in sorts of way? How about watching movie? What I might be answering with is why not both? Before that let’s get on about book, there are many types of books such as fiction and non-fiction then broken down into many types. For the fiction part,...
5 Pages 2557 Words

Impact Of PCV Vaccination On S. Pneumoniae

Pneumonia remains the second biggest killer of children under five years of age and is responsible for one-sixth of child deaths in the African region [2], and disproportionately affects children from poor and disadvantaged households [3]. One important strategy to help reduce under-five mortality to 25 per 1,000 live births by 2030 (Sustainable Development Goal 3) is the reduction in the burden of pneumococcal disease through the use of pneumococcal glycoconjugate vaccines (PCVs). For S. pneumoniae, the most commonly used...
6 Pages 2438 Words

Consumer Behavior: Does Nostalgia Sells?

“People become especially nostalgic when they are anxious about the present, and, especially, the future. The past is safe because it is completely predictable. Connecting with the past through familiar, loved brands transports people to another time by evoking the same feelings they experienced so long ago.” Overview – Nostalgia as a Selling Point Nostalgia is one of life’s greatest feelings that can be incredibly gratifying. Everyone is easily drawn back to a better, simpler time in her/his life. In...
5 Pages 2356 Words

Improving Survival Of Earthworm In Polluted Soil With Heavy Metals

In the world today, pollution of different kinds is being abundant and distributed throughout the world. These pollutions include land, water, and soil pollution to mention a few. One of which that contributes in this continuous phenomenon is the contamination of heavy metals on all aspects. Heavy metals such as Mercury (Hg), Lead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd), etc., affect all life on Earth in a negative way. Contamination of water sources and soils could bring potential danger to whoever might consume...
5 Pages 2400 Words

Narcissistic And Covenant Leadership

Abstract Narcissistic pioneers can be found since until the end of time. Their sort of organization when in doubt exhibits convincing yet at an inconceivable cost. Their self-obsession and loss of situational care will as a rule lead to disharmony among their companions and subordinates in the end inciting their end. On the other hand, a covenantal-style pioneer revolves around structure relationship with their people and ensuring the life expectancy of their fundamental objective or targets. Both the narcissistic and...
6 Pages 2666 Words

Mark Zuckerberg: Life And Success

“By giving people the power to share, we're making the world more transparent.” INTRODUCTION Mark Zuckerberg is the originator, executive and CEO of Facebook .Here's the means by which he constructed the incomprehensibly effective web based life business. Early Life and Education Zuckerberg was conceived on May 14, 1984 in White Plains, New York, and was brought up in close-by Dobbs Ferry. He was naturally introduced to an accomplished family and built up an enthusiasm for PC programming at an...
6 Pages 2648 Words

Community Service Learning: Feelings And Activities

World Quest Dorothy children’s home was founded by Elias Mbaabu on the 18th of august 2009. Elias lived in the United States of America with his wife. On one of his visits to Nairobi with his wife, he came across street kids, his immediate instinct was to help them however he only had a thousand shillings in his pocket. On his next return to the city after the last one, with twelve children he came up with Dorothy children’s home....
5 Pages 2503 Words

Improvement Of Polyamide Reverse Osmosis Membranes By Coating With Ag/chitosan Nanodispersion Prepared By Gamma Radiation

Abstract Silver/Chitosan nanodispersion (Ag/CS) prepared by gamma ray was used to modify the thin-film composite reverse osmosis (RO) membrane. The silver nitrate solutions were added to the chitosan solution with different concentrations of 5 to 20 (wt/wt %) and exposed to gamma radiation at different irradiation doses. The size of the silver/chitosan nanodispersion is investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The membranes characterized by FT-IR spectroscopy, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and contact angle measurement. Contact angle measurements showed that the...
5 Pages 2413 Words

Prerequisites And Reasons Of Farmer Suicide in India

Introduction India is an agrarian economy. The Economic survey of India, 2019 suggests that agriculture and related activities employ 42% of the population but only accounts for 14% of the Gross Domestic Product of the nation (Economic Survey of India, 2019) This discrepancy can be attributed to a variety of factors, viz., dependence on precipitation, lack of technological development in the field of agriculture, dependence of primitive forms of irrigation and cropping, etc. the consequence being low productivity in terms...
5 Pages 2285 Words

Fear Conditioning Under Social Stress

Introduction In the study of psychology, research has always looked at emotions and the role they play in everyday behaviour as well as in pathological behaviour. Several studies have shown that emotionally charged stimuli attract human attention quicker and have an advantage in information processing. Stimuli that are emotionally negative in nature tend to grab attention automatically and more quickly (Wieser, 2010). When studying emotions in social situations, more often than not researchers tend to use facial expressions. Facial expressions...
5 Pages 2410 Words

Indian Sign Language Recognition System: Approaches And Challenges

Abstract Communication is the fundamental need for an individual. People are communicate with each other to share their thoughts, ideas, information and the most crucial is they feel associated with each other by communicating with each other. Normal individual fail to communicate with deaf-dumb because the absence of the knowledge of sign language used by deaf-dumb. Total 5072914 hearing disabled and 1998692 speech disabled population are there in India which is reported by Census 2011. For such population there is...
6 Pages 2697 Words

Heavy Metal Pollution Of Road Drainage Systems And Remedies

Introduction This chapter provides an introduction to the heavy metal pollution in road drainage systems while detailing the background of the heavy metal pollution, consequences and effects and sources of the pollution. Meanwhile it describes the path of the pollution and the how does it effect on the society as well as environment. General In recent times, urban areas as well as rural areas have been heavily polluted all over the word in compliance with the rapid urbanization. As a...
5 Pages 2356 Words

Conflict Between South Korea And Japan Within National Identity

Introduction South Korea and Japan has been a cooperative partner in the liberal democracy and the value of market economy, and they have been conflict relations due to the historical problem, which is about colonization. As this situation is happening continuously, it has been a relationship which they discuss cooperation rationally but confront emotionally. Due to the situation, there has been a lot of research regarding to it, but it has not concluded. The biggest problem with Japan and South...
5 Pages 2376 Words

Overcoming Loss And Grief By Children And Adults

Children, adolescents, and adults, experience, understand and react to the passing of a loved one or passing of any person differently. Grief is normal and an expected response in anyone that experiences a loss; however, the symptoms of grief are often misunderstood in children and youngsters going through bereavement. When a loved one dies, how a child and/or adolescent’s grief will depend on many factors and will differ among children in several ways. Theories and research indicate children’s individual characteristics,...
5 Pages 2283 Words

Investigating Academic Dishonesty Among University Students

INTRODUCTION In this chapter researcher present the background of this study, identification of the problem, limitation, research questions, purposes, and significance of this study. Background of the Study Academic dishonesty is someone’s or group of people tendency to commit dishonest behaviour in the field of education. Academic dishonesty contradicts academic integrity, which is about commitment to the values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility (Fundamental Values as cited in Ahmed, 2018). Academic dishonesty is involving various deviant behaviour that...
6 Pages 2701 Words
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