2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

An Overview On Arab Muslim Culture In America

Although Arab and Mulims are constantly placed in the same category in the US Census, with the unconscious thought of no clear distinction between the two, they both have their own distinctive make-up that separates them. As Shelby Telhami (2002) put it “most Arabs in America are not Muslim, and most Muslins in America are not Arabs.” Derald Wing Sue & David Sue (2016) stated, there are populations of Arabic speaking countries that have large numbers of Muslims living amongst...
6 Pages 2496 Words

Leadership Crisis In The Contemporary Muslim World

Abstract [bookmark: _Hlk23617257]This paper is a secondary study based on online research on how modernisation has impacted the contemporary Muslim world. The paper explores the various factors that have contributed to the decline in the Muslim Ummah including the inability of the Muslim leaders to handle the challenges brought by modernisation and how this weak leadership has further led to the decline in the Muslim Ummah in the contemporary world. This paper offers solutions on how the leadership crisis and...
6 Pages 2614 Words

What Is The Type And Extent Of Difficulty Bilingual Children With Dyslexia Have

Abstract The present proposal is a quantitative approach to study the type and extent of difficulty bilingual children with dyslexia may encounter when they are learning English as a second language. The aim of this proposal is to examine the effect alphabetic languages have when learning English, compared to non-alphabetic languages using word reading, orthographic and phonemic awareness tasks. The outcome of this study will contribute to the growing body of research within dyslexia and bilingualism, as well as discuss...
6 Pages 2566 Words

The Numerous Benefits Of Baby Sign Language

“They know what they want and they have no way of telling you except crying. It's like you’re giving them this gift, showing them how to express it.” This quote was said by Jennifer Pankowski, a mother who has personally seen the good that comes from using Amercian Sign Language with her hearing baby boy. Many resources are available to gather information about baby sign language, which is a simplified or broken down version of American Sign Language (ASL). A...
5 Pages 2428 Words

People Analytics Using Natural Language Processing

ABSTRACT Natural Language Processing can help the Human Resources department in the recruitment process and focus on more promising candidates in today’s globally connected and competitive marketplace, which is propelled by the explosion of digital information. HR or People Analytics apply sophisticated data science and machine learning to help organizations manage their people practically and efficiently. The flood of resumes can be onerous and time-consuming and the task of sorting through the pile can be downright profusely tedious for small-business...
5 Pages 2445 Words

Decoding The Genome With Machine Learning

Abstract In this paper, we introduce genomics, study of the structure, function, evolution, mapping, and editing of genomes. Genomics determines the sequence of molecules that make up DNA of an organism. Here, the genomes play a vital role. Genomes can be encoded as well as decoded. So, here we see how to decode a genome with the machine learning concept. Machine learning, the field which is concerned with the development and application of computer algorithms that improve with experience, provides...
5 Pages 2370 Words

Marriage, Parenting And Divorce In Early Adulthood

It is early adulthood that whatever lifestyle path that the young adult chooses to take, the path of marriage is one to greatly consider. It is in early adulthood that most young adults choose to get married, bear and raise children and settle down into family life. In order to well understand what marriage and family is, we have to first define the terms clearly. We now live in a contemporary society where families are comprised of married heterosexual and...
6 Pages 2523 Words

The Process Of The Church Reform Movements In 900-1100

Between 900 and 1100, religious society and culture in Europe underwent multifaceted changes, which reshaped the relationship between religious and secular society and the authority to each. Most historical narratives depict the changes in the church during this period is as the “Gregorian reform,” underlying the changes as a top-down and centralized reform. This characterization of reform views the agenda and activity of Gregory VII as the fullest expression of these goals and ushered in a radical reconceptualization of the...
6 Pages 2558 Words

The Peculiarities Of Muslim Marriage

Introduction Marriage is an important provision of Islam. Along with the creation of men, Almighty Allah has given some demands for all men and some methods for satisfying those demands. One of the important demands amongst all of them is marriage. Marriage is a special blessing of God to men and the important circumcision of the Prophet (PBUH). Marriage is a unique tool to prevent the depravity of human character. Marriage makes a starting of an Ideal family structure. Marriage...
5 Pages 2537 Words

Romanticizing The Past: Slow Life Strategists Use Nostalgia To Cope With Loneliness

From an evolutionary perspective, we all come from different environments and genetic combinations. These factors, along with many others, influence the development of humans. Life History Theory categorizes two different life strategies between slow and fast lifestyles. To distinguish one another, fast life strategists derive from unstable, unpredictable, and uncontrollable environments. Slow life strategists derive from stable, predictable, and controllable environments. These environmental conditions lead to different population densities to each’s own respective environment (Figueredo & Wolf, 2009). Each have...
6 Pages 2556 Words

Rejecting Hinduism As A Religious Identity Of Self

In a recent work, ‘The Coddling of the American Mind’ (2018), Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt talk about two versions of ‘Identity Politics’ : Common Humanity Identity Politics and Common-Enemy Identity Politics. They regard the former as a positive and loving approach since it aims at bringing the people of a community together to do away with the differences within it. Whereas the latter approach is based on the idea that a community is divided on several identities, and thus,...
5 Pages 2502 Words

Romeo And Juliet: Play To Movie Adaptation

The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare early in his career about two young star-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately reconcile their feuding families. It was one of Shakespeare's most popular plays during his lifetime and after his death and along with Hamlet, is one of his most frequently performed plays of all time. The death scene in Romeo and Juliet, act 5 Scene 3 is both a powerful and dramatic...
6 Pages 2693 Words

Differences Between Muslim Ummah And West

There has continually been a distinction between Islamic Ummah and West and their civilization and different aspects. This report can explore the variations of each. Civilization may be a heritage of social norms, moral values, ancient customs, belief systems, political systems, and specific artifacts and technologies that have some origin or association with Europe. Muslim Ummah believes and follows monotheism culture which might be delineate because the “belief within the identity of God (Allah) Islam religion} of Islamic Ummah enjoins...
5 Pages 2415 Words

Concussions And High Impact Sports

When considering a topic for a literature review my attention was instantly drawn to something concerning sports. Along the lines of sport, I was most interested in injury, injury prevention and rehabilitation from those injuries. Throughout my time playing sports both recreationally and in an organized setting I saw my fair share of injuries ranging from dislocations of shoulders, broken bones, and quite frequently concussions. The sports that I played were quite high impact like hockey. The concussions caught my...
5 Pages 2299 Words

Surveys And Experiments In Social Sciences

Background Snacking while working is an increasingly common phenomenon amongst those that lead desk-bound lifestyles, namely students and white-collar workers. The proliferation of this work habit is actually a basic form of ‘multitasking’. The prevalence of multitasking in society today has transformed the way people take on daily tasks and is widely considered as a valued skill set for productivity. However, contrary to popular understanding that multitasking is valuable, scientific evidence suggests a different story, sparking debates regarding its true...
6 Pages 2665 Words

The Concept Of Greed: Historical, Psychological And Biblical Perspectives

Introduction Over the decade, greed universally, have always been subjected to various argument based on perspectives however, with the same end result. Often times it is seen as part of human nature with the societal belief that it is one of the major causes of criminal activities and the fall of man in the society. As Wang and Murnighan (2011: 305) discussed, due to the lack of definitional clarity surrounding greed and challenges inherent in developing empirical measures, many researchers...
6 Pages 2678 Words

The Environmental Ethics And Hinduism Religion

For the research essay assignment on Eastern traditions in the Modern World, I chose as my subject Hinduism and the role that their environmental ethics plays with regards to the environment, when worldwide concerted efforts will be required to protect the earth’s natural environment from destruction as a result of irresponsible human activity. I will attempt through my research to address the following questions: How has Hinduism responded to the world concerns with regards to the urgency to protect our...
5 Pages 2367 Words

Susceptibility Genes vs. Modifier Genes

Diseases come in various types and subtypes and they all possess diverse underlying mechanisms. A common factor in all of them is the influence of the genetic background that is unique to every individual. The presence of susceptibility genes and modifier genes in our genome provides insights into the way our bodies respond to disease-causing factors and the complicated gene-gene interactions that take place resulting in varying outcomes. This review discusses the dynamics and complexities of susceptibility genes and modifier...
6 Pages 2722 Words

Team Management: Decisions To Take For Improving A Business

Introduction Microsoft is already one the leading product based global IT companies in the world with millions of dollars turnover each year. It is also one of the most successful companies in the world in various domains like computer hardware, cloud-based infrastructure, security etc. However, any company has scope for improvement for certain areas and so is Microsoft. I think what many big companies lack including Microsoft is the good acquaintance with soft skills. Soft skills are extremely essential within...
5 Pages 2491 Words

The Concept Of Sustainable Architecture

ABSTRACT This paper aims to present the rules and principles of Vastu Shastra; the concept of Sustainable Architecture, which has been laid down by ancient sages for the designing and planning of a residential space in Indian context. The article begins with an attempt to understand the importance of sustainable planning in today’s life by listing down the environmental issue which can be reduced by sustainable architecture also it further explain the important role of vastu shastra in the world...
6 Pages 2657 Words

Involuntary Sterilization As The Way Of Eugenics

Involuntary sterilization in the United states started with the Eugenics movement in early 20th century. Eugenics was a compulsory sterilization movement that was of decreasing non-favorable population, including disables, feeble-minded and non-Anglo people in US. (Barnett, 2004). Although the idea of manipulating human reproduction to improve the species has been traced back to Plato's Republic (circa 368 BCE) and beyond, the word eugenics has a recent and precisely identifiable origin. (Barnett, 2004). In true Victorian style, Galton—a scientific polymath and...
6 Pages 2717 Words

Horizontal Gene Transfer And Its Role In Evolution

Abstract Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) has a great role as a driving force in the evolution of prokaryotes and eukaryotes and has occupied a major role in evolutionary thinking. Many studies have shown how prokaryotic evolution has been manipulated by HGT such as the spread of antibiotic resistance in bacteria. The importance of HGT in eukaryotes has long been eclipsed due to variety of reasons. In the last decade, the study of interest now seems to focus more on eukaryotes...
5 Pages 2253 Words

Consumer Behavior: Price Attention & Memory

Introduction Consumer behavior is the study of how individual customers, groups or organizations select, buy, use, and dispose ideas, goods, and services to satisfy their needs and wants. It refers to the actions of the consumers in the marketplace and the underlying motives for those actions. (Consumer Behaviour 2014) The study of consumer Behaviour helps everybody as all are consumers. It is essential for marketers to understand consumers to survive and succeed in this competitive marketing environment. Consumers make price...
5 Pages 2255 Words

The Effect Of Reactants On Products In Cellular Energetics

Introduction Cellular energetics are types of ways in which cells, whether eukaryotes or prokaryotes, obtain energy to drive functions in a cell. Cellular respiration is one type, for eukaryotes, that uses reactants like sugar, such as glucose, and oxygen to create products of carbon dioxide, water, and energy in the form of ATP (Urry et al 2020). The purpose of this process is to create energy for the cell’s functions, water for the body, and carbon dioxide that is useful...
5 Pages 2251 Words

Shining Light On The Lives Of Sex Workers: A Step Towards Humanity

Abstract Sex work, is like any other profession in the world and the workers involved in such trade must be allowed to conduct their business freely without government intervention. That is to say, decriminalization of sex work is what is needed rather than legalization. Although there is a thin line of difference between prostitution and sex work, the activity remains the same. Consent is an essential element of sex work whereas many sex workers regard themselves as prostitutes, however, others...
5 Pages 2250 Words

Linguistic Human Rights In India

INTRODUCTION The geographical location of the Indian sub-continent and the various historical forces have brought into the land people with different ethnic origins and varying culture based on religion, language and philosophy of life. Linguistic diversity is one of the marked features of the Indian society. There are well recognized regions within the Indian having distinct languages of their own. During the British rule, the territorial units were organized on considerations of administrative efficiency and as such they were multi-lingual...
5 Pages 2460 Words

What Makes A Language A World Language?

Introduction A world language can be defined as a language that is spoken around the world and learnt by many people as a second language (Baker & Jones, 1998). However, what exactly makes a world language, a world language? There are five common assumptions typically associated with world languages and in this essay, they will be discussed and evaluated along with other relevant factors. Assumptions of world languages The five assumptions are: 1. World powers make world languages The concept...
6 Pages 2650 Words

Integration MOOC On Creativity And Entrepreneurship Into Tertiary Foreign Language Teaching

ABSTRACT The formation of creativity of future entrepreneurs still remains one of the important issues of modern training at university. Future graduates should be able to think, analyze and be imaginative in finding solutions in situations that follow the procedures of professional training and personal development. It is extracurricular activities in a foreign language that enable us to engage a student in active, imaginative, research and cognitive activity and provide the building of a professional foreign language competence of future...
5 Pages 2434 Words

To What Extent Was Pope Urban II Responsible For The First Crusade?

The Crusades did not happen all of a sudden. Right from the advent of Christianity, numerous religious campaigns had been initiated by the royalty as well as the Roman Catholic Church to protect Christianity from perceived threats, particularly from the belligerence of the Muslims. This essay will explore the events that led to the momentous speech of Pope Urban II that eventually triggered the Crusades. The required information for this paper has been drawn from two seminal texts on the...
5 Pages 2313 Words

The Characteristics Of Prenatal Gene Therapy

Abstract In today’s society, there are numerous children that are born with a childhood disease that is life-threatening. Many children do not live past the age of five with some of these debilitating diseases. As a result, researchers are tackling the crisis by editing the mutated gene of the child while in gestation. Therefore, this will eliminate the possibly that the child is born with a disease. Many of the current studies are in animal trials but will soon be...
5 Pages 2430 Words
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