Volleyball is a sport in which two teams of six players hit a ball back and forth over a high net, seeking to get the ball to touch the court within the opponents' playing area before returning it. To circumvent this, a player on the opposing team bats the ball up and toward a teammate before it touches the court surface; that teammate may then volley it back across the net or bat it to a third teammate who volleys it across the net. A team is only allowed three touches of the ball before it must be returned over the net.
Volleyball was conceived in 1895 by William G. Morgan, the physical director of the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) in Holyoke, Massachusetts. It was intended to be an indoor sport when it was invented. Morgan drafted the original rules, which were published in the Athletic League of the Young Men's Christian Associations of North America's Official Handbook in its first edition (1897). Volleyball was established as an Olympic sport for both men and women at the 1964 Tokyo Olympic Games.
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Volleyball is a sport that can be played both indoors and out, and it requires very little equipment and room to play. The game is played on a smooth-surfaced court that is 9 meters (30 feet) wide by 18 meters (60 feet) long and divided into two equal portions by a central line, one of which is chosen or assigned to each of the two competing teams. Players may not walk completely beyond the center line while the ball is in play. A line 3 meters (10 feet) from and parallel to the center line of either court marks the point in front of which a backcourt player may not drive the ball over the net from a position over the top of the net (This offensive maneuver, known as a spike or kill, is usually performed most successfully and with the most power near the net by the forward line of players.)
Net heights for men and women are 2.4 meters (8 feet) and 2.2 meters (7.4 feet), respectively, measured from the top edge of the net to the playing surface in the center of the court. Volleyball can be played by any size group. Each team features six players in competition: three forwards in a row near and facing the net, and three backcourt players. Only one point is awarded for a successful play at a time. A game is won by the team that scores 25 points first, except in the fifth set, when a team must only score 15 points and win by two points.
The libero is the only member of the team who is not allowed to serve or rotate to the front line, and he or she wears a different color than the rest of the team.
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