500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay about OKC Bombing

In America, the overwhelming population of criminals that have been convicted of crimes that instill a sense of paralyzing fear in innocent citizens is absurd. This is where the death penalty becomes an alternative that takes a sense of fear away from America and helps restore their faith in our justice system. Almost forty years ago, a prolific serial killer who is best known as Ted Bundy had begun his countless killings of young women across the United States (Nichols)....
1 Page 518 Words

Essay on Interpretation of Racism in ‘The Help’

Sometime in the 1960s, a lot of dilemmas emerged. There was “the Cold War” and the “Civil Rights”. But the big dilemma that struck me most was the racism from the time of old until now. A movie called “The Help” has shown a very clear interpretation of what racism was. The author Katheryn Stockett, Published the book back on February 10, 2009, before the movie was released on August 9, 2011. In the small town of Jackson Mississippi, a...
1 Page 492 Words

Impacts of COVID-19 on Students Life

No one ever realized that such a microscopic size organism can wreak such havoc within the entire world and be the explanation for thousands of deaths. it's not that such an outbreak went on for the primary time, but during this age of social media liberty where information spread faster than the speed of sound, things look much bigger than they're. A long-lasting impact has been created by the notorious COVID-19 from which it'll take many months to recover if...
1 Page 506 Words

Essay on Stewardship of the Profession

The Army is constantly changing in a lot of ways, including with the NCO Corps. The days of leader schools focusing on basic soldier tasks (such as land navigation, battle drills, etc) are disappearing. Those things are important, but the Army is now focusing on a more educational way of training NCOs. The Army has implemented a new strategy called NCO 2020. The Army’s new strategy focuses on Development, Talent Management, and Stewardship of the Profession. The focus of the...
1 Page 498 Words

Essay on Service above Self

I have never given much thought to what my nursing philosophy may be, though I have heard the term once or twice it's not a major emphasis in nursing school. I think as student nurses we are hyper-focused on having the right answer, memorizing drugs, and not making mistakes that we never think about something as fundamental as what we believe about nursing as both a lifestyle and profession. To me, I was too immature in my position to develop...
1 Page 489 Words

Essay on Passion for Helping Others

Passion can be defined as a strong emotion that can lead one to do great or terrible things and is a word that can undertake several meanings. It can be evoked from feelings of love, joy, or anger and is what ultimately drives me, along with many others to reach short-term and long-term life goals. Passion is the main force behind success and happiness that allows one to live a more fulfilled life. Passion also gives one the ability to...
2 Pages 523 Words

Essay on Goals for Studying Abroad

Studying abroad can be a life-changing experience for me. It can be said that studying abroad is the best way to learn knowledge, experience, and the quintessence of the country where you are studying. Students who learn abroad are, therefore, more appreciated than students at home, and their future is guaranteed. While I`m aware that moving to a completely new country for the first time in my life can be challenging, I`m looking forward to the wonderful opportunities that it...
1 Page 495 Words

Classical Music and Visual Bias

Music is everywhere. It is heard, it creates music everywhere. Everyone listens to and produces music, no matter what their job or status in life. The inclinations or the type of music we like are different. Sometimes the music we listen to depends on our mood. Sometimes jazz, sometimes classical, and who knows what else. We are united by music, giving each other the opportunity to be with each other, to express feelings or emotions using music. Sometimes we describe...
1 Page 525 Words

What Are Dubai's Prospects for Becoming the Most Innovative City in the World: Analytical Essay

Millions of people from around the world are currently working in Dubai and are earning a lot more than what they ever expected for themselves. At the same time there are millions around the world, who are looking forward to shift their setup to UAE and start working in this country. But what are the reasons people are choosing UAE and Dubai in general as their host land for investing the money that they have. It is well-established fact that...
1 Page 496 Words

Controversy Surrounding Dieting in 'Why Diets Fail': Movie Review

Among one of the episodes of the American documented television series ‘Explained’ is ‘Why Diets Fail’. The episode, which is dated 2018 is narrated by Maria Bello. The main idea of the film is body weight loss, which is believed to be related to dieting. For a long time, beauty standards have been set to make people believe that those who have a perfect body are the ‘thin’. The introduction of the film, with no doubt, makes mention of this....
1 Page 487 Words

Essay on Similarities between Grendel and Frankenstein's Monster

‘Grendel’ was written by John Gardner and in the novel, unlike the creature Grendel lives at home with his mother who occasionally lacks interaction with him. Because of this Grendel isn’t too pleased with his mother most of the time. For most mothers in today’s society, they communicate with us every day however that was quite the opposite when it came to his mother. For that reason, Grendel willing wants to engage within the society, by observing the humans. The...
1 Page 498 Words

Should the United States Have Annexed the Philippines: Discursive Essay

By and large, there are numerous logical inconsistencies concerning the addition of the Philippines. Consequently, against colonialism remains contrary to the U.S. development; while dominion underpins the possibility of occupation. There is a need to think about the contentions of the two sides to comprehend the points of interest and inconveniences of the approaches. Albert Beveridge believes that individuals are to be controlled without their assent. In this manner, he discusses their effective approach concerning different regions the nation controls....
1 Page 479 Words

Review of the Movie ‘A Beautiful Mind’

John Forbes Nash, Jr. Is a genius when it comes to math, he was especially amazing early in his life but eventually his mental health caught up. He invents an amazing discovery early in his career and that stood up internationally. Nash was an arrogant and handsome man. Later, Nash found himself with pain and misery with his mental health. After many years of struggle, he eventually won over his pain. Finally, late in life he received the Nobel Prize....
1 Page 499 Words

Pit Bulls Should Be Given a Chance: Argumentative Essay

Imagine how much you love and care for your pet dog and then imagine how will it make you feel if people were debating if his breed should be banned or not. Would you like a Labrador, a German Shepherd, or any other breed of dog to become inaccessible to humans? Of course not. Unfortunately, that is how about 4 million pit bull owners feel when people say that their beloved pet dogs should be banned. For years the all-in-all...
1 Page 505 Words

Is Forrest Gump Mentally and Developmentally Disabled: Essay

Presently, there are several films that portrays a number men and women with intellectual and development disabilities that conjures up humans notwithstanding of their restrictions. It shows how special these exceptional adolescents are that have been undervalued and disregarded by using our society long time ago. Thus, the movie ‘Forrest Gump’, performed via Tom Hanks, tells about a 'slow-witted' character who by no means suppose any less of his incapabilities via his supportive mother. Despite of it, he grew to...
1 Page 493 Words

Heroism in Greek and American Cultures

Heroism ideally is about having great bravery. Culture values and myths are similar because they have the same concept. Ancient Greek is more fighting cyclops, while American culture is more risking your life to save others. The meaning of heroism is someone who is willing to save someone above themselves. Heroism is seen a lot in American culture by helping others and in mythology by saving the day. Heroism is seen in the books ‘The Odyssey’ and ‘Mythology and You’....
1 Page 499 Words

Exploring My Key Strengths

A strength is defined as having the ability to provide nearly perfect performance in a specific activity. The key to building a fully developed strength is to identify your most prevalent talents, which can be found in the top five themes of the strengths quest assessment. The CliftonStrengths quest helps students understand their strengths, talents, and even weaknesses for a future occupation. My top five results were communication, analytical, activator, relator, and individualization. I see these strengths in myself in...
1 Page 496 Words

Essay on My Personal Worldviews

My worldviews have been significantly impacted by my surroundings, and are based on my experiences, and influences from family, friends, teachers and media. My views have been shaped by combination of sad events, experiences and beliefs passed down by my family. I believe humanity acquired the core values and beliefs from childhood and are greatly influenced by their families, some of which are passed down over generations. I strongly believe that the universe was created by God inclusive of all...
1 Page 501 Words

Essay on Art in Rome

Rome made a lot of conquests and with the territory it was gaining Rome was also attaining some cultural influences. For this reason, it is very common to see influences on Roman art from the Greeks, the Etruscan and the Egyptians (Ambler, 2015). The Greeks had the most influence on Roman art and culture to the point that Rome adapted much of Greek cultural heritage, and she even used to commission famous Greek works. The Romans copied a lot of...
1 Page 476 Words

Essay on Currency of the United States

Did you know there are only two people that weren’t presidents on our U.S. dollars? There are some familiar faces on the U.S. dollars as we see today. There were presidents on U.S. dollars, but not on every dollar, two were never presidents at all actually. Benjamin Franklin and Alexander Hamilton are on the ten and one hundred dollar bills. In fact, Franklin and Hamilton were not U.S. presidents at all. According to www.treasury.gov, U.S. currency has the following: George...
1 Page 501 Words

Essay on Cool Jazz: Warm, Elegant, Soothing and Relaxed

In the late 1940s, as a response to bebop, a new, softer, warmer, more relaxed and relaxed jazz style appeared, which is called 'cool jazz'. It is mainly composed of white musicians and is concentrated on the west coast of the United States, so it is also known as 'West Coast jazz'. Cool jazz is like a kind of emotional music. It tries to combine jazz with classical music, trying to get rid of the empty and overly tense elements...
1 Page 505 Words

City of Love and City of Lights, Paris

Paris is known to be the city of love and city of lights, where people from all over the globe visit this lovely place with their loved ones and share their love. Paris is ten times older than other countries. When we think of Paris, we get reminded of the second most popular place in the world, the Eiffel Tower, it’s the most romantic sight where the lovers propose. The most beautiful sight is the Eiffel Tower being lighted up....
1 Page 499 Words

Unique Insight into Complex Human Experiences in 'Billy Elliot' and 'The Boy in the Striped Pajamas'

Every film, fiction or non-fiction, will have their own unique ideas and themes about a certain topic. The movie ‘Billy Elliot’ demonstrates new perspectives about complex human experiences, such as the human desire to accomplish individual goals and the rebellious nature of human beings who feel inclined to fight against corrupt authorities. The 2008 movie by Mark Herman, ‘The Boy in Striped Pajamas’ presents similar themes that are challenged to gift us with unique insight into complex human experiences. Furthermore,...
1 Page 522 Words

3D Animation and Its Growing Popularity

I think that the use of 3D animation films has grown tremendously over the last few years. The first 3D animated series began with ‘VeggieTales’. It was created in 1993 and basically set the stage for other 3D animated films to come after. The first totally animated movie was ‘Toy Story’. Other films before it had used 3D animation to make bits and pieces but this was the first film that used it entirely. Another thing that made 3D animation...
1 Page 514 Words

The Truman Show’ and the Discovery of Reality

‘The Truman Show’ offers viewers a great insight into the concept of discovery by presenting themes of Descartes’ perception and reality and the power of media are prevalent in the process of discovery promoting a sense of reality and awareness of one’s place in life. In this film directed by Peter Weir, the viewers are confronted with the eponymous character’s quest for reality as he experiences countless setbacks in his search for definitive answers to questions of reality. By portraying...
1 Page 507 Words

First Steps of Globalization: Impacts of Columbian Exchange

First people leading to globalization and the extension on exchange were some European travelers like Henry the Navigator who went to West Africa, Columbus, and Vasco Da Gama. These wayfarers were being financed by the rulers of western Europe, and the reason for their investigation is to enable Europe to stay aware of the development of exchange that is going on in Asia. The Indian Ocean Basin was hugely prominent creating tons and huge amounts of business sectors and cash...
1 Page 521 Words

Two Mirrored Slavery Fates Described in Oroonoko and Voltaire´s Candide

Slavery was an economic and cultural standard in this era when these two stories were written: Oroonoko by Aphra Ben and Candide by Voltaire. In the story of Oroonoko; or, The Royal Slave, the captain of a transport vessel persuades Oroonoko to board the ship under the pretense that he would be reunited with his partner and later delivers him into slavery. Not only was he forced into slavery, Imoinda, his beloved companion also is marketed into slavery. Oroonoko later...
1 Page 507 Words

Elaborating Ghost Genre In The Mystery of the Faded Girl

The inspiration of the story “The Mystery of the Faded Girl”, emerged from a book by Jeffrey Archer which I had read and had a similar plot. In this essay, I explored the genre of ghost story. I presented a gripping event in the beginning and built on it to engage with the reader but avoiding to wrap it up a neatly. The structure is made up of some few basic elements in ghost stories within a mundane scene, for...
1 Page 507 Words

Impact of Houyhnhnms on Gulliver and His Views: Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift

Gulliver's Travels - Reading Response 1. What are your reactions to reading Book IV of Gulliver’s Travels? Did you find it interesting, surprising, amusing, challenging? Why? I find it interesting and amusing as Jonathan Swift very creatively swapped human nature with that of animal nature and gifted the animals a privilege to be human like. Swift portrayed animals to be better than humans as they didn’t even know about words like war, power, lie and many more. He sarcastically used...
1 Page 500 Words

Introduction and Exchange of Legume Varieties During Columbian Exchange

The Columbian exchange was an extensive trade of animals, plants, culture, human populations, communicable diseases and ideas between the American and Afro-Eurasian hemispheres which followed the voyage of Christ Columbus to the American in 1492. The Columbian exchange had a great impact but some negative and positive, for example, the introduction of New World crops, such as potatoes and corn to the Old World. The negative impact was things such as the spread of diseases, and also the transmission of...
1 Page 525 Words
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