500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Brief Description of Melanoma and It's Evolution among Men and Women

Melanoma is an autosomal dominant disease which means that if you are to inherit it, the person before you would have had to have not one but two copies of the gene. If the melanoma is inherited it is called “familial malignant melanoma. If one of your parents had the two copies then you have a 50-50 chance of getting it. According to cancer.net, “Overall, about 8% of people newly diagnosed with melanoma have a first-degree relative with melanoma.” Also...
1 Page 489 Words

Bioterrorism: Issues Related to US National Food Security

Contemporary Issues Dealing With Food Safety The augmentation of food protection consideration manifests an in depth all-around notion of nourishment's in global transactions. Foodborne diseases are increasing worldwide, particularly in the developing countries, due to neglect of personal hygiene and food hygiene (Yilmaz & Çakıroğlu, 2016). Alongside the expanding measure of tour, migration and trade, the progression at which threatening impurities and microorganisms penetrating through the boundary lines has also sold interest to public safety globally. During this exposition, readers...
1 Page 493 Words

Interpreting Meaning behind the Lines of Lawrence's Sons and Lovers

I think this book is about family issues in the Middle Ages. Here the mother loves her children very much. The book is about the love of sons. The life of the Morel family is unhappy, tense and anxious. Morles lives in a mining town in the village. Walter Morel is a miner and has two children, William and Ennie, with his wife, Gertrude, and they are expecting their third child. When Paul, the third child, was born, Ms. Morel...
1 Page 508 Words

History and Current Structure of Roman-Dutch or Common Law in Namibia

Roman-Dutch / Common law The introduction of Roman-Dutch law into Namibia is closely interconnected with the political and historical advancement of Namibia, after the occupation of the territory by South African troops in 1915, German law continued to be in force except for such laws as were found obligatory to be retracted under martial law. Roman-Dutch law was officially acquainted as the common law of the territory by Proclamation 21 of 1919, (S.W.A Gazette, No. 25 of 1919) which provided...
1 Page 481 Words

Sugar or Biofuel: Trends for International Sugar Trade and Investment

Sugar is one of the most valuable agricultural commodities. Around 80 per cent of the world’s sugar is derived from sugar cane, grown by millions of small-scale farmers and plantation workers in developing countries. In some countries, sugar beet growers’ contracts with processors, which operate as farmer-owned cooperatives, require those who leave unharvested acres to pay a fee to the cooperative so it can pay its bills in leaner years. Sugar has been falling since October 2016 after more than...
1 Page 501 Words

Reflective Essay: Analysis of the Painting ‘The Entombment of Christ’

In this essay I will be analysing the painting ‘The Entombment of Christ.’ I chose this painting as it stood out to me more than the other two options. I think this was because it is an image that I would know the story behind due to learning religion throughout school unlike the other two art pieces. It was also clear to see that there was a lot of meaning behind it. Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio was born in 1571...
1 Page 512 Words

Reflective Essay on Holy Week and Easter

Holy Thursday is called Maundy Thursday for the reason that the word Maundy comes from the latin, 'mandatum', or 'command' which refers to the instructions Jesus gave his disciples at the Last Supper. In many countries the day is known as Holy Thursday and is a public holiday. Maundy Thursday is part of Holy Week and is always the last Thursday before Easter. There are a few theories about why Good Friday is called Good Friday, but only one seems...
1 Page 502 Words

Portrayals of New Urbanism: Opinion Essay

Portrayal of history We can consider the history of planning as a progression series of new urban methodologies. Emergencies in urban conditions lead to new arranging ideas and approaches intended to rectify the situation. Kelbaugh (1989) noticed that new urbanists draw on 2000 years of involvement with building great urban communities. New urbanism investigates the history, drawing exercises essentially from the classical style conventions of the Greeks, Romans, and Europeans. Urbanism in these customs ordinarily encouraged individual and social glorification....
1 Page 514 Words

Perceptions of the Causes of Eating Disorders: General Overview

Summary In this research, assumptions about the causes of eating disorders were examined among those with eating disorders and those without it. Through understanding the differences in presumed causes between the two groups, it is possible to develop better education programs for those suffering from eating disorders. Research purposes Gaining such information will help scholars recognize the educational needs of the public, and better resolve missing knowledge gaps. More accurate information may eliminate misinformation regarding eating disorders, which may motivate...
1 Page 478 Words

Overcoming Adversity Essay

“Sometimes adversity is what you need to face in order to become a successful person”- Zig Ziglar. Everyone has hardships at some point during their life. Tragic situations can influence people in different ways. Adversity can urge us to do things in a better or more unfavorable way; however, it all depends on our response to the situation. If you choose the right path, adversity can shape your identity in a good way. In the movie, The Greatest Showman, P.T...
1 Page 521 Words

Negative Effects of Ballet

Whether Ballet Is Good for Health? Strength, endurance, flexibility, and skill-four parameters that define a dancer’s career. Although ballet is characterized by its artistic nature, it is also considered a high-intensity sport, requiring a strong physical foundation. Nonetheless, the research on the biomechanical nature of these athletes remains limited. The intense training regimes of these athletes will have an impact on their musculoskeletal development which will then determine their future success and also their risk of injury. Thus, it is...
1 Page 496 Words

Michelangelo Creation of Adam Humanism

To be human is to be both heroic and deeply flawed, self-sacrificing and selfish, competitive and giving. For the Greeks, the human body laid bare the divinity of beauty. The ancient Greek view of humanity is emphasized by the human body. Greek artists highlighted physical beauty and athleticism in their works. The Greeks see physical beauty as godly and divine. Ancient Greek art stands out among that other ancient cultures for its development of naturalistic but idealized depictions of the...
1 Page 477 Words

Impact of Impressionism on Artistic Heritage: Analytical Essay

Like any other forms of art movements, the impressionism art movement came about to defy and challenge the status quo of the current art establishments. The realism art movement that preceded the impressionism art movement followed strict neo-classical guidelines and must conform to certain mathematical and academic rulings. Realism artists are also instructed to follow preestablished composition methods, colors, perspective, light and shade, etc. The impressionism movement emerged to convey that there are other ways of creating masterpieces that express...
1 Page 515 Words

Honors College Essay

Honors College is usually observed as the place where all the smart kids are, however, I see far beyond that. When I think of UIC’s Honors College program, I automatically think of community. In high school, my group of friends and I saw education as an opportunity. Since we shared that mindset, it encouraged and helped us to strive harder and to achieve more. Although I could have achieved as much as I did without those friends, I feel that...
1 Page 501 Words

Greco Roman Influence on Western Civilization

Despite the emphasis on world techniques and interactions, world history has often been based on the dominance of the West. The western world, also acknowledged as the West constitutes a number of regions, nations, and states. Many historians attribute the Rise of the West to the time period of 1450 to 1850. The western world constitutes the majority of Europe, North America, and Australia. The western world is code-named Occident, which used to be coined from the Greek word Occident...
1 Page 480 Words

Garden at Sainte-Adresse Painting by Claude Monet: Critical Analysis

Monet spent the summer of 1867 with his family at Sainte-Adresse, a seaside resort near Le Havre. Claude Monet’s Garden at Sainte-Adresse initially appears to be a painting of leisure. The painting’s charming subject and brilliant colours disguise the more complex issues of pictorial depiction that Monet introduces (The Metropolitan Museum of Art. 2000). Such that his piece does not only share the delight of looking–a passive or subconscious activity–but it also allows the audience to see–an act of devoting...
1 Page 485 Words

Essay on My Hobby Painting

Every child enjoys painting or drawing. It doesn't really matter if the outcome is an exact replica of reality because at that precise instant reality is in the artist's thoughts. They are both artists while they draw, and they will each pause to take in their own creations. They are already artists, thus they don't want to change. Every one of us harbors the inner artist who has a vision of the world that is expressed via our emotions and...
1 Page 515 Words

Cats vs Dogs Essay

Compare and Contrast: Dogs or Cats -- Is There Really A Better Pet? A dog or a cat: which would you choose? By nature, dogs are pack animals; they do best in an environment where they are surrounded by animals or people that can provide for them, even if their “pack” is only made up of one person. Because of their pack mentality, dogs desire attention and companionship. They enjoy being near their owner and dislike being left out or...
1 Page 514 Words

Analysis of Unconventional Art World: Guernica and The Jungle

Artists create new ways of seeing and representing the world through visual perception by defying key features of conventionalism. Artists such as Pablo Picasso (1881 – 1973) and Wifredo Lam (1902 – 1982) were central contributors to the unconventional art world throughout the 1900s. Pablo Picasso’s oil painting, ‘Guernica’ (1937), is a politically oriented cubist painting highlighting the artist’s immediate response to the Spanish Nationalist, Fascist Italian, and Nazi German Luftwaffe bombings on Guernica (Northern Spain). Wifredo Lam’s gouache painting,...
1 Page 510 Words

Admissions Essay to Become a Fashion Designer

To be perfectly candid – I never would have envisioned myself finally pursuing my Masters in the field of Art & Design; not till today at the very least. Like every other young designer out there, my aspirations and desires (career-wise, of course) at first started with ruling the roost of the fashion world and ended with making a name for myself out there as a world-famous fashion designer – the usual blitz and glam way of life we are...
1 Page 494 Words

Working People around the World and May Day: Discursive Essay

Kwara human beings say their demand for implementation of the N30,000 minimum wage is non-negotiable. The organised labour in Kwara has declared that the demand of personnel for implementation of the N30,000 minimum wage is non-negotiable. The workers, beneath the umbrella of the Trade Union Congress (TUC) and the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), made their attribute diagnosed on Saturday in Ilorin for the dimension of the Workers Day celebration. The TUC chairman in the state, Akinsola Akinwunmi, referred to as...
1 Page 518 Words

The Death of Ivan Ilyich: Critical Analysis

Through the use of inference, the novella, The Death of Ivan Ilyich, is a condemnation of the superficial values in bourgeois relationships, as demonstrated by the character's actions and thoughts. In the novella, “The Death Of Ivan Ilyich” Peter was a fake to Ivan because he does not do or say what he thinks and he just keeps the relationship because Ivan has a lot of money and status. Peter just thinks about his own benefit when he does and...
1 Page 513 Words

Summary and Analysis of The Little Prince

The narrator, who is also the pilot, talks about his struggle as a child to illustrate a boa constrictor consuming an elephant. The narrator initially sketches the picture from the outside, but everyone thinks it’s a hat. So he tries to draw the boa constrictor from the inside, yet at this moment, the adults tell him to stop drawing them and rather focus on more important things such as geography and arithmetic. Instead, the narrator pursues a different career path,...
1 Page 519 Words

Representation of Power in Ozymandias: Critical Analysis

How Power is presented in Ozymandias and London are very similar but there are some anomalies. For example the way both poems are structured. In London, there are paragraphs. Four in fact. I suggest that this has to do with how power in William Blake's time was controlled. The space between the paragraphs symbolises the change of power or power is not continuously in one person's hand. On the other hand ozymandias is one paragraph symbolising continuous power held by...
1 Page 520 Words

Opinion Essay on The Masque of The Red Death

When announcing the following news in the Rose Garden of the White House, most of the people were not covered, and people crowded Edgar Allan Poe's 'The Mask of the Red Death almost on the nose. When it was revealed earlier Friday that President Trump had tested positive for the coronavirus, and as the White House, especially the Rose Garden, became a hot spot, I couldn't help but think about Poe's dark and bitter work. The 'Red Mask of Death'...
1 Page 512 Words

Great Depression in The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck

In The Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck writes about the Great Depression, the Dust Bowl, and the anguishing journey a family endures while trying to travel cross-country. The Great Depression was the cruelest financial decline in the account of the industrialized world from 1929. In contrast, the Dust Bowl was the time in history where severe dust blizzards occurred and deeply impaired the ecosystem of American lands. Similarly, The Grapes of Wrath was written in 1939 and tells the journey...
1 Page 502 Words

Fact Versus Fancy in Hard Times: Critical Analysis

“Dicken’s Hard Times begins in a classroom of facts and concludes in the circus of fancy. In a well-organized and coherent essay, discuss the significance of this shift of the setting to the theme of the novel. “ The theme of Fact and Fancy features prominently within Hard Times, reflecting a debate of major concern for Dickens and his peers during their era in Victorian England. Fact and Fancy can be seen as antagonistic concepts that compete by means of...
1 Page 476 Words

Essence of Thanksgiving Day: Descriptive Essay

Thanksgiving is one of the most anticipated and celebrated holidays in the United States. It is a time when family and friends come together as one and give thanks. However, Thanksgiving can be a complex occasion due to the planning, preparing, and cooking of the holiday dinner. Despite these challenges, everyone can work together to make the dinner go smoothly. Also, if done right, these components call help to create an exciting and successful Thanksgiving dinner. When planning a Thanksgiving...
1 Page 483 Words

Essay on The Perks of Being a Wallflower: Character Analysis

Two characters that have endured similar things in life; losing someone very close and also being devoted to someone else. However, comprehending their emotions very differently. This essay will analogize the characters sort of interactions with other people; however, in order to do that, we have to understand the beginning. In the novel by Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower, we follow a character named Charlie. Charlie is a people pleaser and very much of a wallflower. Instead...
1 Page 518 Words

Essay on Hera Goddess and Zeus

Hera was the daughter of Cronus and Rhea and she used to be the Queen of Olympus. She was of first-rate importance in Green faith given that she was once the queen of all Olympian gods and the sister and wife of Zeus (Roman 204). The relationship between Hera and Zeus represented the trade in Greek culture. In early Greek Mythology, girls have been the supreme gods and the Earth Mother used to be the creator of new life. However,...
1 Page 509 Words
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