700 Word Essay Examples

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Literary Devices in 'Othello': Critical Essay

A soliloquy is a long speech delivered by one character to other characters or to the audience. The purpose of a soliloquy is essentially to give the audience more information about events or background regarding the drama. Iago's soliloquy in the play Othello is especially significant. The audience will notice more in the soliloquy about how Iago has no regard for other people, and in another, we see how completely devoid of conscience he is. In Act 1, Scene 3...
2 Pages 715 Words

Foreshadowing in 'A Rose for Emily': Literary Analysis Essay

In analyzing and understanding literature, one of the critical factors is the concept of point of view. It shapes the readers’ perception of the story, based on the attitude the narrator has toward the themes, and events described in the story. There are several types of the point of view concept. First, it depends on the one that is telling the story (first, second, or First-person); on the opposite hand, it's determined by the amount of the narrator’s awareness). This...
2 Pages 705 Words

Essay on 'Fahrenheit 451': The Sieve and The Sand Summary

Based on the 1951, Ray Bradbury novel Montag is a fireman that lives in a lonely, society where books were banned by the government fearing oneself thinking. In this society firefighters have to burn any books on sight or that people inform them of because they believe it gives people more time to think for themselves. Many people in this society including Montag's wife are drugged into submissiveness and get their information from television screens that are about a length...
2 Pages 718 Words

Analysis of Isolation: Essay on ‘A Rose for Emily’

'Love is like a wild-rose briar; friendship is like the holly-tree. The holly tree is dark when the rose briar blooms, but which one will bloom most constantly?' In 'A Rose for Emily', William Faulkner utilizes a neurotic intrigue to recount to a tale about the fundamental character Miss Emily Grierson by enlightening us regarding her family and how her dad's demise affected her when she was a kid. Another way he utilizes an obsessive intrigue is he discloses to...
2 Pages 723 Words

Adam Frankenstein Essay

In the Romantic era, there was a book named “Frankenstein” written by Mary Shelley. Then in the Victorian era, “The Curious Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” by Robert Louis Stevenson and both novels are monster horror stories. Both of these novels have different literary themes since they were written in different time periods and the authors had different beliefs. With the novels being from different time periods I am going to compare both of them in order to...
1 Page 678 Words

The Desire to Become Real Estate Manager Essay

Ever since I was young, I have been fascinated by the world of real estate. The idea of owning and managing properties, making strategic investments, and helping people find their dream homes has always captivated my imagination. As I grew older, this fascination evolved into a deep desire to pursue a career as a real estate manager. This narrative essay will delve into my journey and the driving forces behind my aspiration to become a real estate manager. The seed...
1 Page 683 Words

Taekwondo Black Belt Essay

Introduction From the moment I stepped into the Taekwondo dojang, I knew that I had found my passion. The blend of physical discipline, mental focus, and spiritual development drew me in, and I embarked on a journey that would transform my life. Through years of training, countless hours of practice, and overcoming numerous challenges, I have reached the pinnacle of my Taekwondo journey: the coveted Black Belt. In this narrative essay, I will recount my personal journey to achieving this...
1 Page 678 Words

Peter Singer’s ‘Rich and Poor’: Critical Essay

Introduction In his thought-provoking essay 'Rich and Poor,' philosopher Peter Singer delves into the complex issue of global wealth distribution and the moral obligations of the affluent towards the impoverished. Singer challenges conventional notions of charity and argues for a more radical approach to addressing poverty. This essay will critically analyze Singer's arguments, examining the strengths and weaknesses of his position and exploring alternative perspectives on the ethical dilemma of wealth disparity. Body Singer begins his essay by presenting a...
1 Page 684 Words

Essay on the Similarities between ‘The Story of an Hour’ and ‘Sweat’

Introduction Kate Chopin's "The Story of an Hour" and Zora Neale Hurston's "Sweat" are two compelling short stories that explore the theme of women's struggles within oppressive marriages. While the stories are set in different time periods and contexts, they share striking similarities in their portrayal of female protagonists who experience confinement and yearn for liberation. This essay will compare and contrast the similarities between the themes, characterizations, and narrative structures of these two powerful stories. Themes of Oppression and...
1 Page 682 Words

Homelessness Research Paper

Homelessness is a worldwide issue. Homelessness can be the result of social, economic, and some health-related factors. Due to a lack of housing, people get short life span or illness. Homeless people are suffering from major chronic conditions. The aim of this essay is to show the experiences, healthcare needs, and strategies to improve the health condition of homeless people effectively. There are some experiences of homeless people in streets, under-bridges, or in parks. The interviewed participants are J and...
1 Page 684 Words

What Does 'The Yellow Wallpaper' Symbolize: Critical Essay

'The Yellow Wallpaper' by Charlotte Perkins Gilman is a popular literary painting of critical analysis, mainly for feminine gender studies. It focuses on some inequality in the marriage between John and his wife. This tale explains the deterioration of the physical and mental condition of ladies in the nineteenth century, as clinical prescription allows negligence. Gilman created a notably effective fictitious story based totally on his non-public experience of melancholy. The purpose of this tale is to sentence the sexual...
2 Pages 713 Words

Overpopulation in Prisons and Death Penalty: Analytical Essay

The death penalty has been around for over 4,000 years, demonstrating that virtually all human civilizations have practiced it. The criminal justice system has continued to apply this punishment to criminal offenders involved in significant offenses such as murder and robbery with violence. Nonetheless, there is continued opposition to applying the death penalty by the human rights bodies who view it as a violation of the right to life. Hence, the need for the criminal justice system in all countries...
2 Pages 692 Words

An Eye for an Eye: Critical Essay on Death Penalty

Capital punishment means putting a person to death as a form of punishment for a crime they have committed against the state, for example, murder. No one has been executed in the United Kingdom since 1964. The death penalty goes against the sanctity of life, the people carrying out the killing are going against God’s plan for the criminal’s life as they are ending their life before God had planned to. This is one of the reasons with the Catholic...
2 Pages 701 Words

Critical Essay on Assimilation in 'A Raisin in the Sun'

Beneath's Identity and Independence in A Raisin in the Sun As adolescents and young adults, we all seek, sooner or later, to forge our own identities and become independent. In A Raisin in the Sun, a play written by Lorraine Hansberry in 1958, we follow Beneatha, an ambitious college student who dreams of becoming a doctor, as she explores her African roots while balancing her aspirations for freedom and agency. In Act I Scene 2, the conversation between Beneatha and...
1 Page 685 Words

Critical Analysis Essay on George Murchison's 'A Raisin in the Sun'

For several of Hansberry’s characters, money is a promise of salvation, a gift to be stored up and fought for whenever possible. But as the story unfolds, the Younger family must repeatedly weigh their wish for material wealth against their wish for freedom. Beneatha, Walter, and the others ultimately choose abstract ideals-education, dignity, love-over easy alternatives that hold out the promise of more money. By dramatizing the crises they face before they arrive at these decisions, Hansberry shows that wealth...
2 Pages 723 Words

Critical Essay on Racism in 'Fences'

Around the early 1900s, racism was a huge thing. Black African Americans faced many problems during this period of time because of certain things that others wanted to discriminate in. Because of these actions, African Americans weren't allowed to do certain things, well just about anything. This forced African Americans to look at the world with hatred and it limited many of their opportunities in life. In the play Fences by August Wilson, Troy had always dreamed of becoming a...
2 Pages 719 Words

Essay on Causes and Effects of Bullying

Bullying is a serious matter that occurs all around the world, and to more people than one realizes. In this essay, I am going to discuss the causes of bullying and its potential effects for both victims and bullies. I will start with the reasons. What causes bullying? The feeling of insecurity is one of the causes that drives a person to bullying their peers. Bridget Green, a journalist for the Journal Postsecondary Education and Disabilities, notes: “The three individuals...
2 Pages 694 Words

The 'Survival' of Frenchie in the Novel ‘The Marrow Thieves’ by Cherie Dimaline: Critical Essay

Many people define ‘survival’ as shelter, food, and water. The novel ‘The Marrow Thieves’ shows that ‘survival’ has several forms that go beyond simple physical survival. Frenchie’s ‘family’ shows the importance of surviving in terms of physical needs, but also in terms of keeping one’s culture alive and surviving in a social sense in order to thrive. There are many forms of survival such as cultural survival, physical survival. Dimaline shows that while fulfilling needs are necessary to live. One...
2 Pages 692 Words

Heroism of the Characters of the Novel 'The Longest Memory' and the Play 'Black Diggers': Character Analysis Essay

The novel ‘The Longest Memory’ written by Fred D’Aguiar and Tom Wright’s play ‘Black Diggers’ explore the racist domination of our past societies. When faced with difficult circumstances, people can either make the easy choice: to ignore it and carry on, or to face the problem head on and put the safety and well-being of others first, despite jeopardizing their own. In the oppressive and unjust worlds displayed in the respective texts, it takes a lot of courage and bravery...
2 Pages 696 Words

Informative Essay on Gay Bullying

Bullying has been an epidemic for all ages. Several television shows and movies recently have been centered around bullying, for example, ‘13 Reasons Why’, ‘A Girl Like Her’, ‘Cyberbully’, and even ‘Mean Girls’. These movies and TV shows were produced to openly speak up about bullying and the harm that it causes to some people. Bullying is on the rise in majority of schools across the world. Parents, teachers, and other staff members are often not aware of all of...
2 Pages 707 Words

Oedipus and His Tragedy of Fate: Critical Literary Essay

Are human beings in control of their fate? The story of Oedipus shows that it is not. Oedipus did try to escape his fate a lot of times, but couldn’t because no matter how much you try to run from your fate, you just cannot escape it anyway, what is meant to be, will always find a way to you. He tried his best to run from the prophecy. First by deciding not to return to Corinth, the city where...
2 Pages 718 Words

Concepts of World Peace and Inner Peace in Christianity: Informative Essay

Peace has two concepts: world peace (the lack of war and absence of conflict), and inner peace (the lack of conflict with oneself and one’s community). To Christians both of these aspects of peace are important. They draw from the teachings of the Bible and interpretations of it by the Church to respond to the call of their sacred text to live in peace: using Jesus, the ‘Prince of Peace’, through the New Testament, as a guide to promote inner...
2 Pages 712 Words

Character Analysis Essay on Daisy Buchanan from 'The Great Gatsby' and Her Imperfection

American author, F. Scott Fitzgerald in his novel ‘The Great Gatsby’ incites glorified feelings that lead the reader to believe the character Daisy Buchanan is a kind of ideal perfection, although she does not possess nor deserve that position. He supports this claim by showing the audience both Gatsby’s and Nick’s perceptions of Daisy. Fitzgerald’s reasoning for this is to charm the audience to Daisy in order to build hope for her and Gatsby’s relationship. He provokes a curious mindset...
2 Pages 719 Words

What Can I Say About Me, Myself and I: Personal Narrative Essay

I was born in US to an immigrant family from India, at a time when my dad was unemployed and had no health insurance. My dad running from place to place doing a temporary job under the contracting company to maintain the immigration status and earn the living. My mother left me in India when I was toddler and came to US in search for a job. I was raised in India initially without parents living with relatives. It was...
2 Pages 691 Words

The Benefits of Helping Others: Informative Essay

“People are more willing to give when they see generosity as part of who they are” – Dr. Summer Allen. Helping others is something inherent within each person, which gives anyone the desire to always strive to do good and spread it. Volunteering work, supportive actions or words, and even unplanned acts can do the biggest changes. It can also reflect positively on others’ lives. Moreover, all these initiatives, whether it is too small or big, still can boost the...
2 Pages 689 Words

Impact of Chemistry on Society: Critical Essay

Chemistry, to me, is not merely a subject; it is this whole world of interactions at the subatomic level that ultimately leads us on the path to truth. It is intellectual curiosity that leads to countless questions being asked that, in turn, fuel discoveries in chemistry. I find learning about discoveries such as Liquid crystal displays and penicillin insightful as they have shaped our modern world. My interest in organic chemistry, especially optical isomerism, grew after reading “The Disappearing Spoon”...
1 Page 688 Words

How Did the Industrial Revolution Impact Slavery: Critical Essay

Many people do not know that women did not start working until the nineteenth century. Before this woman's job was to take care of the children and make sure the house was clean. One of the major revolutions in the period of 1750 to 1914 is the Industrial Revolution. Many people do disagree and believe that the Atlantic Revolution was the most major revolution. But the three things that make the Industrial Revolution the most significant are child labor, the...
2 Pages 695 Words

The Day I Chose Myself

I was born in Redding, California. After my parents divorced, my mom moved my sister and me to a small town. Growing up, my sister regularly spoke for both of us. While this played a significant role regarding my shyness, I was invariably a happy kid. After the move, I developed a tight-knit friend group, consisting of 3 girls and me. Life was good, and we were content, aside from the occasional drama. However, as the years passed, things started...
1 Page 689 Words

Advantages and Disadvantages of Returning to Education as an Adult

In this essay I am going to explain and analyze the benefits and drawbacks of returning to education as an adult. I propose that there are more positives than negatives. Starting with the negatives, listed in order of significance: stress time, social differences in thinking (due to age, maturity, etc.), and finances. The positives (also listed in order of significance) include: more life experience, employment outlook and skin in the game. Beginning with the dilemma of stress and juggling responsibilities....
1 Page 689 Words

Tea Industry of India

Tea in not cultivated everywhere in the world. It is restricted to specific regions of the world due to the specific requirements of climate. Major of the producers of tea are in Asia are China, India, Sri Lanka, and African countries such as Kenya, Rwanda, Malawi, Uganda and Tanzania. The regions where tea is grown are generally located in the tropical regions where rain is more and get a proper environment to grow. Furthermore, many countries like Argentina and Brazil...
2 Pages 717 Words
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