700 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

American Civil Liberties Union on Juvenile Justice

Juvenile Justice is the area of criminal law applicable to persons not old enough to be held responsible for criminal acts. (Wex Legal Dictionary). It is a justice system for criminal offenders under the age of 18. In the United States youth are incarcerated at an increasingly alarming rate, according to the American Civil Liberties Union(ACLU), 60,000 kids are incarcerated in juvenile facilities in any given day. These young criminal offenders for crimes such as robbery, possession of drugs or...
2 Pages 698 Words

Challenges and Struggles of the Main Character in the Catcher in the Rye

All through the novel, 'The Catcher in the Rye' Holden Caulfield estranges himself from everybody and the world since he can't fit in with the desires for his companions and his general surroundings. Holden is looked with disavowal and dismissal from all quarters. Holden sees his dejection and segregation and needs to break the limits of his distance by making some type of human association. Estrangement both secures and damages Holden. It secures him by guaranteeing that he won't need...
2 Pages 714 Words

HIV Awareness in the Philippines

The Philippines belong to most countries who experiencing the continually epidemic HIV, human immune deficiency virus that can destroy your immunity particularly the white blood cells that helping your body to keep away from foreign substances and killed them. AIDS or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is different from HIV, it is a syndrome that can be acquired to a person which is infected with the virus and there is no cure for it, but it can be controllable by the antiretroviral...
2 Pages 703 Words

Legalization of Marijuana in Jamaica

According to Dr. Andre Haughton (2019), the Cannabis Consumers Coalition report created in 2017 stated that more than 50% of consumers support policies of legalizing the use of marijuana (Jamaica Gleaner, 2019). With the legalization of marijuana in the works, many Jamaicans have argued about the potential negative health effects. The legalization will prevent law enforcement from penalizing the public if they are caught in possession of the cannabis plant. Legalizing marijuana will not eventually result in more harm than...
2 Pages 716 Words

A Rose for Emily Father Relationship

To a young girl, her father will always be an essential part of her. To a father, their daughter will always be considered his little girl. In “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner, Emily Grierson is neither considered a friend or a foe towards the townspeople. Due to the relationship Emily had with her father, his actions had quite an impact on Emily’s outcomes such as turning her socially unbalanced and unfit to make bonds with individuals. Emily depended...
1 Page 676 Words

Ethical Dilemmas Of Enron Company

Honesty & Integrity Enron was extremely competitive. A company which was known for its perfection and achieving success in a cut throat competitive environment. Enron’s work culture created an environment of deception. Employees of Enron had to perform well and if they did not they would be fired. The company hid information from its investors. It tried to project an image that the company was running smoothly and faced no financial problems. Whereas the reality was a far cry from...
1 Page 724 Words

Obesity Incline in the United States

This article claims that the rate of obesity is on the rise. Obesity rates have been increasing for a long time now, but it is expanding more than ever now. Since the years of 2005 and 2012, the nation’s obesity rate is at or above a forty percent. This is concerning considering that about ten years ago the average there were only two states that were above the thirty percent mark. Those states were Mississippi and West Virginia. Now it...
2 Pages 693 Words

How Sleep Deprivation Affects Student’s Life

When it comes to school, especially college, every student has their own problems. Stress, living costs, food, etc. are always in the back of their minds. If we talk about the topic of college, culture, and health, there is no way that we can ignore the most common issue that all of the students have; it is sleep deprivation or the lack of sleep. Sleep deprivation happens to everyone and at the ages of teens or older. However, sleep deprivation...
1 Page 676 Words

Love and Hate in Othello

Love and hate are two very contrary terms. However, even the most powerful emotion, love, can ironically turn into hate, the emotion that can lead to the most vulnerability. In William Shakespeare’s play, Othello, Jealousy is the bridge that connects love and hate. The play takes place in Venice during the Turks invasion of Cyprus. Othello and Desdemona, two of the main characters, committed love for each other even Desdemona’s father, Brabantio is against the marriage. Iago, blinded by resentment,...
2 Pages 720 Words

What Makes A Serial Killer?

Some hear the term serial killer and it immediately sends chills down their spine, thinking of the worst people who have committed several murders over a span of time. “The serial murderer kills a number of people over a period of time, many times months and years” [Holmes, 1988, pg. 1]. In just the last two generations, with the rise of serial killers, comes the rise of the fascination towards them, curious as to what causes one to become a...
2 Pages 684 Words

Society with no Freedom in Anthem

Ayn Rand has shown a view of a community that is joined under, what seems to be, a socialist rule. There are strict rules that make sure everyone is involved collectively with this society. In Rand’s Anthem, the main character Equality 7-2521 wants to learn new things but cannot because of the overpowering government. He does many things to accomplish his goals because he wants to come up with great ideas and inventions. With that being said, he escapes a...
2 Pages 691 Words

The Morality of Whistleblowing

The act of reporting discrepancies within a company either internally or externally in defined as whistleblowing. There are two forms of whistleblowing internal and external. When the information is reported within the company it is considered to be internal whistleblowing and external whistleblowing is when it is reported to a source outside the company. Another word that a whistle-blower can be refer to as is an informant, both words will be used interchangeably throughout the essay. Morality can be used...
2 Pages 690 Words

Ethical Dilemmas In The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games starts with an ethical dilemma in the first chapter. Katniss discusses going hunting outside the district even though if she gets caught it could result in death. I feel that she chooses to hunt despite the consequences because she didn’t want to see her little sister or mom starve. I believe she uses the virtues approach in her choice. She is demonstrating compassion, love, and generosity by being willing to risk her life to provide for her...
2 Pages 725 Words

Racial Profiling Among Police Officers

Racial profiling is a big issue its basically any police- initiated action that is only taken to place because of your ethnicity, race, gender, or religion rather than the action being required because of the behavior or someone or information that leads the police to engage in an arrest or any other stop (Schmalleger, 2017, p.196). In my opinion racial profiling is not a police problem only but a worldwide problem. I believe racial profiling happens everywhere such as the...
2 Pages 708 Words

Explication of William Shakespeare Sonnet 30

W. Shakespeare was born in England (1564-1616). He is considered the most famous dramatist of all time. He was a poet, playwright and actor of the Renaissance era. Throughout his life, he wrote 2 long narrative poems, 39 plays, and 154 sonnets. He reformed and developed the 14 lines in iambic pentameter in the worldwide successfully. I will analyze the meaning and the literary techniques of his sonnet 30 in the following essay. Sonnet 30 was published in 1609. In...
2 Pages 724 Words

Ways In Which Violence Is Linked To Gender

While doing my research on how violence is linked to gender, I found a few web articles that cover this topic. Most of this articles are written by people who have faced violence or any form of inhumanity because of their gender. My goal in this paper is to describe while giving examples; how violence is linked to gender and the three different forms of gendered violence. I will also define symbolic violence and explain how it and sexual violence...
2 Pages 699 Words

Socialization in the Book The Outsiders

“The Outsiders” is based on a book by S.E. Hinton, and it is set in Tulsa Oklahoma and it is about two rival gangs the “Greasers” which is the poor, greasy haired kids from the north side of town or the “wrong side of the track’s” kind of kids. Then you have the Socials (usually called the socs) from the South side, which are the more privileged and richer group of kids. The two groups had a rivalry going for...
2 Pages 704 Words

Symbolism in Catcher in the Rye and Great Gatsby

Fitzgerald uses symbolism in The Great Gatsby to express underlying emotions. The first example of his use of symbolism is when Nick and another guest at Gatsby’s party are observing the books in Gatsby’s library. The guest described by Nick as “a stout, middle-aged man, with owl eyed spectacles”(Fitzgerald,45) was trying to observe and learn more about Gatsby by looking through his house. While the man looked through Gatsby’s library, he discovers that surprisingly the books were actual books and...
2 Pages 716 Words

Sleep Issues among College Students

Sleep is an important physiological need that every human beings and animals have, to keep the mind and body working well. We, the human, spent at least one in third of our lifetime sleeping. Research suggests and it is also well-known that sleeping plays a critical role in restoring our strength physically and mentally, and is closely related to our consciousness, memory and emotions. Studies through the decades have found that having good sleep or bad sleep will lead to...
2 Pages 725 Words

Crucial Themes And Ideas In The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

Money, the driving force behind the world, is not at all absent in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. In fact, money has a much larger impact on the story than might originally be thought. During the events of the novel, money is an overwhelmingly bad thing for Huck to encounter, and rarely does it come without significant trouble. The first instance of money causing problems for Huck is right at the beginning of the book. He had acquired six thousand...
1 Page 686 Words

Othello: the Issues Iago Represents

Since the beginning of mankind, humans have craved power and the benefits that come with having it. Throughout history, social classes have been used to categorize how much power and influence people have. Generally, the three most common social classes have been upper class, middle class, and lower class. One’s social class was of great significance during the Elizabethan Era, when Shakespeare wrote Othello. At the time, people’s social classes were primarily determined by their wealth, skills, and birth (into...
2 Pages 678 Words

The Relevance of Ethics and Values to Social Work

According to Sarah Banks ( Banks, 2012) Ethics is about what is right and wrong conduct , good and bad qualities of character and the responsibilities attached to relationships. It can be seen in a professional context whereby its linked to professional responsibilities in a work context. The study of the term can be used singularly to refer to the right or wrong norms of human behaviours and also the bad and good character and again refer to qualities and...
2 Pages 708 Words

Argument with Animal Experimentation and Resolution for it

Animal experimentation is the use of non-human animals in experiments that seek to control the variables which affect the behaviour or biological system through vigorous study. In 2018, 3.52 million procedures which involved living animals were carried out in the United Kingdom(1). 1.8 million of them were for experimental purposes. These procedures included using non-human animals in scientific studies for purposes such as basic research and the development of treatments, safety testing of pharmaceuticals and other substances. The rest were...
2 Pages 715 Words

Racial Profiling In The American Criminal Justice System

Today’s criminal justice system is overwhelmingly disproportionate in race in relation to the general population. Minorities out in public are now the majority in the prison systems. What causes this and how can it be changed? Is this the result of discrimination to non-whites, or is it justified? “…and justice for all”. That’s what the Pledge of Allegiance states. We all know it, but how true is it really? It seems today that the prison system in America is becoming...
2 Pages 713 Words

The Role of Communication in Media Management

The role of communication in media management is to accomplish the goals of an organization. Media management is an area of business that deals with the supervision of media specialists, productions, and other channels. As managers, we must define what needs to be completed, when it will be completed, and how it will be completed. To achieve this, we must effectively communicate the plan to others in the organization. Efficient communication skills can help employees to have a better understanding...
1 Page 682 Words

Why Is Frankenstein A Gothic Novel?

Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein combines elements from Gothic literature and romanticism. Using the elements of fear, horror and gloom, Shelley combined these elements with the ideas of nature, beauty and emotions. Authors of this time created symbols of terror that were used during this period which included the wanderer, the vampire, and the seeker in their novels. Mary Shelly being part of this movement created her story Frankenstein to showcase how Frankenstein’s monster is considered a wander. The characteristics of...
2 Pages 706 Words

Why Is Suicide Committed By People?

It is often difficult to imagine what a friend, family member, or celebrity made a significant contribution to suicide. There may be no indicators of notice, and you may question what you may have overlooked. Several things also contribute to lead to a suicidal decision. It is often an act that is performed rather than after careful consideration during a whirlwind of strong emotions or life pressures. Although there are several variables that can impact the decision of an individual...
1 Page 678 Words

Glued to the Screen: How YouTube is Impacting Current and Future Adults

Students and adolescents all over the world use YouTube as a form of entertainment, and learning. With growing usage of YouTube by students, it has become an addiction with many students using it an unhealthy amount which comprises their academic performance and ability to complete assignments. Adolescents will use YouTube primarily as entertainment and will find specific youtubers to watch and will begin to take head of their various life experiences and stories in the form of their own identity...
1 Page 684 Words

The Impact of Food Advertisement on Child Obesity With Special Reference to Kumbakonam

Abstract This research is based on Children’s eating habits and their food consumption have direct relations with obesity, diabetes , cancers, hypertension and coronary heart disease. Television advertisements directly affect children’s eating habits and their food consumption. This study was conducted in order to examine television advertisements and children’s food consumption while watching television and their desire to purchase goods that they see on television advertisements. INTRODUCTION The food companies provide set sizes of packaged food which may influence people...
1 Page 695 Words

Why Restore Legal Marijuana is a Good Idea

Marihuana Tax Act of 1937, making cannabis illegal nationwide under federal law. This time period was rife with misinformation and fear mongering. Parents were told that their children would be invited to parties and given reefer and that they would be hooked! The problem with the governments’ intervention and regulation in cannabis is that it never stopped increasing in those regulations and making punishments harsher. Cannabis is more than just college students getting high and getting the munchies as something...
2 Pages 710 Words
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