700 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Sports & Fitness Perth

Sports & Fitness is an area where you are supposed to train yourself with regards to the game you play in. There are plenty of fitness courses in Perth where you can join and train up yourself. If you are willing to get a fitness trainer certification, then you can get them from our fitness courses college in Perth. Hence if you are very much particular about joining sports science courses in Perth, then Australia is the right choice. What...
2 Pages 696 Words

Justice And Mercy In The Merchant Of Venice

Shakespeare has captured the attention of the world creating his new words and developing characteristics in characters relationships that are still seen in the 21st century. His personal views on justice and mercy are implicitly and explicitly shown through characters and their relationships. The Merchant of Venice; one of Shakespeare’s most famous articles of work has many examples of justice and mercy throughout. One of the most prominent issues in William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice, is the balance between...
2 Pages 717 Words

The Features Of Pet Industry In Australia

More than 60% of Australian households own a pet, the majority of them being dogs and cats. Australians spend around $12.2 billion per year on food, vets and healthcare products and other services for their pets, turning the Pet Industry one of the major growth segments of Australia’s business sector. Premiumization, humanization and demographic trends are affecting this industry as a whole. One of the most important markets in the Pet Industry is the Australian Pet Food Market, with a...
1 Page 676 Words

How Does Enzyme Biotechnology Impact Our Daily Life?

Enzyme biotechnology and industrial enzyme production exist in our daily life and. In many cases, commercial processes first utilize naturally occurring enzymes. However, this does not mean that the enzyme can be utilized as effective as possible. With time, research and improved protein engineering methods, many enzymes have been genetically engineered to be more effective at the desired temperature, pH or other manufacturing conditions that normally inhibit enzyme activity (eg, irritating chemicals), making them even more suitable and effective for...
2 Pages 724 Words

The Structure Of The Architectural Profession In Queensland

Architect is a registered skilled profession in Queensland which work in the environmental field, make use of the visual and creative ideas and integrate it into the environment with the professional knowledge and experience. Architects must possess a systematic body of theory that involve education, training and experience. Therefore, architect will need to apply the body of theory to give the clients and community advice on building and urban design. Architect must be good in design and communication, able to...
1 Page 685 Words

The Significance Of Martin Luther in Protestant Reformation

34-year-old Augustinian monk by the name of Martin Luther shocked the German Church in the 1500s by starting what is now called the reformation against the church. What he achieved during this campaign was very significant in the formation of the Christian church and our morals that we live by today. Therefore, we can say that Martin Luther rocked Christianity significantly by starting the reformation, but how exactly did he do this? Before Martin Luther started the reformation, he decided...
2 Pages 716 Words

Failure As The Key To Success

Failure should not be seen as the snake that leads us back to square one, but rather the ladder that pushes us closer to the top. I remember when I was 8 years old, I was playing tennis with my family. It was my parents against my brother and me, and obviously, my parents were letting us win. After some time, my parents starting to hit get some points in. Slowly, I got frustrated and started shouting “Hey, get the...
2 Pages 709 Words

The Process And Features Of Mitosis

INRODUCTION Mitosis is a continuous process to separate copied chromosomes into two daugheter cells through prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase ( Yuki, et al, 2012). On the other hand Kanyemba, (2020) defines mitosis as a mode in which cells can channel by dividing into two copies, during this process for each one of the resulting cells must have an accomplished copy of the genetic information in the parental cell and places one copy of each into each daughter cell. It...
2 Pages 721 Words

Chastity And Honour Killing In Pakistan

The term honour killing may be defined as the murder of a female whether a girl or women by male member of a family. The accused more often justify their actions by claiming that the victim has brought dishonour to the family. It can be result of number of reasons including refusing from forced marriage, being victim of sexual assault, claiming divorce from abusive partner, allegedly committing adultery. Statistics of honour killing The total population of Pakistan is 170 million...
2 Pages 687 Words

The Influences Of Religious Beliefs

There’s a difference you know; between religion and spirituality. Some people don’t realize that they are different. Religion is what you believe and how you believe it. Religion is like a map, you follow it. Spirituality is more individualized; this is what a single person finds valuable to live by. Spirituality is a journey, you live it. (Wilkinson, Treas, Barnett, & Smith, 2016) Religion can affect a child’s physical, mental, and emotional health. Parents not seeking medical treatment when needed...
2 Pages 716 Words

The History Of The Crusades

What happened when the seljuk turks invaded the Byzantine Empire? In this essay I will give a detailed description of the 1st and 3rd crusades, also I will explain the political,economic and religious impacts of the crusades, last I will give my opinion of if the world is still affected by the crusades today. The People crusades started when the Seljuk Turks migrated from central Asia into the Middle East, The seljuk turks also extend their power over the Holy...
2 Pages 702 Words

Gene Therapy And Diseases Management

Imagine being told that you have an incurable genetic disease and you will slowly die. There is no treatment to save your life, all you can pray for is a little bit of hope. Gene therapy is that hope that chance you may now have at surviving or living longer. Hi, my name is Grace and today I will be doing a TED talk on gene therapy and the positive and negative ways it influences Catholic Social Teachings. Gene therapy...
2 Pages 695 Words

Religious And Personality Difference In Nursing

Religion versus treatments is a noted by disputed concern in nursing and medical field. Religious beliefs are totally regards some practices and procedures that are recommended for through the medical institutions. For instance, healthcare facilities supports the procedure of blood transfers as it helps in saving person’s life but some religion come up against it. Religion also is not going to sustain problems like abortion and the process of issuing sedatives to the very mentally ill persons. A healthcare facility...
2 Pages 713 Words

Vaccination As The Most Effective Way To Stop Pandemics

Vaccination is the Injection of a killed microbe to stimulate the immune system against the microbe, thereby preventing disease. Vaccinations, or immunizations, work by stimulating the immune system, the natural disease-fighting system of the body. The healthy immune system can recognize invading bacteria and viruses and produce substances (antibodies) to destroy or disable them. Immunizations prepare the immune system to ward off disease. To immunize against disease-causing microorganisms, the microorganism used in the vaccine has been weakened or killed to...
2 Pages 685 Words

The Image Of Sage In Tao Te Ching

The sage in the Tao Te Ching is someone who is a leader. It’s natural for a Sage to be an influencer or a leader. They use these traits to pass down their own beliefs to other people. Even though they do that, they don’t seek attention. Instead of seeking attention, all a Sage wants to do is influence everyone to be better. In this context, the Sage wants to influence everyone to follow the Tao. Following the Tao includes...
1 Page 692 Words

Prevalence Of Some Food Poisoning Bacteria In Some Ready To Eat Sandwiches

Fast foods are able to eat foods that prepared and sold by vendors on streets and similar public places.They provide a source of able to eat, top quality and nutritional value meals with reasonable price, while giving an honest income for the vendors (Swanepoel et al., 1998). They feed tons of consumers daily with a good sort of RTE foods; dependence on such foods is more interesting in its convenience than in its safety and hygiene (Mensah et al., 2002)....
2 Pages 716 Words

The Ways Your Church Can Use Technology To Grow

“Church attendance is as vital to a disciple as a transfusion of rich, healthy blood to a sick man.” -Dwight L. Moody If you are a pastor or you are in charge of a church, the most important thing you should be thinking about is how to grow your church. To make a church grow you need to be able to track where you have been and where you are going next. These days we are seeing a declining attendance...
2 Pages 722 Words

How I Started Reading Books

I am a big fan of books but that wasn't the case all the time. Especially when I was a little kid. I hated books more than anything else. Because books reminded me of school and I was horrible at my school. I didn't see the point of learning most of the things that they would teach us back in school so I didn't care much about it and that's why my grades were absolutely horrible. As a little kid...
2 Pages 724 Words

Linguistic Study Of Doctor-Patient Interaction

To almost all of us, good health is a priceless asset; and the prominent role that communication plays has pushed effective medical interaction to a new level of importance. Subsequently, Fairclough (1992) stated “The main arena for medical interaction can be most comprehensively viewed in terms of the doctor-patient relationship (p. 143). The relationship between patients and doctors provides the foundations for establishing trust, rapport, and understanding, explaining diagnoses, and negotiating treatment. The ways doctors and patients use language to...
2 Pages 694 Words

Microorganisms And Their Relationship With Humans

The main aim of this study is to know how microorganisms(especially bacteria)interact with human beings.At some point in this essay,it would discuss; the structure and function of different types of microorganisms, how these organisms are studied in the laboratory, factors affecting the growth, survival and death of microorganisms, how microorganisms can be classified based on their nutritional carbon source, phases of bacterial growth in relation to the growth curves, how bacteria causes food spoilage and the last but not the...
1 Page 688 Words

Sports Studies In The Development Of Athletes In Cricket

Development in Decision Making Making an effective decision is an important part for the cricket as well for the development of an athletes in this particular sports(1). An ability of an athletes to take right decision in term of making the process successful in sports(Poolton, Master, & Maxwell,2006); also an integral part for the performance in cricket (Bull, Shambrook, James, & Brooks, 2005; Crombie, Lombard, & Noakes, 2009) In the sports like cricket decision making is an important part for...
2 Pages 713 Words

Women And Their Role In Islam

Women in Islam tend to be more equal to men than in most other religions. This is because of the teachings in the Quran. For example, one of their holy beliefs is that Adam and Eve were made from the same soul. They also believe that they both had the blame for committing the sin in the Garden of Eden. This shows that they aren`t really different, they are more similar. They also believe that Allah forgave them both equally....
2 Pages 713 Words

The Future We Want

People are often asked the question, what do you want? A simple question, really, yet a question people have found consistently hard to answer. The human race is a melting pot of different beliefs, circumstances, opinions, religions, and ideologies yet at our core most of us really want the same thing. You might think I am talking about money, a stable job, prosperity, or success but I am not. I am talking about Happiness. When we look into our futures...
2 Pages 720 Words

Aliens: Fact or Fiction?

“There are other forms of intelligent life out there”[Brief answer to big questions,pg 85]. A controversial and thought provoking statement that more often than not catalysis a galaxy of valid questions. The question that has seemed to grip minds of those since the beginning of time: Aliens. Fact or Fiction . By definition an Alien is a resident of one country who owes allegiance to another country and has not acquired citizenship. Speaking factually over half of the world's populations...
2 Pages 720 Words

Why I Choose Paramedic Science As A Career Path

From a young age, I have been exceptionally interested in the science of saving lives. Paramedic Science is undeniably fascinating in every aspect; interacting with people from a diverse range of cultures, with a variety of different life experiences. I also recognise that this is a highly challenging occupation that will push me mentally and physically, however I believe it will be extremely rewarding as I help improve the health of those who are suffering. I believe this course is...
2 Pages 703 Words

The Features Of Resistance Training

Furthermore, resistance training can also target specific areas of the body and improve those muscle groups. Some exercises that can be completed in resistance training are leg extensions, tricep dips, biceps curls, chest bench presses and side lateral arm raises. Resistance training concludes of lifting body weights, free weights or weight machines, by sets of repetitions. It is a type of interval training and can be used to improve strength for different types of sporting activities. To develop strength, through...
2 Pages 706 Words

Fast Food Nation By Eric Schlosser Review

In Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal by Eric Schlosser is segmented into two main sections taking the reader on a wonderful journey into the world of fast food, while focusing on empowering the individual to change their ways on how to eat healthier food than just fast food. The author describes how the industry has made the overall food quality worldwide smaller and how the food industry created poor working conditions for millions of people...
2 Pages 694 Words

Woman Behind The USA Abortion Ruling

During the Nixon presidency many movements like the Hippie Movement, The Protest on Alcatraz by members of “Indians of All Tribes”, and the Women’s Rights Movement started to arise. Former President Richard Nixon was a strong supporter of the Equal Rights Amendment that would have guaranteed equality for women. Up until the 19th century abortion was legal in the United States. Problems that emerged was the use of dangerous drugs that women used to induce abortions. Despite there being regulations,...
2 Pages 696 Words

Satire In Washington Irving's Rip Van Winkle

In the late 1700's and early 1800's, literature began to show it was changing thanks to the newly formed democracy in America. As is the case with any young government, many different people wanted to turn the country into their own and make sure that the country worked under their democratical ideals. Washington Irving, was a native New Yorker who was born in 1783, he grew up in a world with these democratic ideals. He grew up to be, as...
1 Page 679 Words

Atticus Finch's Honesty And Courage

Who is Atticus Finch? Atticus is one of if not the best man in Maycomb, he is also a lawyer and a father who acts in a very gentleman way even in the most nerve-wracking situations a person could be in. And in the types of situations that he finds himself in during the novel he really shows that he is a person that has a huge amount of courage. During the whole novel Atticus demonstrates how he is a...
2 Pages 714 Words
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