700 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Today's American Education System Needs Changes: Persuasive Essay

The education system is a problem that needs to be addressed because education is very important. Many jobs require certain degrees and certain knowledge to get the job. Only 36% of Americans end up graduating college, and about 6,211,000 Americans end up unemployed. This needs to be fixed. Today's school focuses on test taking, but in the future, most jobs will be automated, so successful people will have to be curious, innovative, and adaptable. Don’t believe me? Maybe you’ll believe...
1 Page 693 Words

Essay on Poetry and Its Common Forms

Poetry has been evident in our lives as a matter of expression of one’s emotions. Some use this form of art to express one’s love for another or even a short letter to oneself. But despite this being a generalized form of art, it still has its types or forms, showing distinct functions and conveying different messages. The differences between any kind of poetry are very interesting to know. With regards to this, poetry is commonly known to be used...
2 Pages 721 Words

Importance of Integrity in the Legal Profession: Persuasive Essay

Two online dictionaries, the Cambridge Dictionary and the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, define integrity as a summation of possession of robust moral principles and resolve to firmly adhere to the code that is subscribed to. In this essay, we shall discuss the importance of integrity in the legal profession. This will be done by first laying down the required qualities to join the profession. Thereafter, we shall look at how each member’s conduct impacts the entire membership. We shall also look at...
2 Pages 723 Words

Why Study Philosophy: Argumentative Essay

Philosophy is the study of the founder’s mental nature of knowledge and reality. This short essay will be focusing on the meaning of philosophy for us today and it will also outline the different ways how philosophy can help us as humans to face reality as it is like a tool to enhance our knowledge about things we do not know or questions we seek to know answers from. As it is known that philosophy is all rational inquiry except...
2 Pages 692 Words

Essay about the Main Types of College Students Who Always Need Assignment Assistance

Help is what many people require at certain points in their lives. As for students, they need all the assistance they can get. This to a small extent helps them get through the bustles of college life. In addition to their studies, students tend to write essays and many assignments as part of assessments in their educational pursuits. However, only a few can undertake these without additional help. In this paper, I am going to consider the most common types...
1 Page 689 Words

Why I Want to Be a Real Estate Agent Essay

As someone who has always had a passion for helping others and a love of real estate, becoming a real estate agent has been a lifelong dream of mine. There is something incredibly rewarding about helping people find their dream home or sell their property for the best possible price. I am excited about the opportunity to work in a dynamic, fast-paced industry where no two days are the same. In this essay, I will share my personal journey and...
2 Pages 725 Words

Why I Want to Be a Forensic Scientist Essay

As a young child, I was endlessly captivated by the notion of unlocking mysteries. My days were consumed by a never-ending stream of crime narratives, immersing myself in every page and frame. As I matured, my interest evolved beyond the archetypal whodunit and towards the utterly enthralling world of forensic science. Each detail that builds up to a complete investigation is an artistic masterpiece in its own right, and that is precisely why I yearn for a career in forensic...
1 Page 677 Words

Why I Want to Be a Dermatologist Essay

Do you want to know what makes our skin glow and look healthy? It's the magic of a dermatologist. From treating acne to diagnosing serious skin diseases, dermatologists are the experts that we trust with our skin. As a result, I am excited to share why I want to become a dermatologist. Passion for Helping Others As a healthcare professional, being able to help others is a top priority for me, and this is why I am passionate about becoming...
2 Pages 705 Words

Romans 1-8 Biblical Worldview Essay

The Bible is a fundamental text for many who seek to understand the world around them. At its core is a biblical worldview that shapes how we understand ourselves, others, and the world we live in. One of the most important sections of the Bible for understanding this worldview is Romans 1-8. But what is the intersection of these two concepts and examine the key themes of Romans 1-8 through a biblical lens? By examining this passage of scripture, we...
2 Pages 699 Words

Relationship between Human and Nature Essay

The relationship between humans and nature has been an intriguing and complex one since the beginning of time. While humans are a part of nature, their actions often have adverse effects on the environment. The industrialization, urbanization, and modernization of society have led to a massive imbalance in the relationship between humans and nature. The adverse effects of climate change, pollution, and environmental degradation are evident worldwide. However, there is still hope for a more sustainable relationship between humans and...
1 Page 695 Words

Pros and Cons of School Uniforms Essay

School uniforms have been a controversial topic for many years, with supporters arguing that they promote discipline, reduce bullying, and create a sense of unity among students, while opponents argue that they stifle individuality and expression. School uniforms are a set of standardized clothing worn by students in a school or educational institution. In this essay, we will explore the pros and cons of school uniforms and weigh the benefits and drawbacks of implementing a dress code policy in schools....
2 Pages 713 Words

Essay on Veterans Day

As the nation pauses to remember and honor the brave individuals who have served in our country's military, Veterans Day serves as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by these extraordinary men and women. Veterans Day is a time to express our gratitude and appreciation for all that our veterans have done to defend our freedom and protect our way of life. In this essay, we will delve into the history and significance of Veterans Day, highlighting the importance...
1 Page 689 Words

Narrative Essay on Why I Want to Go to College

“I don’t know about it”. When I think of college, new experiences and a sense of freedom come to mind. But a lot of worries come to mind too. I worry that I won’t be able to handle all the pressure. I worry that I will give up and I won’t be able to succeed. But I want to go to college, pursue a great job, and build a great career because of my mom. I want to pay her...
2 Pages 705 Words

How I Understood My Vocation to Be a Physician Assistant: Narrative Essay

I was in the middle of recess when I began to itch uncontrollably. Completely irritated by the intense itching, I decided to go to the nurse’s office. When the nurse lifted my selves, I saw the biggest bumps that resembled mosquito bites. My seven-year-old self was terrified, I thought I was dying. The nurse quickly called my mom who took me to my doctor’s office as the bumps continued to spread over my arms. None of the doctors at the...
2 Pages 705 Words

Critical Essay on Positive and Negative Feedback in Teaching

Students’ interaction set the path for their academic careers. An important aspect of this interaction is the provided feedback, this later can be either positive or negative. However, a prevalent distinction is made between negative and positive feedback. For so many researchers, positive feedback is considered the most effective for enhancing students’ learning as negative. Reynolds (2013) defines feedback as any response from a teacher regarding students’ performance or behavior. Its purpose in the learning process is to enhance the...
2 Pages 695 Words

Reflective Essay on the Completed English 102 Class

English 102 is critical thinking, writing, and research paper. I have learned basic essay structure, strategies for effective research, and other skills that develop the skills necessary for forming and analyzing arguments. English 102 is more challenges I faced, including critical thinking skills, research skills, and cited sources. During this semester, I learned types of writing techniques, different MLA forms, and how to find and use the right sources together. I have gained more knowledge, and better confidence, showing how...
2 Pages 708 Words

Informative Essay on Political Science

“The method of political science is the interpretation of life; its instrument is insight, a nice understanding of subtle, unformulated conditions” (Woodrow Wilson). The word ‘political science’ is derived from two words ‘polis’ and ‘scire’, where ‘polis’ means ‘city or sovereign’ and ‘scire’ means ‘to know or to study’. Politics plays an important role to run any state. They control the political system, make decisions or choices, manage cases like the tax system, establish different government programs and manage budget...
2 Pages 710 Words

Avoiding Disease and Disability as a Key Factor in Successful Ageing: Persuasive Essay

Many people age differently and see the end of life differently, but what allows some people to live longer than others? There are many different areas and factors that can help define what successful aging is, nothing is too black or white. Factors that play into successful aging range from physical health, mental health, genetics, social aspects, and more. According to Rowe and Kahn, successful aging is avoiding disease and disability, high cognitive and physical function, and engagement with life...
2 Pages 708 Words

Reflective Essay about the Process of Writing of My Imaginative Piece

My imaginative piece, ‘The Girl on the Train’, is an analysis of the Gothic features and themes and the impact they have on the readers. The ambition of my piece of writing was to intrigue my readers through the use of a mysterious unknown environment. My goal was not only to engage my readers but also to entertain them through the use of descriptive language and visual imagery. A horror genre was created throughout the text. Throughout the process of...
2 Pages 687 Words

Critical Essay on the Mysteries Surrounding King Tut

Do curses really exist? Are there ancient spells that could still be in effect today? These are questions that could directly relate to the story of King Tutankhamun, the Egyptian pharaoh. While his death took place centuries ago, the mysteries surrounding what happened to him and those who have disturbed his resting place continue. There have been many speculations and assumptions made about the young king and how he died. Some people think it may have been because of a...
2 Pages 710 Words

Persuasive Essay on Video Games and Why They Are Good

Many parents forbid their children to play computer games because they think they are bad for them. But I believe that computer games are beneficial to our learning and health, as well as being entertaining. Computer games can improve both hand and eye coordination and increase problem-solving skills. Furthermore, some games are a great way to relieve stress and anxiety. These traits and skills are great for elevating our personal well-being, as well as making it easier to do day-to-day...
2 Pages 712 Words

Role of Geology in Civil Engineering: Critical Essay

Charles Lapworth quoted: “All that comes above the surface lies within the province of geography; all that comes below that surface lies inside the realm of geology”. Geology is the study of the Earth, its components, the composition of those materials, and the influence of natural forces on those materials. A basic understanding of geology is so necessary that it is required in civil engineering programs at the university level. One of the most important subjects for civil engineers to...
1 Page 681 Words

How My Dream Almost Gone: Personal Narrative Essay

Hardship and suffering are all aspects of life that are expected to happen. These things happen to every one of us individually, but they're all different in everyone's life. Most of us are going to repress these situations. However, a few of us will realize the truth sooner or later and learn from our initial setback. I belong to a mixture of both groups. I was excited when I first came to the United States from India. I didn't know...
2 Pages 714 Words

Descriptive Essay: Why Vegan Pizza Is Your Favourite Food

Introduction Eating out has become a part of the Australian culture, but dietary requirements constrict the demands from consumers and this has a large influence on menus for food and beverages in restaurants of this genre. This report analyses and evaluates the impact of two key dietary requirements on the food industry. The two focus trends are veganism and lactose-free. Evaluating how the industry has accommodated people with these demands and what they offer to them on a food and...
1 Page 684 Words

Essay on Sexual Harassment in Higher Education

Sexual Abuse in Universities Sexual issues and their consequences, in general, are considered as controversial topics since ancient times, and to this day it has not been agreed on the extent to which they are tolerated or dealt with firmly and severely. Whereas it is viewed from several aspects, such as the social, religious, customary, and philosophical perspectives. During the different historical eras, the fight against prostitution was one of the most important issues that successive governments were trying to...
2 Pages 723 Words

Essay Thesis on Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor Essay: On December 7, 1941, the Empire of Japan shelled Pearl Harbor. From that component of time, hassle unfold around the United States about how the Japanese have been going to missile the continental states. Two months later, on February 19, 1942, President Franklin Roosevelt agreed to Executive Order 9066. Thus, this used to be once the retaliation from the United States authorities for the assault on Pearl Harbor. The order, as referred to above, allowed for the...
2 Pages 717 Words

Critical Essay on Moonlight and Intersectionality

Moonlight is both intimidating and far-reaching with its implications. Intersectionality is a sociological theory that various aspects of one person do not exist in isolation. Racism, sexism, classism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, and other forms of prejudice and discrimination interrelate with one another to create social systems of oppression. Chiron is in class and the teacher asks if he's all right, and a bully responds for him claiming that he needs a tampon. Chiron is gay, He uses sexist language to...
2 Pages 706 Words

Google Analytics Research Paper

Google Analytics is a free web analytics tool offered by Google to help you analyze our website traffic. It allows you to measure the results of individual campaigns in real time; compare the data to previous periods, and so much more. Even though “web analytics” sounds like a very small area of our digital presence, the implications of Google Analytics are in fact huge. It helps to understand our customers in detail such as by age or location which is...
2 Pages 704 Words

Religion in Othello: Critical Essay

We know that during the context of the original script, people were extremely superstitious, and this affected their view on everything from treating illnesses to religion. Religion was central to Elizabethan society – Queen Elizabeth made attendance at the Church compulsory. Unless you had a valid excuse such as illness, you were fined if you did not attend. Almost everyone was Christian. The convictions and beliefs held in the Catholic and Protestant branches were so strong that adhering to the...
2 Pages 686 Words

Persuasive Speech on Child Abuse

We most likely experienced that one teacher we had a connection with and looked out for us as a child. Teachers play an important role in children's lives. We look to them for guidance and protection. If a child is being abused or neglected, what is the teacher’s role in this case? Training is vital for these types of cases. Knowing what child abuse entails and what are the preventative measures to insure a child’s safety. The lack of knowledge...
2 Pages 719 Words
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