800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

English, French and Spanish Colonies: Compare and Contrast Essay

When the “New World” was discovered, many important parts of people’s lives became greatly different. People became curious and wanted to see what else there was. Countries like England, France, and Spain quickly became involved in the development of colonization. In some ways, each country had similar styles of colonizing. However, in many other ways, each country had very different ways of colonizing. All three countries did this to gain control of the Americas. The three most important parts of...
2 Pages 797 Words

Effects of Renaissance: Analytical Essay

1. Nature and character of the Renaissance era. Nature Renaissance which means ‘rebirth’ in the French language took place in Europe between the 14th and 17th centuries. It started in Italy whereby statues, buildings, and works of art from the Roman Empire survived. It started in Italian cities such as Florence. The Renaissance promoted the reclaim of classical philosophy, literature, and art. Artists and writers in Italy started to study law, literature, art, architecture, and philosophy. While studying, they researched...
2 Pages 810 Words

Effect of Industrialization on World War I: Analytical Essay

During World War I, diverse influences were perceived in American practices that ranged from economic changes, and political impacts, as well as social influences. Some influences sought to modify and perfect American practices thus making them stronger and more reliable during and after World War I. Such influences were positive. However, few influences weakened Americans during and even after the war hence the practices can be perceived as negative. Therefore, a comprehensive analysis of both positive and negative influences of...
2 Pages 815 Words

Critical Essay on Psychoanalysis of 'Hamlet'

Hamlet is a contradicting play about a contradicting character. It’s a revenge story that focuses on the lack of revenge. The primary character, Hamlet, is reluctant to do what seems to be his main purpose in the play: avenging his father. He not only struggles with completing this task, but he also seems to struggle with his character and thoughts. The nature of Hamlet is appealing to analysts of Shakespeare, especially analytical psychologists. There are three reasons a character like...
2 Pages 776 Words

Analysis of 'The Really Big One': Critical Essay

The New York article The Big One written by Kathryn Schulz is representing the idea the the “big one” is also known as a huge earthquake coming soon and this time it will be bigger than ever. In the beginning, people did not really think about earthquakes happening since it was normal for them. In 2011 Japan had such a horrific earthquake but before they had already been experiencing three tiny ones in one week. Chris Goldfinger who is a...
2 Pages 810 Words

Black Panther Party: Descriptive Essay

One part of the Black Panther Party's mission was having extraordinary achievement they opened their first office handouts with their motivation printed and their locale projects like nourishment drives and giveaways, restorative centers at no charge, and free breakfast programs for the kids were giving them more devotee and supporters all around the states. Police ruthlessness against African-Americans was regular and for the most part, let pass by authorities in Oakland. The BPP concocted an approach to help ensure and...
2 Pages 789 Words

My Family Is My Life: Personal Narrative Essay

Life is never easy for anybody and I state this as someone who has been through so many experiences as I keep growing in life. Furthermore, true being is not at all discovered until one is put through so much that you begin to test yourself and see how much you are capable of withstanding. Everything that happens to you has a long-lasting effect on who you become as a person. For me, my story is not the best, but...
2 Pages 801 Words

Analysis of 'The Giver': Theme Essay

The novel is about a boy by name Jonas who turns 12 and lives in a utopian society as it seems to be. Society has rules that every single person in society has to follow, otherwise, the individuals get “released”. Individuals in a society have no emotions. and they are not able to see colors. When children turn 12 they are assigned different assignments. Jonas was the only one who was selected by the Elders to be the Receiver of...
2 Pages 783 Words

Argumentative Essay on Arranged Marriage

Arranged Marriages in Sikh Society Women have to live up to the norms and standards established by the patriarchal majority. Should they fail to meet them, they would face discrimination and abuse in any form, from verbal attacks to physical torture and even murder. From this story comes another one, also related to gender inequality among the Sikhs. The young woman described by Davis (2016) said she had barely known her husband when they were married. The phrase raises the...
2 Pages 778 Words

Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment after a Car Accident

Chiropractic care is always advised after a car mishap because it may assist get the backbone back into the right alignment after whiplash. If you have just been involved in a car misfortune and experienced pain because of your injuries, receiving supervision from a chiropractor could be helpful to you. Chiropractic adjustments can assist you to recover from many car accident damages and bring you back to living a more comfortable, more pleasant life. What Injuries do Chiropractors Treat? Due...
2 Pages 813 Words

Why Zoos Are Important: Argumentative Essay

Do you like to go to the zoo? Would you take comfort in knowing that animals are safe and protected? Because that is what a modern zoo does. They provide protection, safety, rescue, breeding, and rehabilitation programs for all animals. They are not just another tourist attraction. A zoo offers a personal experience with some of the rarest species in the world. Most people would never have the opportunity to see these animals otherwise. Education about wildlife and habitat conservation...
2 Pages 779 Words

What Taste of Freedom Did Women Enjoy in World War II: Essay

Before the war, a majority of Americans believed that a woman's main commitment was looking after her family and home. However, during World War II, the government used propaganda of all forms to communicate the need for changes in women's roles and stereotypes surrounding their work. These changes encouraged women to enter factory jobs, and military jobs and proved that women were just as capable as men in the workplace. As the second world war was quite focused on the...
2 Pages 801 Words

What Does the Rain Symbolize in 'The Great Gatsby'

The Great Gatsby is a story set in the 1920s and written by F. Scott Fitzgerald to convey a warning about the state of society. The title character’s goal is to overcome the social class barriers that prevent him and his lover, Daisy, from being together. He is trying to live out what many would refer to as the “American Dream”. However, Fitzgerald’s overarching point is that the American Dream and its promises are lies. Throughout the book, Fitzgerald includes...
2 Pages 806 Words

Water Scarcity Essay

In this essay, I hope to demonstrate to you that water is very precious and should not be wasted. Water is a very important source that keeps us active and alive because we are 90% water. I will also show you that instead of wasting water we could save someone's life. Although there is 70 % of the earth’s surface is water, water scarcity (not enough safe drinking water) is a big problem in the world which is affecting a...
2 Pages 815 Words

Views of Harper Lee on Coming of Age

Harper Lee makes use of the children’s changing perception of Boo Radley to bring the two parts of the novel together, establishing the overall theme of “coming of age.” In the first part of the novel, Jem and Scout gullibly trust wild neighborhood gossip about Boo, believing him to be a vicious lunatic, who stabbed his own father with scissors and “dined on raw squirrels” (14). Not only are the children terrified of Boo, but they are also fascinated with...
2 Pages 781 Words

Psychological Impact of Traumatic Brain Injury

Naturally, we all try and take care of our physical and mental health. Nevertheless, none of us are exempt from suffering the kind of accident that could affect our brains. As a matter of fact, the most serious accidents tend to happen when we least expect them. Furthermore, the head is one of the most delicate areas of the body when it comes to injuries. These can range from a traumatic brain injury to other various kinds of damage. Their...
2 Pages 817 Words

Receiving Powerful Messages and Lessons from Literature: 'The Great Gatsby' and 'A Wrinkle in TIme'

Literature has impacted the world in numerous ways. It has formed our beliefs into different things and has made us look at the world differently. Author Connie Willis said 'That's what literature is. It’s the people who went before us, tapping out messages from the past, from beyond the grave, trying to tell us about life and death! Listen to them!' Many authors have told us stories since long ago and have taught us many of valuable lessons and messages....
2 Pages 785 Words

Michael Crichton on Global Warming: Analytical Essay

Summary Michael Crichton creatively portrayed the situation of the world and fear among people about global warming essay, overpopulation, health threats, excessive supply of warned materials, and advanced technology in 'Let's Stop Scaring Ourselves”. In that article, the author indicated that people burdened themselves with exposed suspicions and fabricated alarms by experiencing life issues. He witnessed the distress of global fears among people where they onetime stressed about the mass starvation and growing population and at another were concerned about...
2 Pages 777 Words

Jazz Concert Review

Music is one of the most powerful resources of expression for me. Through music, my feelings can be transformed from happiness to melancholy. Different feelings and different manifestations can also be induced by resources through music. Music plays an important role in my life by being a lovely factor in individual progress. Music makes me escape from everyday life, through works created within the scope of relaxing, and through music, I can access peace. Music is the most beautiful sound...
2 Pages 815 Words

How Did the Nile Shape Ancient Egypt: Essay

Herodotus was known as the `Father of History.` And he was born in Halicarnassus in Ionia in the 5th century B.C., He wrote a book called `The Histories.` In his book that the modern historian derives the meaning of history and called it a fact of history. He was the first person who started to collect and systematically document events and creates an account for them. He was able to compile these accounts into his single major work called THE...
2 Pages 789 Words

Gaston Leroux’s Play 'The Phantom of the Opera': Reflective Essay

Gaston Leroux’s famous play, The Phantom of the Opera, displays the theme of appearance vs reality. This theme is mainly represented by the Phantom and his mask. When the Phantom has the mask on, he is seen by Christine as a talented angel of music who is misunderstood. Without his mask, it reveals his deformed face and he is seen as a monster and outcast in society. Wendy Ferguson, the actress portraying Carlotta, made an impression on me. In my...
2 Pages 811 Words

Essay on The Breakfast Club

Although teen movies are targeted at the younger generation, they are movies that are enjoyed by people of all age groups. It typically gives kids/teens an idea of what the next phase of their lives would look like and for the adults, it brings a nostalgic feeling reminding them of the good old days. Many actors today have teen and high school movies to thank for their breakthroughs in the movie industry. Though stories about teens and high school tend...
2 Pages 824 Words

Essay on Taylor Swift: Blank Space Analysis

For my last analysis, I’ve decided to look at a pop music video to understand how these projects are designed to appeal to mass mainstream audiences. The music video for Blank Space by Taylor Swift currently has 2.5 billion views on YouTube so it’s a brilliant example of big production filmmaking in this forum. Directed by Joseph Kahn, the Blank Space music video was released on the 10th of November 2014. This makes it the most recent video I have...
2 Pages 786 Words

Essay on Surgery Admission

A shortage of orthopedic surgeons performing joint replacement is expected in the next several years. “By 2025, there will be a projected shortage between 25,200 surgeons and 33,200 surgeons” which is an extreme shortage of practitioners in this field (Rechtoris). This is one of the reasons that I want to become a surgeon along with helping others. 'When a patient gets well his doctor 'feels' good–a personal warm glow that tells him once again what being a doctor is. This...
2 Pages 812 Words

Essay on Religious Allegory in 'Lord of the Flies'

Lord of the Flies As An Allegory If read from the surface level, Lord of the Flies can be interpreted as a novel about the struggle to survive on a deserted island and the effects it has on its residents. When the reader looks in depth, they see an allegorical novel that has an underlying meaning and is filled with symbolism throughout the book. In Lord of the Flies, William Golding writes the novel as an allegory of the Cold...
2 Pages 804 Words

Essay on Personal Experience

During my career, I have gained both practical work experience and further qualifications to improve my overall knowledge and experience to enable me to progress within the organization. Leaving school I started a carpentry apprenticeship with a small business at a time when the economy was struggling, I gained my NVQ level 1 before placements became hard to come by which eventually lead to me leaving the course as gaining the evidence needed was not possible without a work placement....
2 Pages 814 Words

Essay on Ozone Layer Depletion: Causes, Dangers and Measures Taken

Planet Earth is the home of our species and countless others that are simply trying to survive each day. Even from the threat of things like cosmic rays, our Earth has an atmospheric defense system that can protect us from them. However, mankind’s actions have been damaging the protective layer, the ozone layer, for years now. How is the ozone layer doing now in the current day? Ozone and the Layer According to NASA Ozone Watch, ozone is a colorless...
2 Pages 820 Words

Essay on Oedipus Curse

Reality is filled with an uneven balance of fate and free will, with free will being a stronger force. A person may have his or her life planned to the last second, but a random force may intervene and can affect the person’s future instantly. Some belief in destiny, claiming that our lives are predetermined at birth. Others believe that everything is random and that everyone has complete control over their destiny, every step of the way. Throughout English literature...
2 Pages 823 Words

Essay on Ishtar in Gilgamesh

Death and the underworld are perceived through different civilizations. Where Egypt saw life in the underworld similar to their god Osiris, who was alive through death, Mesopotamia saw nothing but darkness. It was at death that the individual has stripped away from all clothing, all glory. “Associated first with darkness, but also with dusk, dryness, and thirst” the concept of the underworld in the eyes of Mesopotamia was nothing less than despair (Holland 149). The portrayal of the underworld is...
2 Pages 806 Words

Essay on Hannah Arendt's Ideas on Division of Space

Just as the Spanish flu is accredited for introducing a hand-washing basin into our bedroom, leading to the creation of the vanity room, the Covid pandemic is likely to influence home design. So how should this recent pandemic change the way we design residential buildings and on a wider scale, our cities? Division of space In her book The Human Condition, the philosopher Hannah Arendt theorized in 1958 on a model for Western Modern Culture. Using the ancient Greek society...
2 Pages 814 Words
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