800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Parental Right to Decide to Not Vaccinate Their Children

The controversy of whether parents should have the right to abstain from vaccinating their children, has become a prominent debate in the media. As it stands, parents legally have the choice to not vaccinate their children. The controversial arguments surrounding this topic have been heightened particularly by the recent reappearance of illnesses which have not been diagnosed for years, as a result of the slight decline of vaccination rates. The ethical issue in this case, is that an unvaccinated child...
2 Pages 791 Words

Renewable and Non-renewable Resources: a Study of Energy Efficiency

Energy means the ability to do work. Work means a change in position, speed, state, or form of matter. Therefore, energy is the capacity to change matter. We derive the energy to generate electricity from two sources: renewable and non-renewable resources. The electricity that we are able to generate from two of these resources in turn help power everything from heavy machinery to our cellphone battery. Before we delve into the types of both renewable and non-renewable resources and its...
2 Pages 822 Words

Plato’s Symposium: Love and Philosophy

Plato is regarded by many as the world’s greatest philosopher. In his dialogues, he examined everything from the nature of reality, to ethics, to beauty, to the state. The Symposium, which you can read in full here, is the summation of Plato’s ideas on love, and have proven very influential. The main character in the dialogues is the great philosopher Socrates, who inspired Plato. Scholars have been trying to understand for centuries which of the ideas expressed in the Platonic...
2 Pages 813 Words

Burger King’s Communication Objectives Case Study

Burger King’s communication objective is to increase the company’s sales by targeting the super fan customers who happens to be young men. These activities are also geared towards ensuring shareholders’ satisfaction, in addition to increasing the company’s share value. To achieve these communication objectives, the organization has put in place plans to communicate and promote products to its target customers. This reminds customers that the most favorite burger is to be found at Burger Kings. An additional communication objective is...
2 Pages 810 Words

The Principle 'Polluter Pays'

The ‘polluter pays’ principle is an environmental policy principle which requires that the costs of pollution be borne by those who cause it. The ‘polluter pays’ principle is normally implemented through two different policy approaches: command-andcontrol and market-based. Command-and-control approaches include performance and technology standards, such as environmental regulations in the production of a given polluting technology. Market-based instruments include pollution or ecotaxes, tradable pollution permits and product labelling. The idea that taxation can be used to correct or internalise...
2 Pages 821 Words

The Use of Pesticides in Agriculture and The Risk of Cancerogenesis

Pesticides constitute a heterogeneous category of chemicals specifically designed for preventing; destroying, repelling or mitigating any pest.1 the broad term of pesticides includes both herbicides and insecticides. Pesticide describes hundreds of synthetic and naturally occurring chemicals designed or naturally produced to deter insects and other agricultural pests, including weeds. Numerous groups of pesticides can be classified and can be grouped according to the target organisms (such as insecticides, fungicides and herbicides), chemical structure (such as organochlorine, organophosphorus, phenoxy acid herbicides,...
2 Pages 819 Words

The Student-Teacher Relations Dynamics and The Conflict Theory

After completing my education, I hope to enter the field of foreign language education. In the education field in general there are very specific communication skills required. To be what would be considered a good teacher, one must have good public speaking skills, the ability to maintain relationships with their students, and be able to handle conflict well. These skills are essential to an educator’s success, without them, the classroom would be an unruly, chaotic group of students without direction....
2 Pages 803 Words

The Problem of Air Pollution in China

Nitrogen containing compounds could be the “missing link” in the formation of haze particles that have plagued China. It is yet another typical morning, your alarm clock goes off and you slowly get up, ready for your morning routine. All of a sudden, your nose detects a strong, acrid burning smell, as if your neighbour is starting up his charcoal grill. You march up to the window and fling the curtains open, ready to lecture your pesky neighbour. Instead of...
2 Pages 792 Words

Songs of Innocence and of Experience'. Main Problems of a Book

The Destruction of Innocence Throughout both Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience, Blake repeatedly addresses the destruction of childlike innocence, and in many cases of children's lives, by a society designed to use people for its own selfish ends. Blake romanticizes the children of his poems, only to place them in situations common to his day, in which they find their simple faith in parents or God challenged by harsh conditions. Songs of Experience is an attempt to denounce...
2 Pages 812 Words

Understanding Echinoderms as Part of Marine Biology

Echinoderms are a phylum of marine organisms. They are generally characterized as invertebrates that have hard, internal calcium based skeletons, a water vascular system, and a five-rayed radial symmetry. Some examples of echinoderms are starfish, sand dollars, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, and brittle stars. The importance of echinoderms goes past the aesthetics that they bring to marine ecosystems. Echinoderms also have economic, ecologic, scientific, nutritional and medicinal purpose. They do so much not only for marine ecosystems, but also play...
2 Pages 802 Words

The Use of The Internet of Things in Burger King Company

Feeling thirsty or hungry can impact a person’s driving performance. It affects both the driver’s focus and mood, especially in heavy traffic. But just like how cars need to fuel up before a drive, our body also needs a fill. This inspired American fast food restaurant company Burger King to use the Internet of Things to target drivers who are stuck in traffic. It said that their plan is to deliver burgers to drivers while they sit in their cars....
2 Pages 794 Words

Fire and Ice': Analysis of a Poem

Literature, from its first written records, has examined the end of the world. Most mythologies of the world have stories explaining the origin of the world and speculating on its destruction. In his poem “Fire and Ice,” Robert Frost presents a view of the end of the world. Throughout the poem, the narrator seemingly ponders the world’s end and wonders what form the apocalypse will take, fire or ice. However, the poem is not merely a contemplation of the end...
2 Pages 825 Words

“Shaheen Bagh's Protest”: Black and Fake Truth For the Country

This beauty of democracy is that everyone has the right to speak their own words. But this need to think: not to violate the freedom of speech of anyone else. Peaceful Protest is the right of every citizen. Baba Sahib Ambetkar said that if Constitution will be used for the right things, then everyone will get the benefit.If we start using it wrongly then this provision will have no meaning.But for a few days, what is happening in Shaheen Bagh...
2 Pages 818 Words

Universal Basic Income: The Analysis in Namibia and Canada

Across the globe, even in this great era of modern development and equality, there are still millions who live in impoverish conditions, and despite their hard labour they are still unable to earn enough income to support themselves and their families. These terrible living conditions can lead to malnutrition and even death by starvation in some cases. However, there is a solution to these problems, the implementation of a universal basic income would drastically improve the lives of millions across...
2 Pages 782 Words

Freud's Theory of the Id in Psychology

According to Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory of personality, the id is the personality component made up of unconscious psychic energy that works to satisfy basic urges, needs, and desires. Overview The id operates based on the pleasure principle, which demands immediate gratification of needs. The id is one of the three major components of personality postulated by Freud: the id, ego, and superego. An understanding of Freud's psychodynamic perspective is important in learning about the history of psychology. You may...
2 Pages 816 Words

Why Animals Should Not Be Kept in Zoos Essay

Introduction You could already have visited a zoo or a safari park at one point of your life or maybe even more than once. Many people argue about animals being kept in zoos. Some people think zoos are a good thing and some people don’t. The zoo was created for many reasons, like research making, conservation, and educational purposes. You might see zoos like some sort of an artificial environment for the animals, but in my opinion, it is horrible...
2 Pages 791 Words

Laws of Life and a Person’s Conscience

What are our ‘Laws of Life’? They are what we live by, what we base our decisions on, and what we abide by. We follow these decisions based on what we believe is the right thing to do. My central law of life, is that I follow what my conscience tells me. A person’s conscience can be their strongest weapon when traversing the complicated and sometimes irrational roads we face. Each individual person has different laws they follow, each based...
2 Pages 812 Words

Tornadoes and The Importance to Be Prepared

A tornado is a destructive vortex of violently rotating winds having the appearance of a funnel-shaped cloud and advancing beneath the base of a thunderstorm connecting to the ground. It is made up of water, dust, and debris. A tornado is the most violent of all atmospheric storms. Tornado storms occur when dry cold moving air meets with warm moist moving air. When these drafts meet they create columns of air. When these drafts meet and create columns of air...
2 Pages 795 Words

Importance of Natural Environment

People are considered to be the most intelligent creatures on Earth who are able to learn new things in the universe which can lead them to the technological advancement. It goes without saying that there are many benefits in technological development for the economy but it also destroys our environment gradually. We develop technologies and science to make our life better but we do not fall to thinking that it can ruin everything that surround us in the near future....
2 Pages 822 Words

Evaluation of the View That the US System of Government Is No Longer Consistent with the Principle of Federalism

In the context of the United States, federalism is a system of governing that permits both the federal and state governments to share control over the same geographic region. Several countries use this approach to provide social resources and defensive capabilities to the population, although none may use it as extensively as the United States. Federalism in the U.S. creates multiple layers of government, legislation, and responsibilities for people to follow. The typical framework for a community involves city, county,...
2 Pages 805 Words

Whether Woodrow Wilson Helped or Hindered Civil Rights of African American?

The 28th President of the US Woodrow Wilson epitomizes the issues African Americans had to face in their pursuit of equal rights. The first southern president since the Civil War, he grew up in Georgia and this may be an explanation behind his ideology that led to his active efforts to institutionalize segregation. Wilson was very much an apologist for slavery and a lot of his academic writings before and after his presidency were blatantly sympathetic towards slavery. In Wilson's...
2 Pages 781 Words

An Opportunity That Only Comes Once in a Lifetime

Opportunities come across once in a lifetime and could possibly never happen again. Within High School, many opportunities come and go each and every year sometimes people have to give it there all to get the best out of the opportunities they receive and to get. With National Honor Society essays is an opportunity that could only come across once in my whole High School Career that I’m going to give it my best to get this opportunity. Within this...
2 Pages 795 Words

New Eye-Opening Experiences and Opportunities

When I was a sophomore at Roseville High School, I was specially asked to be in the National Honor Society, however, even if you were chosen you still had to fill out a long application and essay to be accepted in. After 2 weeks of long and hard work to finish the application, I turned it in and hoped I got accepted. The teacher held a meeting for us not long after telling us if we were accepted, I was...
2 Pages 810 Words

Hurricane Katrina's Link to the Government

Hurricane Katrina was a tropical hurricane that struck the United States in 2005. It was one of the worst and most remembered natural disasters in the history of the United States. In the video ‘The Storm’, there are many political actors and organizations shown, and they all have similar or different interests. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) wanted to help the people after the storm, so they brought supplies to places that were hit the hardest. However, according to...
2 Pages 783 Words

Brexit: The Consequences of Hostile Relations with the EU

It has been 4 years since the results of the Brexit referendum on June 23rd, 2016 and the world waits with bated breath to see the deal penned down by the negotiations between representatives of the European Union and the United Kingdom. Spurred on by the wave of nationalism and fueled by issues of unrestricted migration, high budget contributions, restrictive trade policies and the bureaucratic nature of the European Parliament, the UK decided to withdraw its membership from the European...
2 Pages 776 Words

Amazon Organizational Culture Features

According to Jeff Bezos, he said that every meeting should be small enough that attenders can fed with two pizzas. This shows that, smaller team can produce better productivity of performance (Choi, 2013). To maintain a capable workforce, Amazon must reinforce its organizational culture to shape the development of human resources for long-term competitive advantages. It also pushes employees to explore their ideas and take risks to seek new opportunities. Amazon is promoting boldness toward its employees. Amazon’s employees have...
2 Pages 814 Words

Factors Affecting Students’ Academic Success

Determining the factors that influence the academic success of students has been the subject of many studies over the past couple of decades. Academic success is defined as the acquisition of learning objectives, which are primarily measured through a grading system (Jay & Zain, 2019). A vast wealth of related literature is available to anyone seeking to study more on this topic. A knowledge of these factors is not only important for the students, but also for the educators since...
2 Pages 787 Words

Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela as Legendary Figures in the Non-Violence Community: Essay

Both Gandhi and Mandela struggled to maintain specific goals, like Gandhi's goal to gain independence from Britain and Mandela's goal to end apartheid. Non-violence, the use of peaceful means, not force, to bring about political or social change was the center of these movements. The three most important and effective types of non-violence that Gandhi and Mandela used were their commitment to non-violence, their use of economic pressure and their clever use of the press and media. Gandhi and Mandela's...
2 Pages 790 Words

The EUR-AUD Exchange Rate

Foreign exchange rate is a primary determinant in business operations for multinational corporations. It affects cash flows for import and export transactions, and foreign investment decisions. The continuous change in values on international currencies indicates that a Chief Financial Officer has a daunting task in monitoring exchange rates movement. The concept of foreign exchange rate posits that different currencies have varying prices for various goods and services. Hence, this variation makes it possible to price one currency in terms of...
2 Pages 813 Words

Supply and Demand as the Basis of the US Economic System

Ever realized that there are a countless amount of brands for the same product? It's how our economic system works. Supply and demand is the backbone of how the United States keeps its economic system functioning. When using the ideal supply and demand aspect it keeps the system running fairly. Associations routinely don't raise their expenses despite when demand ascends since it is seen as being ridiculous. This is due to having the two basic laws of supply and demand....
2 Pages 798 Words
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