800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Joan of Arc as an Admirable Role Model

Faith, service, compassion, humility, and leadership, the qualities imperative for a role model and uncoincidentally some of the College values we aspire to have at Gilroy. Joan of Arc unequivocally embodies each and every one of these qualities, proving herself to be the epitome of persevering leadership and an admirable role model suited for the College chapel. A peasant girl living in medieval France, 13 year old Joan believed that God chose her to lead France to victory in its...
2 Pages 795 Words

Enduring Narratives of Robert Louis Stevenson’s and Gwen Harwood’s Bifurcated Protagonists

Enduring narratives play a powerful role in challenging social and cultural expectations through the manifesting in social divisions which reflect a particular type of literary characterisation, the bifurcated protagonist. This is demonstrated through in social divisions illustrated within the characterisation of a bifurcated protagonist, and also in the use of setting to generalise divisions to each composer’s social context. Respectively, Robert Louis Stevenson’s Victorian sci-fi narrative ‘Strange Case’ depicts divisions between social classes through the characterisation of Hyde and Jekyll...
2 Pages 786 Words

Narratives That Shape Our World

Narratives have been universally told since the beginning of human existence because they highlight social issues, shaped by their contexts. ‘Purple Hibiscus’ by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and the film, ‘The Color Purple’ directed by Stephen Spielberg are no exceptions of such narratives. Through analysing and comparing narratives, truths about society- both previous and current are revealed. Such narratives allow future generations to be well-versed of the hardships endured by their ancestors. The two narratives highlight the issues endured by Black...
2 Pages 818 Words

Clinical Overview of Q Fever Disease

Query fever is a zoonotic disease, more commonly known as Q fever is a bacterial disease that has become one of the most infectious agents known to man, spread worldwide besides new zealand. Coxiella burnetii is the infectious agent that causes Q Fever. Q fevers sources of infection lie mainly within animals: Cattle, Sheep, Goats, horses, Domestic and feral cats and dogs, Wildlife, camels, birds and some invertebrates. Although most animals may not show signs they can be asymptomatic carriers....
2 Pages 801 Words

Gucci: An Example of a Successful Diversity Management Policy

One of the moderators of diversity effects on performance is the organizational strategy. Research reveals that racial diversity is linked to higher productivity in firms focused on growth and to lower productivity in organizations that are focused on downsizing (Jackson & Joshi 2004). According to Gucci’s chief Marco Bizzarri, the organisation is pursuing a growth strategy through engaging in risk taking and changing the image of Gucci (The Business of Fashion 2018b). Thus, diversity would aid Gucci in becoming more...
2 Pages 815 Words

Catfishing: Background and Main Causes

The way that people interconnect using the Internet has truly transformed since 1990. Social media has introduced new means for people to communicate with each other and stay connected. People chat with one another and share memes via Facebook, post pictures on Instagram and Snapchat, etc. Technology has significantly altered the way that people search for love. In this modern era, it is not unusual for people to online date. Popular dating apps include: Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, etc. Many might...
2 Pages 788 Words

Income Gap and Unhappiness

The income gap is when the gap between the wealthy and the poor is very big. This is an issue that is still affecting many people to this day, it is an economic impact that many people have to face. However, the income gap does not only stop at being an economic issue, but it could also have a political and social impact. For me, I take the stand that the income gap causes an unhappy society. The income gap...
2 Pages 822 Words

Anatomical and Physiological Changes in Old Age

“We all admire the wisdom of people who come to us for advice” “The best way to gain wisdom is by spending time with people that are older than you” The older generation or the older adults are the most important part of the society. They are the diamonds of the society. They have wisdom. They admire us. They are the source of positive energy for us. They are helper for us. Old age means no more young. This start...
2 Pages 779 Words

Essay on Artificial Intelligence in Education

The coming times of education is substantially connected with improvements on modern innovations and computing capacities of the brilliantly contemporary machines. In this sector, evolutions in artificial intelligence open to up-to-date conceivable outcomes and challenges for educating and learning in higher education, with the possibility to radically alter administration and the inner architecture of institutes. Since the 1950s, different hypothetical understandings of artificial intelligence that are affected by chemistry, science, phonetics, science, and the progresses of AI understanding have been...
2 Pages 818 Words

University of Pennsylvania Should Adopt Shadow Grading for First-Semester Freshman

For as long as I can remember, one of my biggest dreams was to attend a top school, and I sacrificed thousands of hours of sleep and fun to make it a reality. But when I stepped into class on my first day as an Ivy League student, I felt no excitement, just dread. I had barely made it through high school with my sanity intact, and now I had to do it all over again on what seemed like...
2 Pages 808 Words

Background Checks as a Way to Reduce Gun Violence in Today's Society

About 393 million people in the US own a gun that's 46% of people worldwide which makes us the most armed country in the world. One gun can be made without a single problem but that one gun can also kill thousands with no hesitation. Gun violence has impacted our society in such a bad way which is why it needs to be stopped. Gun violence is bad because because hundreds of people can die with guns and that's only...
2 Pages 798 Words

Abuse of the 13th Amendment in Ava DuVernay's Film '13th'

The 13th Amendment of the United States Constitution abolished slavery in the year 1865. Part of the amendment has become quite infamous in my opinion. The documentary dives deep into the clause that states “Either slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction”. The amendment does not protect convicts from enslavement or involuntary service. This documentary believes...
2 Pages 824 Words

Central Banks and Political Retaliation

The emergence of many central banks in the world has been linked to the desire of kings to seek additional funding in the face of increased spending on the state apparatus and wars against other countries. The ability of central banks to create cash independently of their precious metal reserves has provided new possibilities for financing expenses The state and its wars without the need for new taxes on its citizens or for debt from large traders and moneymen at...
2 Pages 808 Words

Chris McCandless Character Analysis

Krakauer's novel ‘Into the Wild’ is a controversial yet intriguing work in which questions remain about the main characters goals and inspirations. The views of McCandless’ Alaskan adventure are seen as either arrogant and ill advised or heroic and motivational, but my personal views remain split between the two differencing sides. Instead of viewing McCandless as a ‘Bush Stereotype’, I prefer to believe that Chris was idealistic and searching for a worthy challenge in life. To begin with, in order...
2 Pages 795 Words

Review of Alan Trachtenberg's 'Incorporation of America'

The book ‘The Incorporation of America’ by Alan Trachtenberg depicts that the upcomming of industrial companies, companies and corporatization, the powers that existed at the time controlled the structure of the corporate world that was being developed during the Gilded Age and basically completely rebuilt and designed American culture in ways that were completely opposite to the way the way America had already established itself and its past, it caused a lot of conflict. The book begins by looking closely...
2 Pages 799 Words

Income Inequality in the United States

Within every population, there is a discongruity as to how much a citizen will earn inside of their economy. They are experiencing income inequality. You may be asking yourself, what is income inequality, exactly? “Income inequality is a phrase that is used in reference to the uneven distribution of individual or household income among a given population” (Schiller, pg. 40). In order for income inequality to exist, there must be a source of income, more specifically, several sources. “These sources...
2 Pages 819 Words

The Influence of the Media on the Perception of BLM's Demonstrations

Blacks is a reflection of lawlessness and engagement in crime. The nexus between such a view and the reflection of the blacks as criminals is reflected in the following contexts. Dukes and Gaither (2017) indicate that persons of color are often reflected in the media as criminals. The prevailing social stereotype is that blacks are inclined to crimes. Since such stereotypes are socially constructed, they need a system that perpetuates them. Dukes and Gaither (2017) reflect that a biased reflection...
2 Pages 808 Words

Dynamics of the Spread of Common Mental Disorders

The world health organisation (2014) states that mental health is a condition of mind which includes psychological, social and emotional well-being. Mental health can also be a great factor in how an individual feels, thinks and act thereby determining how a person handles stress, make choices and relates to other people around. The US department of health and human services further state that mental health is a very important aspect of health as it affects every stage of life, from...
2 Pages 813 Words

Correlation Coefficient and Explanation of Its Main Features

Correlation coefficients are used in statistics to measure how strong a relationship is between two variables. There are several types of correlation coefficient. Pearson’s correlation (also called Pearson’s R) is a correlation coefficient commonly used in linear regression. If you’re starting out in statistics, you’ll probably learn about Pearson’s R first. In fact, when anyone refers to the correlation coefficient, they are usually talking about Pearson’s. Meaning A correlation coefficient of ‘1’ means that for every positive increase in one...
2 Pages 798 Words

Reflective Essay on My Middle School Years

Since I was young my life has been a bit of a mess with no order at all, but there was one that I knew was clear, and this was that my family was the one thing I could always go back to. The mess that was my life was a result of many factors. Some of them were problems for my parents that later affected me and also problems within our family. Since my parents were still new in...
2 Pages 799 Words

The Impact the Dark Net Silk Road on Cyber Security and Business: Analytical Essay

The internet is something many people uses daily. If someone has a question, they google it or use another search engine to find the answer. Simple search engines like these are only the beginning. Google and Yahoo and sites easily accessed by the public is called the surface. Below the surface is the deep web, which makes up over 90 percent of all websites (Kaspersky, 2017). Inside the deep web, is the dark web. The dark web is a collection...
2 Pages 799 Words

Simic's Approach to the Metaphysics: Critical Analysis

Metaphysics merely means ‘after’ in Latin, ergo it came after Aristotle’s writings on physics. It attempts to define the nature of all reality, tangible or intangible. It begs for us to describe the basic and sometimes indescribable human existence. The origin of Philosophy is to ponder our existence, Metaphysics strives to understand the human condition. Where Realism claims that “time and space have existence independent from the human mind” SOURCE, metaphysics weds the two, as it is a combination of...
2 Pages 802 Words

Analysis of Kylie Smith Case Concerning Student's Rights: Application of Tinker Versus Des Moines Case

Question Presented Have the first amendment rights been violated when students take a stand against gun control by selling t-shirts, even though at first their principle gave permission to sell the t-shirts to promote their protest on gun violence and then gave Kylie a suspension at the cost of a scholarship? Short Answer Yes. Under the Constitution, the First Amendment rights of Freedom of Speech for Americans does not stop at the door for students if there is no disruption,...
2 Pages 787 Words

Idea of Duality in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: Analytical Essay on Robert Louis Stevenson's Works

He wanted to respect him. Mr. Poole was his loyal servant continuously until Dr. Jekyll's death. Although propriety was extremely important, his faithfulness and devotion towards Jekyll was more prioritized. “Poole, my butler, has his orders; you will find him waiting your arrival with a locksmith” (36). At times like these, even friendship and loyalty can outshine and be more valuable than having proper behavior. Stevenson emphasizes the good people strived for, as well as the evilness some could contain...
2 Pages 812 Words

Analysis of Short Stories: A Good Man Is Hard to Find and Good Country People

Analysis on the story A Good Man Is Hard to Find According to the writer, the importance of the word ‘good man’ might be arguable or comparative dependent on the decision of a person. Deliberately, O’Connor informs the world upon the diverse worry of the above-mentioned saying thus claiming it as worthless. Such as, Grandmother selects to practice the slogan ‘good man’ when mentioning to men who have alike awareness to hers. She sidelines the term ethical, which must agree...
2 Pages 799 Words

Progressive Era and Issues of Protection of American Workers: Analytical Essay

Progressive era The progressive era in several ways failed to protect American workers, exclusively women and children which led to mass number of deaths that were unjust and unconstitutional. The focus of the Progressive era was to elimination in the government. However, this goal was met, but not until many deaths. As a whole, American workers in this era suffered greatly through hardships such as having extensive hours, not enough pay, and poor treatment. Analyzing document #2, it follows a...
2 Pages 811 Words

Critical Analysis of Factors Contributing to Drug Addiction

What is a drug? The drug is a substance that can alter the body’s function either physically or psychologically when taken drug into the body. There are many factor that contributes to drug addiction. One of the factor is peer pressure. Many people relate to peer pressure strictly with kids and teenagers, it does manifest itself in adults as well. For example, a person who has friends or loved ones who are addicted to or use drugs which will affect...
2 Pages 803 Words

Never Give Up Hope and Never Give Up Yourself: Argumentative Essay

The last leaf I learn two important ideas from《the last leaf》written by O Henry. In the story, Johnsy, Sur and Behrman are friends. When johnsy was sick, she thought she would die when the last leaf fell. She give up all the hope, then Behrman give her hope. As a 11 year international student, I learn never give up hope and never give up yourself. The first important idea I learned was never to give up hope. In this story,...
2 Pages 816 Words

The Road by Cormac McCarthy: Critical and Literary Analysis

The road is a novel written by Cormac McCarthy which was published on September 26th, 2006. The book was also adapted to a movie in 2009. Cormac McCarty is an American novelist who were born on July 20th, 1933 in Providence, Rhode Island, US. Cormac McCarthy won the 2007 pulitzer price and the James Tait Black memorial prize for fiction for the novel the road. The road is a novel based on a man and his wife who survives an...
2 Pages 807 Words

Academic Challenges Faced by Masters Students in Their Research: Analytical Essay

Abstract: Research is the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions. Our research is used to find out the problems faced by MUET students. Once their problems are identified, we can find ways and means to solve those problems as much as possible. Thus the students as primary group will be benefitted from the result of this study .our research comprises 13 students of different departments most of them...
2 Pages 805 Words
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