800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Effectiveness Of Legal And Non-legal Responses In Dealing With Issues Of Domestic Violence

The Australian Legal System is frequently amending legislation to reduce offences and to parallel with the changing societal views and attitudes. Domestic violence is highly prevalent in today's growing society and is one of the most committed but least reported incidents.It is shown through this as ,”on average at least one woman a week is killed by a partner or former partner in Australia.”.There are legal and non legal structures in place to either aid and help those affected or...
2 Pages 801 Words

The Meaning and Role of Death in Hamlet

In Shakespeare's play, 'Hamlet,' death identifies himself as an uninvited guest who never cares to leave the opening scene with the ghost to the bloodshed in the final scene. However, the appearance of the tortured spirit of Old King Hamlet and the deaths of all the notable characters in the play are more evident demonstrations of death in its simplest form. But there must be some deeper meaning, connection and purpose, since death is so obvious in the physical and...
2 Pages 791 Words

Do Humans Truly Know Freedom?

Freedom is the human potential, the capacity and the power to act. When a person uses their freedom, they make changes. For example, when a person says, “I am free because I have possibilities and capacities to act on these possibilities.” Additionally, freedom particularly attains to perfection in it’s acts when directed towards God, the sovereign good. For instance, human freedom is when a person makes a choice between right and wrong. This is when a person’s ethical experience/ethics comes...
2 Pages 823 Words

The Activity of MLK and Malcolm X

For all African Americans, both Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X had a common goal: justice, peace and equality. Demonstrated in their speeches like, 'I Have a Dream' by Martin Luther King Jr and 'Talk to Young African Americans' by Malcolm X, both did not share their strategies or theories. But of course, so many people were supported by both men. Some people think that MLK and Malcolm X wanted the same thing for African Americans, or they were...
2 Pages 822 Words

The Serial Killer: Robert William Pickton also Known As The Pig Farmer Killer

From the year 1980, all the way through to 2001 many women were disappearing from the downtown eastside of Vancouver. Not just anyone in particular, but female prostitutes and female drug users were disappearing. The families of these women thought nothing about it, not even the cops, their behavior of disappearing and coming back was normal. But these girls weren't coming back, they were disappearing for good. Everyone who thought this was normal was woken up years later by a...
2 Pages 807 Words

The Impact of Facebook on Modern Communication

Modern communication has radically changed over the last 50 years, from sending each other letters, simple telephone calls or even meeting face to face and talking over a cup of coffee. As the human race grows we have learned to adapt and create new methods of communication. One example of this is Facebook, created by Mark Zuckerberg. Founded in February 2004 by 19 year old Mark Zuckerberg while studying in Harvard University, the site started simply as “The Facebook” and...
2 Pages 784 Words

Freedom Of The American Dream

Maya Lin, an adored architect, once said, “The American Dream is being able to follow your own personal calling. To be able to do what you want to do is incredible freedom.” Lin implies the idea that the American Dream is what you envision it to be. She alludes that one's aspirations should not be defined by society or others. If one is willing to follow their dream without influence, the American Dream is attainable by anyone. In a meeting...
2 Pages 816 Words

Juveniles And Crime Prevention

Crime prevention is the recognition of a crime risk and the initial action of removing or reducing it. Crime prevention has three main levels to it. The first is the primary level which is aimed at general population and seeks to address risk factors for delinquency. The second is the secondary level which also attempts to address risk factors, but is aimed at a more at-risk population. The third is the tertiary level which programs are targeted at offenders and...
2 Pages 801 Words

The Importance Of Restorative Justice

Research has overwhelmingly shown the harmful effects of charging and punishing youth. statistics have proven that young people who are charged are less likely to succeed in school or find stable employment and are more likely to reoffend. Restorative justice is commonly defined as an approach to justice that focuses on addressing the harm caused by crime while holding the offender responsible for their actions. Restorative justice is based on an understanding that crime is a violation of people and...
2 Pages 808 Words

The Role Of Hope And Dreams In The Characters' Lives In Of Mice And Men

If an individual is struggling, how do they stay positive during difficult times? Do they believe nothing will get better, or do they stay hopeful? Focusing on hopes and dreams is something many people do to get through hard times. Looking at the big picture gives people purpose and enables them to keep going. Unfortunately, having faith that things will improve is not always sufficient. In his novella Of Mice and Men, author John Steinbeck uses George’s dream home, Curley’s...
2 Pages 790 Words

Symbolism In Revealing Major Themes In Fahrenheit 451

In a world where technology has taken over and freethinking and information from books is prohibited, how does one carry on with their life? Fahrenheit 451 gives us that giving technology a chance to assume control over us can prompt some detrimental results. Throughout Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury utilizes various instances of symbolism to show character advancement and to feature major themes. One of the most noteworthy antagonists in the novel, The Hound, symbolizes the perils of technology and modernization....
2 Pages 819 Words

What Is Rape Culture?

It’s a sociological concept for a setting in which rape is pervasive and normalized due to societal attitudes about gender and sexuality. Many people think that rape happens when a random woman is attacked by a stranger that has been watching her or it can be someone she knows, someone she has befriended but that's not the only way it happens. Rape Culture is such a big thing and many people are pushing it away and not realizing how much...
2 Pages 805 Words

The Role of Allusion in the Sun, One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest and the Catcher in the Rye

Never affirm. Always Allude. Allusions are made to test the spirit and probe the heart” (Umberto Eco). Allusions are necessary because it allows for authors to include a deeper meaning to their message indirectly, allowing the reader to interpret the message for themselves. Allusions are used on the assumption that the reader and author have shared knowledge about a certain subject such as one’s culture, literature, or history. In the books of Men In The Sun by Ghassan Kanafani, One...
2 Pages 817 Words

Discrimination In Pakistan: Social, Political, Moral Problems And Challenges

Introduction Discrimination is a behavior of treating a person differently from other group of people. It is a continuing issue experienced by many individual on the basis of their traits. Discrimination in Pakistan is of different types such as, discrimination in age, race, education, culture, religion, gender etc. The major causes of discrimination are stereotyping and prejudice. Discrimination in Pakistan usually depends upon mentality of people .Currently Pakistanis are divided as Muslims, Hindus, Christians, more specifically Punjabis, Sindhi, Pashtuns and...
2 Pages 789 Words

Antigone: The Inevitability of Fate

Sophocles’ Antigone, written in 441 B.C.E., is over 2000 years old and is still a common element in an average English class reading list. It is a story about a woman who wants to cause no trouble, but will also stop at nothing to honor her brother in his death. Even though King Creon has decreed that anybody who tries to bury Antigone’s brother will be punished with death, she does so anyway. Antigone disregards the threat and buries her...
2 Pages 784 Words

Do Violent Video Games Make People More Violent, Or They Unburden Themselves This Way?

Introduction A survey found that 92% of children, ages 2-17, play video games. According to parents, children, between the ages of two and seventeen, spend almost 6.5 hours a day in front of TV and computers playing video games. The study also revealed that 83% of children, ages 8-18, have at least one video game player in their home, 31% have more than 3 video game players in their home, and 49% have video game players in their own bedrooms....
2 Pages 789 Words

How Serious Is The Suicide Problem In South Korea?

In this essay, I am going to talk about the suicide problem, which is very common and serious problem in South Korea. According to the First WHO report on suicide prevention, suicide in South Korea is the country with the third-highest estimated suicide rate for 2012 globally. The rates of suicide in South Korea increase steadily, especially with the highest rates among the elderly. Moreover, suicide also the No.1 cause of death of young people in South Korea. Besides, celebrities...
2 Pages 790 Words

Huck As A Traumatized Child In The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

Mark Twain’s fiction The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn explores various themes. Be it standing as a foreground for moral debates, dealing with slave markets, a marvellous piece of adventure fiction, or a mere children’s book. Whatever it might be, it is surely one thing, it is a foundational piece which dealt with a 14 years old young boy severely affected by parental loss, lacking all possible affection with no serious concern by anyone on a journey of escape for freedom....
2 Pages 823 Words

The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Ethical Judgement

Abstract The purpose of this paper is to review the study done on the relationship between emotional intelligence and ethical judgement for people in managerial roles. This study focuses on understanding the factors that contribute to the ethical challenges faced by today’s business environment. The researchers statistically analyzed data from two online surveys to examine the interconnection between emotional intelligence and ethical decision making. The research found that emotional intelligence and ethical judgement are strongly related to relativism and the...
2 Pages 787 Words

Sophocles' Oedipus Rex And Nathanial Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown

The title characters of Sophocles' Oedipus Rex and Nathanial Hawthorne's 'Young Goodman Brown' share common traits -- those of arrogance, righteousness and a belief that they could raise themselves to the level of the gods. Both sought to define the wicked, though only Oedipus truly succeeded because he determined to discover the truth even if it meant his own destruction while Goodman Brown, through fear or stupid, smug piety never confirmed or denied whether his one defining event -- that...
2 Pages 800 Words

Downsides of Animal Testing

Animal research has had a crucial job in numerous logical and restorative advances of the previous century, and keeps on supporting our comprehension of different illnesses. All through the world, individuals appreciate a superior personal satisfaction in view of these advances, and the resulting improvement of new medications and medicines—all made conceivable by animal testing. Such analyses are broadly used to grow new prescriptions and to test the safety of different items. However, a considerable number of these analyses can...
2 Pages 786 Words

Ethics and Sexuality

Introduction In this paper I will discuss the immorality or premarital intercourse and the importance of abstinence, and in the case of divorce the importance of celibacy. I will approach this issue in two steps. First, I will describe my ethical theory that I believe a person, specifically a Christian, should apply when attempting to solve moral dilemmas. Then I will apply this methodology to the sexuality, specifically premarital intercourse. The position that I hope to substantiate is that, sex...
2 Pages 776 Words

Definition and Elements of Emotional Intelligence

Everyone knows that high IQ is no guarantee of success or happiness. Emotional Intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ by Daniel Goleman was named of the 25 most influential business management books by Time Magazine with 5,000,000 copies in print worldwide and translated into 40 languages. In this book Daniel Goleman expands the model of what it means to be intelligent and puts emotions at the center of aptitudes for living. He brings up the idea that emotional...
2 Pages 795 Words

Essence of Humanity in Person's Life

Concepts of human nature is a topic that has continued to raise philosophical debate for centuries. It is an array of characteristics that are said to happen naturally. Whether it is a feeling, a way of thinking, or one’s instinctual actions that essentially constructs what it is to be human. I believe that the true essence of humanity lays primarily in a person’s ability to reason. Humans are perceived as intellectual beings with an immense capability for reasoning. I believe...
2 Pages 812 Words

Brave New World: Aldous Huxley’s Message

In the novel Brave New World society is very organized and stable, however, this comes at a cost. The author of Brave New World, Aldous Huxley, is sending a message to the future through Brave New World, which is that the advanced stability and organization of society comes at a cost. This cost is culture from the past, individual freedoms, feelings like unhappiness or love, and uniqueness. This message is why Aldous Huxley wrote Brave New World. First, the world...
2 Pages 779 Words

Experience of Conflict Resolution

Varying views on things, work processes, thought systems and cultural values are common phenomenon observed in any work environment. It would be quite dull and boring if everyone working within the organisation had the same point of view. This would simply imply that since everyone is of similar opinion, they would not have a lot to add to each other's knowledge and experience. While working in an environment there’s there are varied opinions is interesting and insightful, at the same...
2 Pages 798 Words

Serial Killing: Could You Do It?

This project will give motives and psychological explanations behind serial killings – focusing on prominently males. The term ‘serial killer’ was coined by Robert Ressler, an FBI agent and profiler1, and is given to people who commit three or more murders. Even after one killing, motives tend to cease to exist and it becomes more of pattern and psychological cause. Outlining the main reasons, I will evaluate which is the most prominent factor that leads to serial killing. There are...
2 Pages 823 Words

Should Artificial Intelligence Replace Judges?

The introduction of artificial intelligence in the judicial systems can aid judges with the necessary resources needed to make their work easier but it will never replace the existence of Judges and their expertise. What is Artificial Intelligence? Artificial Intelligence is an advancing field of Computer Science that enables a machine to respond to its sorroundings independently while performing tasks that would normally require human intelligence and decision making process. Offers assistance to Judges It is indeed a debate all...
2 Pages 784 Words

An Oppressive Society in George Orwell’s 1984 And Animal Farm

Oppression could be defined as “prolonged cruel or unjust treatment of authority”, thus is present in both George Orwell’s dystopian books “Animal Farm” and “1984” as such aspects of tyranny are integrated into the texts in order to create a perfect dystopian novel, introducing the reader into a world of repression and chaos. Orwell enhances the dystopias by presenting a tyrannical government who exploits and mistreats their people, highlighting the victimisation which occurs throughout the novel and novella. However, in...
2 Pages 782 Words

The Definition of Inequality and Examples Taken from City Road in Relation to Ordering

Inequality can be defined as the condition of being unequal; when there is an inequality something is off balance. It relates to unequal opportunities in society or between societies where some people have significantly more money, access to education, opportunities etc.(Allen and Blakely,2014.p.13). It relates to the existence of unequal opportunities and rewards for different social positions or statuses within a group or society. Perceptions also play a fundamental role in producing inequalities. Inequalities persist in society through the perceptions...
2 Pages 780 Words
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