800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

How Human Zoos Relate To European Imperialism

Human Zoos were created in the 19th century to display African Americans that were believed to be related to the descents of monkeys and apes. They put indigenous people from across the world on display like a giant human zoo, coined the name. Human Zoos became popular because they were a way to test Darwin’s theory that humans had evolved from ape-like ancestors. Over the years, Human Zoos became controversial because they were forcing humans into cages and treating them...
2 Pages 808 Words

A Day In The Life Of A Concentration Camp Prisoner

World War II was the largest genocide the world has ever faced. 17 million people were killed during this gruesome war. The Nazi leader, Adolf Hitler was anti-semitic and believed that no Jewish person deserved to live in his Nazi Germany. Due to this belief, he slowly but quickly gathered up all the Jewish people into a small section of their town and placed them into Ghettos. A ghetto was total isolation from everyday life in Germany. It was a...
2 Pages 790 Words

The Role Of Women During Elizabethan Times

The Elizabethan era dates back to 1558-1603, during the Reign of Queen Elizabeth I. History shows that Elizabeth was a formidable and intelligent leader, but, although she was unmarried, she was a rare exception in Elizabethan England. The roles of women during that time were very limited, and they had to deal with vast amounts of problems, restrictions and requirements on the part of men and society. The method of teaching women differed depending on their social status. The women...
2 Pages 785 Words

Social And Religious Developments Of The Aztec Empire

The Aztec empire was one of the most prominent empires of this time. The Aztecs commonly referred to as the Mexicas, adopted cultures and traditions from earlier peoples, while at the same time developing their own, unique society. They are believed to have originated from Nahuatl-speaking people that migrated south to what is now known as northern Mexico. There, they built the magnificent cities of Tlatelolco and Tenochtitlán, which eventually grew into two of the largest cities at that time....
2 Pages 780 Words

Elizabethan Era and Social Classes

Classes in Elizabethan society were really important. This was because of how each of the classes contributed to society’s success, it had different famous people, added to the population, and how they performed their everyday activities. At this time, the Elizabethan era had 3 main classes in its system. The Nobility, Gentry, and the Poor. In this time, a lot of people would be born into a class, and then stay in that particular class for the rest of their...
2 Pages 786 Words

Types Of Major Nazi Concentration Camps

Adolf Hitler, who authorised a political party called The Nazi Party in Germany, was one of the main reasons for the holocaust to exist in the 20th century. During these horrific events, many were killed in the gruesome system that was crafted by the Nazi regime to hold Jews and non-Jews. In this essay, there will be a discussion of what happened in the Concentration Camps, deaths, the different types of camps, the most infamous Nazi camps, what the people...
2 Pages 778 Words

Effects Of Nuclear Radiation And Decay

Nuclear radiation and decay are often perceived as dangerous and harmful. In 2011, at the Fukushima Daiichi Accident, following a major earthquake, a 15-meter tsunami disabled the power supply and cooling of three Fukushima Daiichi reactors. An average of 400 mSv/hour (accumulated background radiation dose) was produced which is 40,000 times the amount of radiation in a dental X-ray. Although nuclear radiation can cause extreme harm on rare occasions, it has more positive outcomes than negative ones. As an illustration,...
2 Pages 808 Words

Article Analysis: The Trial Of Anne Hutchinson

The article “The Trial of Anne Hutchinson” will be critically analyzed by looking into the author’s focal points. This describes the various pieces of evidence that were used by the author to justify how Hutchinson’s trial has turned into a critical event in American history as it represents the lack of religious tolerance that existed in the country during the 1600s. The political and religious environment during that period was expounded to understand the decisions that led to the trial...
2 Pages 782 Words

Economic Effects And Public Perception Of Patent Poultry Genetics

In most developing countries there are two types of industries that issue, direct and manufacture poultry genotypes: one using high performance laying or broiler genotypes; and the other using lower performance indigenous breeds, having lower performance chicks with higher cost makes it unprofitable to commercial broilers under harsh conditions. The performance of the idigenous genotypes improves under constricted feeding conditions, however, not to the extent that it is economically viable. Today there is a lot of concern about what comes...
2 Pages 794 Words

Plant Breeding And Genetics

Plant rearing is the study of changing the attributes of plants so as to create wanted qualities. It has been utilized to improve the nature of nourishment in items for people and creatures. Plant rearing can be cultivated through various procedures going from essentially choosing plants with alluring qualities for engendering, to strategies that utilize information on hereditary qualities and chromosomes, to progressively complex sub-atomic systems (see cultigen and cultivar). Qualities in a plant are what figure out what kind...
2 Pages 822 Words

The History Of Chemistry

Chemistry was first found in 1661 and its first modern chemist was called Robert Boyle. Boyle worked with gases and was the first to disagree with the Greek idea of four elements in his book The Skeptical Chymist published in 1661. This theory was odd because the Greek were the first people to record their studies and come up with the idea of elements as well as early models and atoms. Boyle also stated that “All reality and change can...
2 Pages 821 Words

Outline: In Defense Of Chemistry

Nowadays, many people are interested in whether chemistry should be taught at public in school. Because some people did not like to study chemistry, and school did not have enough money for students to learn it,therefore they think school should cancel chemistry classes. However, it is necessary for students to study chemistry. To begin with, chemistry explain the nature world. Furthermore, it prepares for people to get better jobs. Moreover, learning chemistry is result in better informed citizens of nature...
2 Pages 792 Words

Biology: Usage Of Enzymes In Industries

In science, enzymes are being used as bio-catalysts, meaning they accelerate chemical reactions by lowering the activation energy. Enzymes play a significant role in the lives of living organisms as they give aid in metabolic activities such as respiration and digestion, as well as help to maintain homeostasis. Apart from this, enzymes work as substances which break-down particles like protein, starch and fat, into smaller molecules, parts. Whilst enzymes are essential for the written above, there are numerous of other...
2 Pages 824 Words

The Peculiarities Of Marine Biology As A Job

Marine biology is about studying everything sea life like animals and corals. They are separated in different types of research like a certain species of sea creature or some may research about reef restoration. Marine biologists are mostly on the field when they work, they manage wildlife preserves to protect marine organisms. There are a lot of different types of jobs that you can do at the marine biology scene these are some examples: Marine ecologist: Marine ecologist performs research...
2 Pages 822 Words

Common Indian Comparative Religions

Many religions are organized under geographic location because of the similar beliefs and practices common within a region. Comparative Religion studies the similar aspects of doctrines and practices of the world’s religion. India is recognized as a geographical location with many religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. Hinduism is believed to be the oldest religion and Buddhism was developed shortly thereafter. While Buddhism and Hinduism originate from the same area they can be distinguished by their deities and...
2 Pages 793 Words

How Islam Emphasizes Child's Right

Being a Muslim, we will never get away from responsibilities in everything that we do in our life as we are the Caliphates in this world in which Muslims are responsible for their own actions. In this article, parents as well as society have to be responsible for their own children in every aspect possible. It is no doubt that Islam has always prioritised the importance of the rights of children. Even before the birth of children, Islam has mentioned...
2 Pages 800 Words

The History, Meaning And Effects Of Radical Islam

1968 to 1979 was the dawn of modern international terrorism within Islam. The colonial period was unsuccessful post-colonial times at state establishment, and the formation of Israel produced a sequence of anti-Western and Marxist movements throughout both the Arab and Islamic world. The initial stage of contemporary international terrorism was the growth of these nationalist and revolutionary movements. Throughout the 1960s, Palestinian secular movements began to target civilians outside the area of conflict. The Palestinian groups included: Al Fatah and...
2 Pages 787 Words

Coexisting Of Islam & Christianity In Egypt

Religion was invented to express ideas about the world, why unexplainable things happen and what come after death. Others believed it was a way of explaining social behavior amongst human-beings. Regardless if you are religious or not, you cannot deny the impact religion has had on our world with the vast majority of the world practicing some type of religion. In Egypt, the Muslim religion makes up 90% of the population leaving the rest of the 10% of Christians to...
2 Pages 809 Words

Marriage In Catechism And Catholic

Marriage refers to the legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship (historically and in some jurisdictions specifically a union between a man and a woman) and matrimony refers to the state of being married; marriage. Marriage is a fundamental institution for society due to its importance in uniting spouses as potential parents and in providing for the upbringing of their children. A rise in divorce numbers are evident in today’s society. There has...
2 Pages 819 Words

How Are The Core Beliefs Of Christianity Able To Live Alongside?

The five major world religions give humans a moral framework on how to live their life. In particular, Christianity and Buddhism. The core beliefs of Christianity and Buddhism provide followers with morals and rituals to live alongside in order to fulfill a holistic life dedicated to religion. This is done by encouraging participation in rituals such as Eucharist and the following of beliefs such as the eight-fold path. The morals of Christianity can be represented in day-to-day life in day-to-day...
2 Pages 808 Words

The Correlation Of Sports & Politics

Sport is a very spread phenomenon today, its presence reflected on many levels, from the connections between sport and politics, sport and the media, the impact of sport on the economy of a society, connection with the local community, tourism, etc. Several international sports events, such as the Olympic Games, World Cups are of interest to millions of people, regardless of age, gender, race or social status. Therefore, sport plays a very important role in people’s lives. Sport has been...
2 Pages 798 Words

A Letter To Myself In The Future

I didn’t know what sadness was when I was 4 years old. I used to scrape my knees and burst into tears and now I burst into tears because I don’t scrape my knees. I found a vice more torturous than wanting a physical pain. I found you. My shoulders are softer, my cheeks rounder. My hips don’t go up to the size 2 jeans you pushed me into buying, I think you called it visualizing. My skin and I...
2 Pages 787 Words

The Factors Of Lifestyle Modification

Lifestyle is the aggregation of personal decisions over which an individual has control that can be said to contribute to, or cause illness or disease Lifestyle modification involves altering long-term habits and maintaining the new behaviour for months or years. Lifestyle modification involves major modifiable factors such as diet, exercise, stress, smoking and alcohol consumption.Life style modification can be used to control and treat a host of conditions like Obesity, Type 2 diabetes, Hypertension, Heart disease, Depression, Cancer. Reflux disease....
2 Pages 794 Words

The Character Traits Of Brutus

Introduction The character of Brutus in the drama Julius Caesar written by William Shakespeare is a complex character. The possible problem encountered when discussing the character of Brutus throughout the play of Julius Caesar, is if your opinion and how your opinion of this character has changed. This essay aims to prove why my opinion of Brutus did not change towards the end of the play. In this essay the character traits of Brutus (both good and bad), how his...
2 Pages 781 Words

Positive Leadership Behavior In Planned Parenthood

A leader is someone that is able to effectively communicate with people in a way that inspires and motivates them (Ward, 2020). A leader must be personable for those to follow their lead and provide them with an example of how to hold ones themselves accountable for their individual work (Ward, 2020). My leader of choice is the Vice President of Health Services for Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio. She is very persuasive when it comes to getting others to...
2 Pages 808 Words

Behavioural Intentions Of Young Adults: Impacts Of Sports Celebrity Endorsement

Consumer socialization refers to the process by which young people learn skills, knowledge, and attitudes from others through communication, which then assist them in functioning as consumers in the marketplace (Moschis and Churchill, 1978). The socialization theory maintains that “socialization agents” “transmit norms, attitudes, motivations, and behaviours to the learner” (Moschis and Churchill, 1978). A socialization agent can be described as a source of influence, which can be either an individual or company which is directly associated with the person...
2 Pages 794 Words

Strong Faith In Science And Science Being An Authority

There is a long history of human exploration of reality and the universe. Different methods and systems are developed from ancient Greece to nowadays. Among all of them, science is the most commonly accepted one and most of us believe in science strongly today. This can be attributed to the language, way of thinking and the use of science. Science involves precise language which increases the reliability. Concepts in science are well-defined and the elaboration of a principle are in...
2 Pages 782 Words

The Understanding Of Freedom In The Film Into The Wild

Freedom is defined as the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants. With “Into the Wild”, director Sean Penn explores the true significance of this word and encourages the viewers to question if they are truly free. Released in 2007, “Into the Wild” is a movie based on Jon Krakauer's 1996 book which recounts the true story of McCandless, whose persona appears as the main character of the movie. Idealist Christopher McCandless, played by actor Emile...
2 Pages 818 Words

Competitive Sports For Children: For Or Against?

Competitive sports is an issue that is hotly debated. The majority of communities in the United States offer some form of sports program of students. Competitive sports require kids to possess a strong mindset for the challenge they will face. Research shows that competitive sports build character.Competitive sports should be banned because sports are bad for kids mental health, injuries caused from competitive sports can affect your life, and competitive sports experience too much pressure for kids. Competitive sports impact...
2 Pages 782 Words

The Features Of Dante's Hell

Dante built his version of hell utilizing equal measures of Roman Catholic doctrine and his own personal perspective regarding his guilt or sins of the people he positions there. Dante had been involved in a political battle in Florence and in losing it, he had been banished from the city. Aristotle is one character who seemed to be in hell for reasons the Catholic church of that time would approve. One character who seemed to be in hell simply because...
2 Pages 776 Words
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