800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay on Why Is Animal Testing Unethical

Over the past few years, animals have been exploited for testing purposes, experiments for medicinal safety, and other scientific methods have been conducted on these animals to confirm that these methods are safe for mankind. In 2017 statistics show that over 3 million animals were tested in England (ā€˜ā€™Understanding animal research,ā€™ā€™2018, Para. 3). Animal testing is unethical because it is more time and money-consuming, both human and animal bodies are different and it causes harm to animals, So animal testing...
2 Pages 810 Words

Essay on the USS Indianapolis Tragedy and Its Relevance to the Navy's Core Values

ā€œSuccess is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that countsā€ ā€“ Winston Churchill. Not many people today know the case of the sinking of USS Indianapolis during World War II, the worst sea disaster in United States naval history. After joining the Navy, I have heard so many horror stories about USS Indianapolis from people onboard my last ship and always wondered how this advanced and heavily armed cruiser got hit by the Japanese...
2 Pages 813 Words

Analytical Essay on the Impact of Information and Communications Technology on Health and Education

Information and communications technology (ICT) refers to any technology that provides us with access to information via telecommunication. The most commonly identified ICT tools include computers, tablets, mobile phones, and the Internet. With this set of tools, we can gather, process and share information, when necessary. Not only are these technological tools useful in our personal lives, but they are increasingly becoming integrated into various industries, like education and health. Digital literacy has become an integral part of the learning...
2 Pages 804 Words

Why I Want to Be a Politician Essay

Introduction Politics is appealing because it has a significant influence on administration and society. As someone who is fervently committed to bringing about significant change, I identify with the political role. Politicians have a special ability to mold our reality in many ways, from social welfare to the law. This essay explores my personal path towards a career in politics, motivated by my desire to make a positive impact on society. Personal Inspiration and Motivation Seeing the real effects of...
2 Pages 824 Words

Personal Essay: Why Is College Important to Me

I grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania, when I was in middle school I moved an hour away to another small town where I am currently living. Since I grew up in a small town I would like to attend a smaller or private college. I like to think I am like most modern American women; I have goals for the future that I intend to make happen. I have a normal background; my parents are divorced and...
2 Pages 786 Words

Reflective Essay on Statistics

Public Health England (2017) projected that smoking costs the National Health Service Ā£2.5 billion. A study by ASH Action on Smoking and Health (2016) that smoking costs Cheshire West and Chester Ā£89.3 million a year, nearly Ā£1,673 per smoker per year (Inside Cheshire West and Chester, 2017). When reflecting, the latest statistics report by the National Health Service (NHS, 2019) showed that throughout 2017/2018, 14.4% of adults in England smoked ā€“ to break this down to the Cheshire West and...
2 Pages 793 Words

Essay on Why Martin Luther King Is Important

Located on the bridge leading to G-Building next to the Eastfield College Library, this display is significant to understanding the Civil Rights Movement that happened during the years 1954 to 1968 and Martin Luther King's involvement in it. Through its use of images and quotes, the viewer can begin to understand what each important historical event meant for the African American community and also how it helped them gain better rights. Not only does the viewer learn about this aspect...
2 Pages 779 Words

Substance Abuse by Athletes: Essay

Hypothesis There are many controversial issues in the world, and many people have stances. The certainty or uncertainty of an issue can be determined by oneā€™s ethical view. As for the Christian worldview, truth, glory, character, and being consistent with the mind are components an individual should adhere to. Introduction Molarity is of the highest importance ā€“ but for us, not for God (Albert Einstein). Christian ethics are guided by scripture and religious traditions through the Biblical sacred text (Langerak,...
2 Pages 788 Words

Prescription Drugs Vs Marijuana: Essay

Unlike prescription pills, medical marijuana is a topic full of controversy in today's society. It has a heavy stigma and stereotype, where its consumers are viewed as American ā€œpot smokersā€ who have been lazy and unmotivated for years dealing with their problems through consuming marijuana. Even though prescription pills are viewed as miracle workers, chosen by a doctor; prescribing the patient, the best and most expensive drug isnā€™t the best option for the patient unless it's necessary. While both (prescription...
2 Pages 779 Words

Personal Narrative Essay on an Experience

Canada is a dream country for the majority of Indian teenagers and youngsters because of its best education system and better lifestyle. I came here in September 2018 as an international student. It is the last semester of my study and I will be graduating in the coming couple of months. After noticing a continuous rise in the number of patients infected by the Corona Virus, the government of Canada issues an order to close all schools, colleges, and other...
2 Pages 787 Words

Essay: Why Same Sex Marriage Shouldn't Be Legalized

What was your take on the solution? For me it is okay for now to not legalize same-sex marriage because of different perspectives of the people that think morality will get fouled As I stated earlier we are a religious country with a strong belief in God, and for that, they will think that sanctity of marriage will be broken if the same-sex marriage will be passed. But for me, I'll be open to their sides listening to their different...
2 Pages 819 Words

Essay on Charley in 'Death of a Salesman'

Death of a Salesman was written by Arthur Miller. Arthur Miller was an American playwright and essayist in 20th-century American Theater He was born on October 17, 1915, in Harlem, New York, United States, and died at the age of 89 years old, February 10, 2005. Arthurā€™s father was Isidore Miller and her mother was Augusta Miller. Arthur Miller was also the author of ā€œThe Crucibleā€ and ā€œAll My Sonsā€ these are some of his famous plays. Arthur Miller graduated...
2 Pages 804 Words

Essay on 'Things Fall Apart' Characters

For this essay, I will be choosing the character Okonkwo. Similarly, as his dad was inconsistent with the estimations of the network around him, so too does Okonkwo become incapable of adjusting to changing occasions as the white man comes to live among the Umuofians So pretending that I'm Okonkwo and the missionaries and commissioners come I would not agree with what they are doing. When these Westerners came Okankwo was not there at the tribe's village because he was...
2 Pages 793 Words

Life of Pi' Discovery Essay

ā€œThe lower you are, the higher your mind will want to soarā€ (Life of Pi, page 283). In ā€œLife of Piā€ Pi grows up in Pondicherry, India, as a little boy who is the son of an owner of the Pondicherry Zoo. They set an immigration to Canada, after selling their Zoo, and their ship sinks. Leaving Pi on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger, an orangutan, a zebra, and a hyena. In the novel ā€œLife of Piā€, the author...
2 Pages 825 Words

Time and Tide Wait for None: Personal Narrative Essay

Time is a good thing. You always have so many memories of it. But it is also a bad thing too. I donā€™t know what time has been left for me. What has been taken away from me? For two years when I was studying in the United States, I never went back to my home country, China. When I got back to China and got to associate with my family once more, I could witness a change in how...
2 Pages 812 Words

My Purpose for Studying in Japan: Essay

The formation of a civilized society entails an equilibrium between all stakeholders representing many individuals with common and diverse interests. This equilibrium balances the need and voices of the citizens through negotiation, compromise, and reconciliation so that a responsible government can then accordingly formulate and implement appropriate policies and propose legislation to defuse tension and confrontation. This may facilitate all levels of application, including public welfare, facilities, and education, propelling everyoneā€™s daily life forward. It is therefore important for us...
2 Pages 819 Words

Why Do You Want to Study Business Analytics: Argumentative Essay

Business analytics is a field that investigates the performance of businesses and explores the market through data and statistical methods to gain insights and drive business planning. With the emergence of start-ups that have ambitions and great ideas, skills in business analytics become more and more indispensable in the job market. In China, there is a huge number of start-ups established every year, but the survival rates of those firms decrease exponentially within a few years of their establishment. It...
2 Pages 824 Words

My America's First Road Trip: Personal Narrative Essay

Colorado is like my second home, and since I went there, it was a big part of my life because it was the first road trip as a family I took. One of the coolest trips in my life I have ever taken. I will probably never forget that whole week of awesome fun. My family was planning on going to Colorado since I was in mid-7th grade. I was anxiously waiting for the months to go by while I...
2 Pages 786 Words

Descriptive Essay about the Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower is the tallest building and oldest in France. It has 3 floors that are accessible to the public with the use of tickets and beautiful views of France from all 3 floors, and it is a man-made structure. Many people visit the Eiffel Tower. It has an annual visitor count of 7 million from all over the globe. The main people that visit the tower are couples as the tower has lovely restaurants for couples to wine...
2 Pages 777 Words

How Technology Is Changing the Way We Live: Argumentative Essay

The modern generation has an incredibly large amount of information about the operation of various devices and innovations. Indeed, now even a small child knows how to use a mobile phone, for example, to easily play videos on it. Individuals are now more likely to look in front of their phone screens instead of face-to-face with friends and family members. Modern technologies are changing the way we look at the world today. PCs, cell phones, and tablets are a portion...
2 Pages 812 Words

Impact of Droughts in South Africa: Essay

Drought is a period of unusually low rainfall, that leads to a shortage of water and causes deuteriation to that area. South Africa is considered a water-scarce country and is ranked as the 30th driest country in the world. This has a major impact on the environment, society, and economy. Approximately 37% of South Africaā€™s rural community is affected by drought. Drought is common in Northern Cape, Eastern Cape, Western Cape, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal, and Eastern Free State. Drought is one...
2 Pages 797 Words

How to Make a Healthier Pizza Essay

By carefully approaching the ingredients, a tŠ°Ń•tу Š°nd healthy pizza can be mŠ°dŠµ. The calorie count of a large Margherita pizza at one of the international pizzerias is impressive, coming in at a staggering 2,072 calories with a total fat content of 87.2 g and a salt level of 7.8 g. ThŠµ fіgurŠµŃ• fŠ¾r a Double PerrŠµrŠ¾ni pіzza is even higher - 2208 calories, 104 g of fat and 9.12 g of salt. The tŠ¾tŠ°l daily calorie intake fŠ¾r Š°n...
1 Page 822 Words

Why I Choose Healthcare as a Career: Essay

When I think about my future career in healthcare, I am always reminded of how badly I wanted the doctor kit for my American Girl doll when I was around 6 years old. I never got the kit because I didnā€™t want to ask for it knowing how expensive it was; instead, I would create casts for my doll's broken limbs out of elastic book covers and tape. Although very innovative, even at a very young age, I was attracted...
2 Pages 776 Words

Why Family and Friends Are Important for Adolescent Development: Essay

Parents and friends have long been considered to play a pivotal role in various aspects of adolescent development. Some researchers have compared the importance of the two factors, whereas others have contended that family and friends affect different areas of teenage life. This essay takes the stance that both parents and peers serve as value transmitters and sources of emotional socialization, while simultaneously having influences on different domains: parents on vocational choices and friends on social skills. Firstly, both parents...
2 Pages 805 Words

Persuasive Essay about the Usage of Mobile Phones and the Internet as a Problem

Mobile phones are widely used throughout the world and are considered one of the most influential inventions of technology It is a productive tool that when used in moderation, can help us with communication, work, school, relationships, etc. Everything we need is found on the Internet, and this can make it hard for people to stay away from it. The key to using anything is making sure we do not use too much of it. Compulsive use can have a...
2 Pages 791 Words

Past, Present, and Future of Enterprise Holdings Inc.: Essay

ā€œTake care of your customers and your employees first, and the profits will followā€. These simple yet deeply impactful words were the working basis of a personal mission that belonged to Jack Taylor, founder of Enterprise Holdings Inc. After serving his country in World War II, Jack returned home with a burning desire to do business differently. In 1957, he implemented the wisdom he gained from the Navy and started a company from a small office in St. Louis. Because...
2 Pages 801 Words

My Kidnapped Story: Personal Narrative Essay

I have been through a rough time when I lost hope that I would live. I was 13 years old and very gullible, having a gun to my head made me realize the value of life. Life is worth more than anything and we should enjoy it to the fullest. Getting kidnapped wasnā€™t a pleasant experience for me or my family. I was 13 years old and very immature, living in Pakistan, and used to go to a private school....
2 Pages 821 Words

Essay about My Experience Learning English as a Second Language

Manny Pacquiao's quote ā€œLife is meant to be a challenge because challenges make you growā€ makes me recall a certain part of my life when I had to learn English as a second language. Moving to the United States of America at the age of seven and spending my early development age learning a third-world language and culture instead, Urdu, molded me into the person I am today. My family and I moved here back in 2009 for better opportunities...
2 Pages 817 Words

Describing and Evaluating a Website: Essay

For Life on Earth, or FLOE, is a website for a campaign dedicated to human health, medicinal sciences, and saving our planet. The website has an organization domain, meaning that the URL ends in org. Traditionally, org domains have been used for non-profit organizations. However, URL domains are less strict now, org is generic. Itā€™s important to research a website and confirm an organizationā€™s validity. The most recent article added to the website was added in March 2019. The website...
2 Pages 817 Words

Rhetorical Analysis Essay about Smoking

There is no safe level of smoking. Tobacco smoking among adolescent Australians is at an all-time high. Nearly 40 000 Queensland secondary school students are classified as current smokers (Epidemiology and Health Information Branch, 1992). Research evidence indicates that if these students continue this poor life choice into their adult life, up to 10 000 of them will die from smoking-related illnesses (Epidemiology and Health Information Branch, 1992). The only way to avoid detrimental health effects linked with tobacco smoking...
2 Pages 789 Words
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