Reflective Essay on Words to Live

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Life works out like a pattern on the tapestry of time. Desiderata, a masterpiece of Max Ehrmann, is a truth from a great poet’s pen. Desiderata is poetry that will spur us on, attached with lovely lilting phrases and agonizing realistic realities. It also enlightens us on what we will be dwelling in our workplace and what actions must be realized and inculcated to be applied to ourselves in dealing with the strife and troubles we may encounter throughout our journey.

Shakespeare once said “All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players”. This phrase is almost identical to Ehrmann’s Desiderata quoting that “You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars”. In the mind of a child is where the world of enchantment lies, with fable, myth, intense adventure, and fruitful discovery. In the eyes of a child, a blue rose is real. In the nose of the child, fresh water is fragrant. In the tongue of the child, the lullaby is sweet. In the skin of the child, gentle touch is love. In other contexts, the truth of attaining an ideal society is the truth of speaking with the Creator by way of a small metaphor. The child does not need mathematics, rather the mathematician needs to study the mind of a child. The child does not need sociology, rather the sociologist needs to study the mind of a child. The child does not need philosophy, rather than study the mind of a child. In the mind of a child is the true poem.

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How poetic could it be when it comes to saying that we are still all a child? Because life’s the thing—so be alive and look alive, whether you are sixteen or sixty-five. It’s not the length of years that counts; it is the quality that determines what kind of a living yours is going to be. We have still so much room to grow, and so much potential to burgeon. There’s no generation gap, and age is illusory, as my teacher once said: “Life is long, enjoy everything you can, as long as you’re happy, you are fulfilling your purpose.”

However, life may not go the way you expected, it is often misled to frantic and delirious events. Relationships can be broken; it can create our enemies where wounds could be inflicted on our hearts and sorrow comes to those we love. And these lines by Erhmann are not just pure brilliancy but are words to live by: “Therefore, be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be”. The journey of our existence works out in the hands of our God Almighty; the threads of hope, love and anguish, fear and faith, delight and resentment, these are stitched into the grand paradigm of human destiny.

Langston Hughes once said, “Life ain’t crystal stair, it has tacks and splinters”. Life is not just all fun and games, we encounter our problems and obstacles in life and when these things happen to our workplace, ask yourself: can you be relied upon? Can you carry through a plan? Are you to be trusted in some great emergency? And can you take the weight of responsibility?

Life's laws are always good and just, with the foundation of honor, faith, and trust. However, when we reach the parting ways, and then we must decide which pathway we shall take, it will be difficult. There is the hard road which is dark and unexplored. We face the great unknown and in that final moment, everyone must stand alone. So much is at risk upon a word, so many things at stake: careers, lives, happiness. And with every choice we make, we are rolling the dice in the destiny for good and ill. And so when you’re mystified and cannot fathom which way to go, be still and wait for guidance and you will not wait in vain, no need for panic and distress no need to strive and strain. Trust with quiet confidence. You’ll know the thing to do and you will heal the voice of wisdom at the heart of you. As Erhmann emphasized: “With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world”. And these are the words for when there are no words.

Life’s a gamble, a scramble. It is filled with fret and turmoil, jam-packed with strife and noise. Life’s all a clamor but whatever the day may leave behind, there is always time to be good and life will be kind. Because life’s the thing—enjoy it, love it, and live it gloriously.

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