Peace essays

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The Vietnam War was a disaster. It was such a mega-fail that impacted global diplomacy for a long time. Nixon got pushed right into important business. The Nation was unfortunately divided, with turmoil in the cities and war overseas. He did eventually succeed in ending America’s fighting with Vietnam but in a way, many people wouldn’t have an image. Nixon got elected on the promise of peace for America while leaving the South Vietnamese to their fate. This was in...
2 Pages 1663 Words
World peace is an ideal of freedom, peace, and happiness among and within all nations and/or people. Christianity and Judaism are both monotheistic religious traditions that promote world peace through many religious organizations, aiding the development of peace in the world, sought in the principal beliefs of both religions. Christianity and world peace are centered on the New Testament which underlines the importance of inner peace that leads to world peace and how adherents need to adhere to God to...
2 Pages 1014 Words
One could say that our aggression that translate to war is within human nature, and achieving positive peace can make things difficult, as we are all wired into having our own strong beliefs. War is inevitable as it occurs when people are oppressed and change via peaceful protest is no longer an option. Positive peace can be achieved when there is justice for all sides of discussion while eliminating the tension from rising once again. Since March 15th, 2011, the...
2 Pages 1005 Words
“War made the state, and the state made war”, this cyclical representation of war and peace presented by Charles Tilly is a defining feature of international relations (IR). By using theory in this discipline, the recurring theme of war and peace amongst states can again be expanded upon. Realism and liberalism are two core theoretical concepts in IR which attempt to provide a conceptual framework in which themes like this can be examined. Realism focuses on power politics and the...
3 Pages 1486 Words
Every religion around the world preaches the concept of being peaceful and shares the ultimate goal of obtaining peace worldwide. However, in order to achieve a sense outer peace, inner peace must first be attained. Islam and Christianity both place an emphasis on the importance of obtaining peace internally and externally. In the Qur’an and Bible, the message of peace is taught and understood by adherents, but its true meaning is open to interpretation. It is important to understand the...
4 Pages 1781 Words
Peace has two concepts: world peace (the lack of war and absence of conflict), and inner peace (the lack of conflict with oneself and one’s community). To Christians both of these aspects of peace are important. They draw from the teachings of the Bible and interpretations of it by the Church to respond to the call of their sacred text to live in peace: using Jesus, the ‘Prince of Peace’, through the New Testament, as a guide to promote inner...
2 Pages 712 Words
Peace has been the greatest aspiration of humankind at a personal level and in communities they reside. Peace has been talked, thought, taught and studied in numerous ways. For better understanding on status of negative and positive peace in African context, it is crucial to first analyze the key terms majorly used in this write up: violence, conflict, peace, positive and negative peace. Peace is relative to many people and scholars have expressed their dissatisfaction in trying to attach a...
6 Pages 2734 Words
For Jody Williams, the meaning of peace is that most people here in the world have adequate access to live, have adequate access to education and health needs. Not singing ‘Kumbaya My Lord’, not symbolize the dove and the rainbow is true peace. Jody Williams showed what she wanted to convey in key terms related to peace, she exemplified people showing peaceful demeanor, and she used common general speech to reach people. And based on the people she mentioned, everyone...
1 Page 470 Words
Before considering whether the key to international peace is to populate the world with powerful states, the very definition of ‘international peace’ must first be contested. As the concepts of ‘peace’ and ‘power’ are human constructs, every theoretical approach defines them in different terms. Peace is most often considered to be the absence of war between states, or the ability to work through conflicts without resorting to violence. However, peace cannot be considered simply an 'antonym of war’. Thus, to...
4 Pages 1871 Words
A very great key for building up an environment free from war. An important thing that destroys anything war-related. A great factor that helps in building up a society free from conflict. It improves, promotes and helps in the growth of a place. It is peace. Peace, according to Oxford English Dictionary can be simply defined as the freedom from war or disturbance. It also means the freedom from hostile aggression. Albert Einstein said, that peace cannot be kept by...
1 Page 607 Words
Spike Lee’s 1989 film ‘Do the Right Thing’ confronts the impossible nature of resolving racism in a society that is so divided by differences in ethnicities. Inspired by the Howard Beach incident in 1986, in which Michael Griffith is hit by a car while fleeing from his racist attacker, the film shows the breaking down of a community under pressure. ‘Do the Right Thing’ takes place predominately over a single day on a single block in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn. Spike Lee...
3 Pages 1433 Words
“Peace is rarely conceptualised, even by those who often allude to it” (Oliver Richmond). Peace can be conceptualized as a communion of ideas, that when agreed upon, causes a state of welfare and well-being for self and others. In other words, peace can often be looked upon as a state of harmony that comes from the lack of conflict. Conflict, can be of different types, differing in intensity and casualties, whether on a local scale or international, spreading across a...
3 Pages 1506 Words
I would like to express my thoughts on the topic 'Peace'. Peace, according to Oxford dictionary is a “state of tranquility and calm” or rather a “state of non-violence and no war”. The theory of peace implies solving disputes, difference of opinions and misunderstanding without use of violent methods. Peace is universal. It is seen at various situations and at various levels like individual, national level, etc. At individual level if we practice peace, we can solve our problems amongst...
1 Page 404 Words
In times like these, imagine what the world would be like if everyone was in harmony. With all the differences between all nations and the people who inhabit it, it seems as if there will never be peace on earth. Although, many believe that it can be achieved through social, personal, economic, institution, and political peace. The world is spiraling into a downfall and the human race is needed to come together to stop it. However, humans have both selfishness...
6 Pages 2894 Words
Many may describe peace of mind as the state of mental and emotional calmness, with no worries, fears or stress, the mind is free of any overcoming issues and is in a positive, up lifted mindset. Achieving peace of mind may feel impossible to many due to the amount of stress and negative factors that play a role in straying the mind from peace. But achieving peace of mind can be done in many ways, therefore one individual's peace of...
2 Pages 935 Words
Personal peace in Islam is known as the greater Jihad, this should be an individual submitting to God, Allah. This is expressed in relationships with the individual’s family and society and obedience to Islamic law and peaceful relationships with society as a whole. The belief of God in Islam leads to the knowledge of God, this knowledge leads to the love of God which ultimately enables Muslims to happiness and inner peace. In Islam, peace is only possible when the...
1 Page 663 Words
Arts can express emotions such as anger, confusion, happiness or sadness. Art is a creative and flexible tool for positive interference for people who suffer directly or indirectly from any kind of conflict within society. Art for peace allows people to find a flat-form to entertain their negative emotions and escape from destructive conflict providing a stage to perform their emotions, opinions, and hopes for the future as well. Nevertheless, art motivates people to rethink, find new ways for problem-solving,...
1 Page 486 Words
Islam and Christianity are two religious traditions that to a significant extent have actively focused on and succeeded in guiding their adherents in their contributions toward world peace. Peace refers not only to harmony, freedom, and the absence of war in society, but also encapsulates the understanding between different religious traditions. World peace cannot exist without inner peace so by obtaining world peace, individuals can live in harmony with the universe and live in harmony with themselves. Islam and Christianity...
2 Pages 771 Words
This article tries to discuss and explore the interface between tourism and peace. It attempts to address how tourism a peace sensitive industry by taking COVID-19 as an agent changes in the realm of it. This article aims to assess how tourism is a peace sensitive industry, by taking the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on tourism in its social, economic, cultural, and environmental circumstances. The incidence of pandemics affirms how tourism as peace sensitive industry which generally approves the hypothesis...
6 Pages 2825 Words
This profound article by Jenny Lunn stunningly encapsulates the correlation between religion, spirituality and faith, to development. Using the Critical Theory methodology, she breaks down the approach into three, and provides strong reasoning as to how religion does play a positive role on development. From the first critical theory principle of collection, analysis and interpretation of data, the three areas of development theory and academia, development policy and institutions, and NGOs are addressed. From the second principle-dialectical process, she critically...
3 Pages 1336 Words
Human has a long history of waging war and in conflicts, there is evidence especially for us that the last century is most violent in the history of mankind because of documentation of all wars. We glorify war with honor, sacrifice, selflessness, and war unite the nation. The argument about human nature and war has two concepts emerged one who says, yes we are hardwired to war while others say, that no the human is a rationale and peaceful and...
2 Pages 1090 Words
As time passes so too does human advancement in all areas. Wars and subsequently ending wars (peace) have also advanced throughout time. From fighting on horseback and making peace using marriage to fighting in cyberspace and making peace using treaties, humans have also advanced in peace and conflict. Humanity keeps on finding ways to fight each other and then make peace with each other. More commonly, we have seen states fighting and making peace, but recently, there has been significant...
2 Pages 1117 Words
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