850 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Mobile Applications and Their Importance in Our Daily Life

Smartphones have become one of the most central parts of our lives due to mobile apps development. Technology growth had made our lives busier so it is difficult for us to be organized while multitasking. The growth of mobile apps had made our day-to-day life easier and well organized. Starting from entertainment to business, everything became more compact, accessible and less time consuming with the help of apps. People can download any apps from Google Play Store. There are many...
2 Pages 875 Words

Essay on the Negative Effects of Technology on Education at the Level of Reading Habits and Social Skills

In recent years, less than twenty percent of US teens report reading a book, magazine or newspaper daily for pleasure, while more than eighty percent say they use social media every day, according to research published by the American Psychological Association. The evolution of technology plays a vital role in our life, also the growth of world’s economy and education is based on the advancement of technology, but this doesn’t deny its negative effects on education at the level of...
2 Pages 865 Words

Essay on Aboriginal Racism in Canada

There is no arguing that there is and was discrimination towards Aboriginal people and their families in Canadian society. It is a serious social issue. There is no excuse Aboriginals should be treated this way in society. Factors such as: historical barriers, present barriers, racism, victimization and equality are all things that have affected Aboriginals in our society. Canada is one of the richest countries in the world, and yet the original people of this land experience disproportionate rates of...
2 Pages 838 Words

The Use of Positive Psychological Exercises on Well-Being

This paper will examine the use of positive psychological exercises on well-being through viewing variations of heart rate when completing the exercises. Research from Cohen and Pressman (2006) state that disorders, such as, depression and anxiety have been examined as a larger risk for mortality rates. A great extent of research has proved that greater wellbeing has a strong correlation to a better physical health, findings by Cohen and Pressman (2005) whom examined the improvement of cardiovascular health and lowering...
2 Pages 860 Words

Future of E-learning in Higher Education

Digital education plays a major role in the process of learning and teaching students around the world. Electronic education is an important part of our lives because of its popularity, companies and organizations have become using digital education because of the importance and efficiency in facilitating the online process via the Internet. The advantages of digital education effectively affect the continuity of the digital education process, and there are also some disadvantages that may face any service provided on the...
2 Pages 871 Words

Online Education Essay

Introduction Online education, often referred to as e-learning, web-based learning, virtual learning or online learning has been around for over a decade. Since the covid-19 pandemic hit a couple of years ago, there has been a rapid increase in the use and acceptance of online education. Furthermore, online education has always been associated with higher institutions until recently when we see online education taking shape in primary and secondary schools across the globe due to the pandemic. There are several...
2 Pages 838 Words

Eagle Scout Essay

One of my favorite holidays is Halloween and my first stanza is about Halloween. “Once I sat engaged and waiting. Halloween – my favorite holiday yet the tormentor of my dreams. I ponder what surprises await me on this night. I enjoy going to Halloween haunts in the fall. I enjoy getting scared by the monsters that run around harassing people. The fun and scary Halloween will be my favorite holiday. And I made it a tradition to go back...
2 Pages 835 Words

Essay on Mentorship

Introduction The essay is about mentoring and coaching, it is about building oneself bypassing all the stages that involve mentoring until you become a better person in mentoring. These stages are, first, understanding cultural competition and increasing self-understanding and skills at observing the differences. Second, prepare your relationship with your colleagues in mentoring. Lastly, establish agreements with your partner in mentorship especially in setting goals and achieving the goals you have set (Fain and Zachary, 2020). Mentoring and Coaching Roles...
2 Pages 841 Words

Romeo and Juliet Persuasive Essay

I am Friar Laurence, standing humbly before you today, acknowledging my involvement in the recent tragedy of Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet. While I can see now that I have made some regrettable decisions over the past week, I strenuously deny that I am responsible for the deaths of the star-crossed lovers. Members of the tribunal, I have been falsely accused of causing their deaths, when all my actions were done to try and save the couple and to bring...
2 Pages 836 Words

Does Hamlet Kill Himself

Should I live or die? He asks if it is nobler to suffer the things that happen to you or to oppose and fight back against them. You could end the trouble or end up killing yourself in the process. To die is to sleep as when you sleep, you are able to end heartaches and shocks. But if everyone is not killing themselves, the afterlife is probably bad. This is why people live through their lives even when their...
2 Pages 849 Words

How to Tame a Wild Tongue Essay

The world is filled with many people, and the one thing that can make someone stand out is the culture they come from. Imagine if you had to live in a world where you must be a certain way just to please someone! In 'How To Tame A Wild Tongue' By Gloria Anzaldua spoke Chicano Spanish and was not treated equally with others. Throughout the story, it is shown that getting rid of something cultural that makes you who you...
2 Pages 826 Words

Was Theodore Roosevelt President during the Great Depression

The Dust Bowl, the Stock Market Crash of 1929, the Bank Crisis of 1932, and the Great Depression: were prominent matters at the forefront of one of America’s lowest points. They now remain recorded as devastating key issues in American history, recovery from which was thought improbable. However, immortalized alongside these impossible odds is the man who was able to overcome them: the 32nd President of the United States of America, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He had lived through the glamorous...
2 Pages 863 Words

Solving Global Government Surveillance Challenges: Analytical Essay

Solving Global Government Surveillance Challenges and How Stegos Can Change the Status Quo Have you ever had the feeling that you are been watched by someone, someone hiding in the shadow, watching your every move day in day out, watching everything you do and wherever you go? If you are certain about this, your hunch is probably correct because everyone of us is been watched by the government. This so called government have encroached into every citizens privacy. They do...
2 Pages 874 Words

Overcoming Obstacles Essay

A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work. I was born in Honduras on a rainy November night. The wind was heavy as if it was warning the people around the hospital that something was wrong or something was out of place. Due to personal problems, my dad left my mom but my mom didn’t get sad or depressed. She just stands in from all of those problems and fights them and from that...
2 Pages 828 Words

Critical Analysis of Salt of the Earth: Portrayal of the Struggles of Mexican American Miners

Throughout American history, countless immigrants have struggled to fit into the ideal standards of U.S. society in order to create a better life for themselves and their families. The violence and unfair treatment that immigrants were faced with, ultimately led them to change their identities and stray away from their traditional culture to assimilate to societal expectations. Salt of the Earth (1954) is a film that portrays the struggles of Mexican American miners and their families in Zinc Town, New...
2 Pages 828 Words

Critical Analysis of the Character of Ulysses

Ulysses is dwelling on his return home after his long and fulfilling journey through the seas and is unsatisfied with what he has returned to. He is longing for the satisfaction of sharing the adventures that he experienced after the Trojan war, however, he is disappointed when his kingdom is nothing but ungrateful. Ulysses feels disrespected when all that the kingdom wants from him is to do what he is expected to as a king. This disregards Ulysses’ wishes as...
2 Pages 849 Words

Rights of Aboriginal People and Vision of Just Society in Canada: Analytical Essay

In Canada, during the 1968 election, Pierre Trudeau campaigned his vision of a 'just society.' He was known for defining what his version of a 'just society was. He envisioned a society where every Canadian had a reasonable standard of living and where every citizen had the same individual rights. Thus, after he was elected, he brought the Charter of Rights and Freedom to Canada, which protected a citizen's rights by preventing laws that unfairly discriminate or take away human...
2 Pages 846 Words

Analytical Essay on Louis XIV, Count-Duke of Olivares, and Charlemagne Rulings

From the years 700 to 1700, Europe knew many several large and diverse empires, kingdoms, and nations. To maintain power and coherence in these large territories rulers adopted varying systems. Three high-profile rulers who faced this challenge were Charlemagne (ruler of the Carolingian Empire from 768-814), Louis XIV (King of France from 1643 to 1715), and Count-Duke of Olivares who enforced policies in the kingdom of Spain under Philip IV. Charlemagne ruled all of western Europe only excluding the British...
2 Pages 864 Words

Colin Kaepernick and His Disrespect to the American Flag: Research Paper

Colin Kaepernick is without a doubt one of the most controversial people in today’s society. Kaepernick is most famous for his decision to take a knee during the National Anthem before an NFL football game. While everyone else was standing and supporting the flag, he sat/kneeled down. He chose to do so because he thought he was making a stand against “racial injustice.” He said that he was not going to stand up for a country that disrespects people of...
2 Pages 840 Words

Argumentative Essay About the Moon Landing

Just over 50 years ago NASA launched Apollo 11 and landed on the moon. Yet through all this time conspiracy theorists still believe that this great achievement was faked. After digging a bit deeper into the issue some things might not seem to add up. Rob Bretherton is a psychologist who speaks about why we love conspiracy theories as a human race. He says, “We are drawn to the idea of conspiracy because it resonates with us; we understand the...
2 Pages 830 Words

Stereotype on Nigerian Women Suicide Bombers: Analytical Essay

In 2017, a group of women who had bombs tied to their body has resulted in the massacre of hundreds of civilians in north-east Nigeria. These women have been labeled as “suicide bombers” by the people of Nigeria and the world. Adding to the fact that these girls are Muslims, the load of existing stereotypes on Islamic terrorist has taken their full rights. Never mind that they were the actual victims by a cult named Boko Haram, the stereotype thinking...
2 Pages 855 Words

Role of Culture in Flashbulb Memories: Analytical Essay

Cultural dimensions are a multitude of indicators that were studied and consequently created by Geert Hofstede, an IBM employee. He traveled the world and surveyed other IBM employees. His job required him to study how a multinational organization and how employees worked together. This study was crucial to IBM as workplace misunderstandings could affect the finances of a multinational corporation. The idea of cultural dimensions refers to the values to which national culture is based on. One such dimension in...
2 Pages 867 Words

Role of Democritus and Dalton in the Development of Atomic Theory: Descriptive Essay

History of atom Our journey with the atom model dates back to 442 BC when Greek Philosopher Democritus proposed his theory of matter. While his theory was obviously not based on any observable science, it was entirely dependent on rationalism and was largely inspired by Greek philosophers, Leucippus and Anaxagoras. Democritus enters this discussion facing phenomenal resistance. His proposition so the atom disputed the prior explanation Empedocles, who describes the world and its contents as being made of a combination...
2 Pages 834 Words

Critical Analysis of Coriolanus Play: Representation of Poor and Noble Romans

In Coriolanus play, Getting a name is closely associated with having an identity , so if a person does not have a name, he is nothing. Comenius said about Coriolanus ‘He called me by my name only once, and I reminded him of our relationship and the blood we’ve shed together. He wouldn’t answer to ‘Coriolanus’ or any other name. He was a kind of nothing, titleless, until he had forged himself a name out of the fire of burning...
2 Pages 826 Words

Theory of Continental Drift: Impact of Alfred Lothar Wegener, Frederick Vine, Harry Hess

Alfred Lothar Wegener Biography Born in 1980 in Berlin – son of an orphanage director As a child became fascinated with Greenland Graduated from UNI of Berlin with PHD in astronomy Instead of continuing with astronomy, pursued meteorology – worked for Royal Prussian Aeronautical Observatory in Berlin. In 1906, he finally got a chance to go to Greenland – this would be the first of four trips he took to Greenland Upon return from first Greenland trip in 1908, accepted...
2 Pages 873 Words

Critical Analysis of “Introduction to Poetry” by Billy Collins

In “How to Eat a Poem,” by Eve Merriam, the speaker is someone who has an adoration for poems and enjoys reading them. The speaker is speaking out to an audience full of readers that do not appreciate poems for their potential. This poem is about how there is no proper way to eat and enjoy the fruit. Rather than exemplifying manners like everyone, readers should enjoy the fruit in their style. The author does an excellent job comparing fruit...
2 Pages 872 Words

Aeneid Versus The Iliad and The Odyssey: Comparative Analysis

In my opinion, Virgil didn’t imitate Homer with Aeneid, however Virgil simply expanded on Homer’s ideas and wrote in his own words through his poem. Instead of rewriting Iliad or Odyssey, Virgil continues the story after the fall of Troy using Aeneas. Virgil uses a lot of Homer’s images patterns like the symbol of fire, the shield, gates, and the underworld, but they were both used in a different context. Virgil emphasizes fire as a symbol for destruction and desire,...
2 Pages 832 Words

Psychotherapeutic and Psychiatric Aspects of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Analytical Essay

The articles No evidence of attentional bias toward angry faces in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder by Skinazi et al and The Narcissistic Function in Obsessive-Compulsive Neurosis by Martin Burgy are scholarly, peer-reviewed journals from American Journal of Psychotherapy and Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry. The Narcissistic Function in Obsessive-Compulsive Neurosis is a psychotherapy study with a political and social view with a background of advocating a separated idea of over-the-top habitual mental issues of obsessive-compulsive disorder. The next journal No evidence...
2 Pages 851 Words

Critical Analysis of the Article “Later Schools Start Time Reduced Depressive Symptoms'

Getting a full night’s sleep is essential to any student’s mental health and academic performance. Starting class around seven causes students to feel tired and unmotivated which negatively impacts their performance not only at school but in after school activities such as sports. Schools must delay start times because it improves mental health and boosts student’s academic success. In the article “Later schools start time reduced depressive symptoms,” Mary Ann proves that later start times are linked with improved mental...
2 Pages 870 Words

Negative Effects of Marijuanas Essay

Marijuana Should not be Legalized “For every deed, you do there is a consequence…” a quote from Sadhguru This is just like marijuana consumption because it has many benefits yet a lot of negative impacts on our bodies. Marijuana is a pulverized mix of dead leaves, twig, and floret of the plant Cannabis Sativa. There is also an alternative form of marijuana, a more powerful version, called hashish and it looks like orbs tinted black or brown. Marijuana is bad...
2 Pages 862 Words
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