850 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Marijuana: Should it be Legalized?

Many people say that marijuana is harmful in many ways, including damage to the reproductive system, brain damage, and weakening of the immune system. I believe that research to support anything can be found if one is looking hard enough, but that the fallacy is due to others research seeking facts to support an assumed conclusion. Based on my research and my own personal knowledge, I have found that some points such as the physical harms of marijuana, marijuana gives...
2 Pages 852 Words

Will the Legalization of Marijuana Lead to More Harm than Good?

“Cause a time fi legalize it, roll it up and light it, ignite it.” These are lyrics of a popular dancehall song by Movado which speaks to the legalization of the marijuana plant. Marijuana is a drug which comes from the leaves, flower and bud of a hemp plant which is used for recreational and medical purposes. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) are the two popular compounds of marijuana. It is believed to have been curing medical conditions for centuries...
2 Pages 860 Words

How Divorce Changes Children’s Behavior

All our lives we are taught that the family is the most important trait in society. But when we have problems and we can´t get along with each other, the only solution to the issue for adults is divorce. In today's world, far more people decide to end an abusive relationship in that way. The problem is that they do not understand the effect it may take over their children. Kids are easily affected by their parents' habits and the...
2 Pages 840 Words

Fahrenheit 451 Novel VS The 2018 Movie

The story 'Fahrenheit 451' is set at a time where the whole population is controlled by the government, and this society has a law that says books are treated as being illegal to have. The main character of the story, Guy Montag is a fireman in charge of burning any book that is found at the locations he is sent to. The novel is divided into three sections, the first “The Hearth and the Salamander,' the second 'The Sieve and...
2 Pages 826 Words

Racism And Friendship In The Book The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain helps Huck and Jim grow closer, and Huck no longer sees Jim as a slave, but as a human being. The main topic being discussed is racism, and Twain points out that there is hope for the future despite the lack of progress that has been made. In the end, at the time of the novel's announcement in 1885, Twain copied the state of the nation, showing in the end that while...
2 Pages 849 Words

Driving Gender Equality in Aviation

Unfortunately, the idea that all of us are born equals is just a myth. And it is not about the countries from the Middle East or North Africa, where human rights do not apply for women. Many governments are suffocating civil society, restricting the freedoms of the people, mostly women. Equality between men and women is one of the European Union priorities. Although an important amount of work is going in this direction, there are still many fields where men...
2 Pages 834 Words

The Impact of Depression on Obesity

Heftiness is a typical issue that is getting much progressively normal. Pervasiveness of sorrow among present populace is likewise expanding. For quite a long time, it was expected that any relationship of misery to corpulence in the overall public was generally incidental. Research in the ongoing past, be that as it may, has revealed an enormous number of intervening factors that relate discouragement and heftiness. Melancholy impacts weight under certain conditions and corpulence impacts sorrow under others. The present investigation...
2 Pages 853 Words

Lessons to be Learnt in Hamlet

Hamlet brings many contrivesal topic to life during the story including death, depresssion, and suicide. The main characters bring these topics into the spotlight by the struggles they endure during the story. They show these points by the multiple monologues in the story, some being what Shakespere is known for. Many people try to avoid death as a topic of discussion because it's not a fun topic to think about. Everyone should talk more about it because one day it...
2 Pages 870 Words

The Catcher In The Rye: Holden's Struggle With Mental Illness

Some adolescents have trouble coping with struggles they have faced because they are more vulnerable to being traumatized than adults. In the novel, The Catcher in the Rye written by J.D Salinger, at just eleven years old, Holden Caulfield endured the loss of his brother. This devastating event unknowingly sent him down a path of turmoil. Holden struggled to connect with both adults and peers because he believed them to be all “phonies”. This internal battle left Holden unable to...
2 Pages 846 Words

Suicide Rates In Thailand

Self-love or sometimes called the fear of death is a basic instinct of human beings. However, for people who have suicidal thoughts, it somehow disappears when they think their lives are not worth living anymore. Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Apisara Attavanich. Today, I am here to talk about one of important issues happening in Thailand which is suicide. I have divided my presentation into 3 parts. The first part is background information about suicide in Thailand. The second...
2 Pages 835 Words

The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn: The Lessons To Be Learnt

Mark Twain was an influential person to American Literature. I have read his most famous books. I have read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. I have chosen Mark Twain because I know a little about him already. I have also chosen him because I loved Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. His book was very interesting and enjoyable. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn taught me if I really want something, I will do anything for it. Huckleberry Finn...
2 Pages 869 Words

Atticus’ Response to Injustice Throughout To Kill A Mockingbird

Atticus Finch from Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird responds significantly to injustice many times throughout the story. There are many examples where Atticus made an attempt to change something, or do something because he felt like what was happening was wrong. Atticus was always the person in maycomb that was given the tough jobs that no one else wanted to do, and he did them because he didn’t think that it was right just to let it be. An...
2 Pages 839 Words

The Role Of Female Characters In Fahrenheit 451 And Equilibrium

Ray Bradbury and Kurt Wimmer highlight the use of female figures to show society’s truth and Kurt Vonnegut portrays that the overuse of technology can lead to a robotic society. In Fahrenheit 451, Clarisse is a significant influence on Montag and makes him realize that books are important in the world. Similarly, in Equilibrium, Mary shows John the feeling of love and makes him realize that society needs to feel emotions. In EPICAC, the author shows that people are connected...
2 Pages 831 Words

The Symbols of Identity in Catcher in the Rye

The Catcher in the Rye is a story written by JD Salinger that takes place in 1951 about a teenager that faces many problems with life. Holden Caulfield, a 16-year-old boy who has just been expelled from his fourth school. JD Salinger uses symbolism to convey Holden's beliefs and how he feels for the reader to furthermore understand what is happening in the story. Throughout the story, Holden faces many challenges that he has to overcome by himself without anyone...
2 Pages 834 Words

Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn: The Approaches To Societal Conflict

Although Jim and Huck seem to lead two very different lives, their pairing created a significant relationship. In the beginning of the novel the diversity is obvious. They aren’t seen as equals and in that societal time they went supposed to have any type of relationship. Jim stepped in, in a way, to comfort and protect Huck after his father was found dead. This, along with challenges at home created a new dynamic. Huck and Jim began to lead similar...
2 Pages 853 Words

The Commons in the Perks of Being a Wallflower and a Catcher in the Rye

Both “A Catcher in the Rye” by J.D. Salinger and the film “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” based on the novel of the same name by Stephen Chbosky, deliver an excellent deep dive into the psyche of a mentally ill teenager as they face everyday life. The main characters in both the book and film, Holden Caulfield and Charlie Kelmeckis, share almost identical character traits at points in their stories. Both characters are easily comparable and similar when you...
2 Pages 844 Words

Gender Roles In A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Helena & Demetrius

Throughout A Midsummer Night’s Dream, gender stereotypes prevail as a main source of comedy. As the audience, we notice this common theme between character relationships in certain scenes and events that occur within the play and the many film adaptations. It ultimately provides this idea of men having more control and greater power over women. More specifically, the relationship between Helena and Demetrius. In his writing, Shakespeare depicts some women to be submissive and dependent on the men in their...
2 Pages 828 Words

Of Mice And Men And The Great American Dream

In Of Mice and Men, it is clear that America did not achieve what it promised in the Great American Dream. The American government did not initiate any policies to protect the interests of workers and the poor, causing them to be constantly abused and mistreated and forcing them to adhere to long working hours in exchange for low wages. “Candy was going to be canned because of his old age”. Despite all his previous contributions to the farm, Candy...
2 Pages 855 Words

The Outsiders: the Theme of Juvenile Delinquency

The Outsiders directed by Francis Ford Coppola, and written by S.E. Hinton depicts the social rivalry between the high school cliques “Greasers” and “Socs.” The Greasers are the lower class, the poor kids from the wrong side of town or mostly know by the designated delinquents. The Socs, short for Socialites, are the rich kids from the south side of town, getting all the breaks and advantages, but still doing a lot of the same things as the “delinquents.” However...
2 Pages 863 Words

Artificial Intelligence: Where Are We Today?

I'm super excited to talk to you today about the present and future of artificial intelligence. Whenever there's a buzzword and a complex subject matter it's usually good to start with a definition but it's actually a little tricky because the definition of artificial intelligence seems to be constantly moving. We are in the world now where research has actually shifted largely from playing games, which is still an important area and can feature some things - things that we...
2 Pages 860 Words

Designer Babies and Ethics

Abstract This paper explores four published articles that discuss the ethical controversy presented around the subject of designer babies. With this in mind, designer babies have led to a world in which we need to discuss if regulations should be put in place, if individuals should be able to use genetic modification for something as little as choosing the gender of future offspring, and whether or not certain impairments are permissible or should be avoided. Moreover, scientist have taken genetic...
2 Pages 828 Words

Written Communication Analysis: Starbucks Stories & News

Starbucks has a section of its website entitled, “Starbucks Stories & News,” where the Executive Vice President, Rossann Williams, updates the company’s stakeholders about how the company is navigating through COVID-19. In the first letter, written on March 4th, 2020, Williams addresses the company’s partners’, customers, and communities, on the precautionary steps Starbucks has taken during the pandemic. There are five steps listed addressing cleanliness, consumer’s personal cups, travel, large meetings, and reporting/supporting someone impacted by the virus. The five...
2 Pages 847 Words

Impact of Coronavirus on Canadian Society

Abstract Corona Virus is a respiratory illness that spreads from person to person. It is also known as Covid-19. Its symptoms are quite similar to a normal cold or flu. There is no vaccine available that can cure the Corona Virus. Due to the Coronavirus, there are some social issues taking place in Canadian society such as Racism or discrimination and immigration problems. In this research essay, I will explain how Covid-19 is responsible for creating these social problems and...
2 Pages 849 Words

The Role Of Religion In Chronicles Of Death Foretold

Again, Garcia Marquez employs realistic fiction as his journalistic style in order to produce a seemingly more authentic and credible work. In the Colombian culture, it is believed that of the virginity every woman is of utmost importance as such every woman should ensure that she keeps herself until marriage. Based upon a real life tragedy, the novel seeks to 'chronicle' a murder committed twenty-seven years ago. This is evident in the novel, after a dignified wedding party, Bayardo San...
2 Pages 854 Words

The Aspects Of Ambient Intelligence

Abstract In this computing world full of technologies, ambient intelligence makes reference to electronic environments that are sensitive and susceptible to the presence of people. Ambient intelligence makes an eyeshot on the future of consumer electronics, telecommunications and computing that was originally developed in the late 1990s. Introduction This article deals with an emerging discipline, ambient intelligence that brings the runtimeactivities and the environments thatis sensitive to us.It opens up the world with unprecedented experiences and would impose major challenges...
2 Pages 838 Words

Medea Through The Feminist Lenses

In all history men were favored and privileged. Men were given freedom, an education, pride, and an opportunity to share their opinion, however women in ancient Greek were not given any of these privileges. The play Medea by Euripides, shows how women were seen by ancient Greek society and how some women did not fall into these expectations. Therefore, “Medea” gives accurate examples that help with the feminist theory of poststructuralism and deconstruction; this theory focuses on how language supoorted...
2 Pages 853 Words

Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

Knowledge about treatment options, decisional conflict, treatment intention and preference for participation in decision making. Use of the PANDAs decision aid reduces decisional conflict, improves knowledge, promotes realistic expectations and autonomy in people with diabetes making treatment choices in general practice. Concludes that the fact that operational managers continue to use some techniques and reject others may not be related so much to ignorance of more sophisticated methods as to an explicit or implicit assessment of their relevance to the...
2 Pages 848 Words

Why Australia should Bring Back Capital Punishment

We can all agree on one thing, crime is bad, and minimising it benefits society in all manners of life. This makes the upmost of sense and is logical in every way. So, it begs the question, does the death penalty need to be placed in modern day Australia? Globally human rights organizations campaigned to put an end to executions as a form of punishment in 1972, whilst some countries maintain the death penalty as a valid means of criminal...
2 Pages 866 Words

An Advertising Trend No Brand Branding

Introduction (Arthur Rooney, 1995) states the brand owner must allocate more resources to promote through advertising if they want to make a product successful. It is simply because advertising can expose potential consumers to the brand and accept it. As advertising has always been one of the most important marketing tools for enterprises to deliver messages to the target audience, (Marshall, 2015) explains that most Americans are exposed to around 4,000 to 10,000 advertisements every day. Therefore, not only a...
2 Pages 847 Words

The Leading Causes of Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive, degenerative neurological disease whose onset can hardly be observed. AD is clinically characterized by symptoms such as memory impairment, aphasia, impaired visual spatial skills, executive dysfunction, and personality and behavior changes. The underlying cause hasn’t been specified yet. Numerous efforts have been made to find effective medicinal treatment for AD, but the majority of them only turned out to be failure. It is an admitted fact that the battle against Alzheimer's is rather difficult...
2 Pages 834 Words
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