850 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Be the Change You Wish to See in the World: Essay

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-/ I took the one less traveled by,/ And that has made all the difference”. The profound words of Robert Frost make us question ourselves and how we view the world. Are we predisposed to believe that the world exists based on a perpetual cycle of despair and that misery is an inexorable fact of life and destiny, or do we have a choice on how we live our lives and view the...
2 Pages 844 Words

Teenage Pregnancy in High School Essay

Pregnancy among teenagers has been a global social, economic, and educational problem among developed, growing, and underdeveloped countries. Our country has a limited study about teenage pregnancy and sex education. That's why we conducted this study to find out what the possible rules, considerations, or policies the public school in San Carlos City can give to these kinds of students to avoid dropping out of school and continue their studies even in their difficult situation. Some teenagers stop going to...
2 Pages 832 Words

Intersectionality and Privilege Essay

Humans have been plagued by privilege and oppression throughout history. People have been oppressed by a multitude of factors: sexuality, gender, ethnicity, class, etc. These same elements are responsible for how people experience privilege. While some people are more privileged or more oppressed than others, that does not necessarily mean that someone only has privilege or oppression. Privilege and oppression coexist within one person’s identity. Today, we call this intersectionality. Privilege can be thought of as an advantage available only...
2 Pages 856 Words

Essay on Conflicts in 'The Alchemist'

“The Alchemist” follows the adventures of an Andalusian shepherd named Santiago. Santiago is a young teen who has a recurring dream about a treasure in the pyramids of Egypt. Santiago decides to embark on this journey after being reassured by a gypsy who tells him to go to Egypt. Then, Santiago meets this mysterious man named Melchizedek who presents Santiago with these ideas that he will put at the foundation of his beliefs for the rest of his life. As...
2 Pages 833 Words

Interpreter of Maladies' Thesis Statement Essay

Not every marriage has a happily ever after. Mina and Mr. Kapasi have a complicated relationship with their families. Both marriages are failing in multiple ways. Their children play a big role in the failure of their marriages. The willingness to stay faithful to their spouses also aids in the marriages’ downfalls. Love is not always enough to keep a marriage alive, especially if it is one-sided. Children can make or break a marriage. In Mr. Kapasi and Mina’s case,...
2 Pages 874 Words

Importance of Vaccines Essay

Vaccines came into the picture around the 18th century. It was Edward Jenner, who found a method for smallpox vaccinations. Since then, many more vaccines have been introduced and have saved countless lives. Outbreaks of infectious diseases can occur if not enough individuals are immunized. “To be most effective, 80% of the population must have received the vaccine” (Erondu par. 2). Smallpox was a great example of how the importance of vaccines was proven in the past and how it...
2 Pages 853 Words

Was the Progressive Era Successful: Essay

Throughout the Gilded Age and the Progressive Era corporations took over to the point where they became too powerful and it was recognized by President Theodore Roosevelt. In his speech at Providence in Rhode Island, 1902 Roosevelt suggested that there was a clear need for supervision especially since the state has the right to control these corporations and trusts rather than the people. Business corporations had become so powerful alike for beneficent work even for work that was not always...
2 Pages 871 Words

Essay: What Is the Conflict in 'Flowers for Algernon'

In all of Charlie's life, he had wanted to be smart and not dumb, it was his wish that he worked so hard for but because of his disability, there was little hope. Until it happened, however, it was for a short period of time. Although the experience was short, he had noticed the effects he had on himself and the people around him due to his craving for intelligence. Motivation and pride can be both someone's redemption as well...
2 Pages 835 Words

Personal Narrative Essay Based on McAdams Life Story

An award-winning Canadian actress with a signature smile, Rachel Mcadams is widely known for her roles in high-school comedies such as Mean Girls and Mean Girls. She is also known for playing exceptionally in Spotlight and Game Night. While many stars had it easy with fame, Rachel's journey to prominence was a long, winding one that started from her engagement in competitive skating and fascination for sports at a very young age. Her confidence which resulted from those areas soon...
2 Pages 866 Words

Teamwork in Basketball Essay

Skill-based coaching activities are effective in developing a sound foundation in a sport as the drills are structured to focus on practicing repetitively and learning the correct technique, essential to play a sport well. This methodology of teaching is useful from beginners to professional athletes because it can be used to develop basic skills and perfect techniques. In addition, it is an effective method for coaching solo sports, such as swimming and golf because the activities are focused on improving...
2 Pages 863 Words

Essay about Teenage Pregnancy in the Philippines

Teenage pregnancy occurs in all societies, but the level of teenage pregnancy and childbearing varies from one place to another. The lack of information, program implementations, and collaboration with non-governmental organizations are seen to be the root problem in many countries. There is no proper sex education and proper programs to tackle the increased influx of teenage pregnancies. Ratib(2001) describes how the reproductive pattern in Saudi Arabia is characterized by pregnancies starting at an early age. In Western countries, adequate...
2 Pages 870 Words

Night' Book Review Essay

Night, written by Ellie Wiesel, is written by an author in first person; detailing their haunting experience in concentration camps during the Holocaust. He and his father embarked on a deadly and involuntary journey, moving from one death camp to another. Throughout the book, the author provides numerous anecdotes that provide the reader with an image of what these concentration camps were really like. Throughout the book, the author shares personal accounts of what it was like to really be...
2 Pages 862 Words

Explicatory Essay on Harriet Tubman

One of the most famous abolitionists who impacted the future of colored individuals was Harriet Tubman. Tubman was a female abolitionist of the colored in the 1800s. Most known for the Underground Railroad. Who was she? Tubman was born in Maryland and grew up to conduct hundreds through the Underground Railroad. Harriet Green and Ben Ross, both enslaved, gave birth to Araminta 'Minty' Ross. Mary Pattison Brodess was the owner of Rit (and later her son Edward). Anthony Thompson, Mary...
2 Pages 843 Words

Informative Essay about 'The Wife of Bath' Tale

The Wife of Bath’s prologue and tale are passages taken out of the Satire book The Canterbury Tales, written by Geoffrey Chaucer. The comical burlesque is a collection of twenty-four stories, written in Middle English between 1387 and 1400, where a competition is being held for who has the best story. The Wife of Baths is about her love life as we are told she’s quite flamboyant and has been married five times and presents herself as the world’s expert...
2 Pages 859 Words

Memoir about Making Friends Teen Essay

I chose to create my own high school topic. The name of my school is called “KDK Academy”. Our mission statement is to provide a safe, nurturing, and fun environment for our students while teaching them the proper concepts and skills. We must build students into strong leaders of the future. In order for students to attend KDK Academy, you must submit an application for review. Once the application has been reviewed, a team member will contact you to schedule...
2 Pages 852 Words

My Neighbour and Her Life Story: Narrative Essay

Many experts say that we're all just a product of our environments - the sum total of our experiences. Yet there seem to be people who rise above their beginnings, people untouched by the things going on around them. These people are remarkable. Elsa was such a person. She survived deprivation most of us can't imagine, lived among some of the most despicable villains in history, and emerged untouched. I didn't know her well and I know I can't do...
2 Pages 851 Words

Essay on Importance of Environmental Law

Environmental law is a relatively recent idea that encompasses a wide range of topics such as climate change, energy sources, pollution, and corporate social responsibility. Sinha stated that environmental conservation cannot be realized without sufficient laws. Environmental education and raising environmental awareness are two vital ways to ensure that the environment is conserved for future generations. At the level of international conventional law, environmental measures have been provided for, expressed, and acknowledged as a framework for legislation. The European Union...
2 Pages 840 Words

Descriptive Essay about Fireworks

Whether it is the 5th of November, a day at Disneyland, or New Year’s Day, fireworks are used to entertain people of all ages, genders, and races with flashing lights and loud noises. But that fun and entertainment can lead to severe injuries and even death, all because of the lack of awareness the general public has regarding the dangers of fireworks. Families have been ripped apart because of fireworks that don’t actually work, and they’ve ended up causing a...
2 Pages 867 Words

Definition Essay on Integrity

Doing the right thing is always easy! Said no one ever. Protecting morals and maintaining integrity can be a challenge especially when facing a large opposition. In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, a complex rape case is debated in the county court of Maycomb, a small county built around racist, anti-black folkways. The defendant, Tom Robinson, is a black man making it harder to appeal to an all-white jury in a case with a white plaintiff. A white lawyer,...
2 Pages 839 Words

Analytical Essay on 'Hills Like White Elephants'

The stories chosen for comparison are Ernest Hemingway’s ‘Hills Like White Elephants’ and Amy Tan’s ‘Rules of The Games’. The comparison would be conducted based on the aspect of protagonist’s isolation which is evident from both the stories in which each of the protagonists has their own world and has their own way to interact with the world. The thesis statement would be associated with the fact that in spite protagonists strong fight to win over their respective isolation, each...
2 Pages 843 Words

Why Is Rosa Parks a Hero: Critical Essay

You might be familiar with the story of Rosa Parks from history lessons. However, we should consider her story is perhaps more relevant today than ever before. With tumultuous times in American politics and the rise of nationalism in the UK and Europe, we should all be grateful for Rosa Parks's actions, and how she affected society in the modern age. Her story is more important now than ever not just for the growing problems of racism. One December day,...
2 Pages 872 Words

Why Is Respect Important in Healthcare: Opinion Essay

As a nursing student and a future registered nurse, it is significant to ensure Indigenous cultural respect within the clinical environment by reflecting the REM framework. Firstly, it is important for me to practice cultural humility in the respect component, which is a lifelong process of self-evaluation, reflection, and learning to advance a deeper understanding of how an individual’s life experiences influence their understanding and interaction with others (Yeager and Wu 2013). Moreover, cultural humility is a significant step to...
2 Pages 830 Words

What Does Respect Mean to You: Essay

This reflection will explore my inspiration to become a social worker in the field of family violence. I have come to learn over time that social work draws on key values of respect and social justice, which I believe are key values I hold (Australia Association of Social Workers 2010). Over time, I have been able to reflect on how my personal experience and these values of respect and skills of flexibility have come together to develop my understanding of...
2 Pages 864 Words

Personal Essay about Anxiety

For this research paper, I decided to speak about the five major Anxiety Disorders. The disorders include Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Social Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Occasional anxiety is a normal part of life. You might feel anxious when faced with a problem at work, before taking a test or making an important decision. But anxiety disorders involve more than temporary worry or fear. For a person with an anxiety disorder, the anxiety...
2 Pages 841 Words

Essay on Integrity and Honesty

Acting with honesty and Integrity It means to act with honesty and integrity. It is included in all financial records and business connections with customers, competitors, and vendors. Accurate Books, Records, and Reports Data gathering should be accurate in all communications, for example, financial information, personal resumes, and quality and safety reports. All personnel are responsible for the accuracy of information and we should not add wrong information such as expense reports, benefits claims, invoices, or entries in financial books...
2 Pages 862 Words

Essay on 'The Yellow Wallpaper' Summary

“The Yellow Wallpaper” is a short story by Charlotte Gilman that was published in the year 1892 in The New England Magazine. This short story mainly discusses the life of the woman who is the narrator and all the issues she faces. Many of these issues were common during the 19th century so it is important to analyze the life of women during this time. Women were not equal to men and they were seen as weak. They were only...
2 Pages 844 Words

Essay on 'The Crucible' Setting

I have chosen to deal with the Salem witches, a myth that inspired Arthur Miller who wrote The Crucible in 1952. Firstly, in 1692, in Salem, Massachusetts, the Reverend’s daughter, Betty, fell sick and the only explanation given by the physician was that she was under the influence of the devil, and this led to a Puritan inquisition. Right from the beginning we learn that the night before, Betty and other girls went to the woods, and one of them...
2 Pages 835 Words

Self Reliance Reflection Essay

For my reading project, I chose to draw a picture of Cia's journey of self-reliance. I chose to draw an aspect of each of the stages of testing around her with a path connecting her journey. I used a darker color scheme to show that while she receives a little help she is on her own. I think that this is dull and tiring so I used mostly blues and blacks. Overall Cia used self-reliance in each of the tests,...
2 Pages 857 Words

Problem Solution Essay on Jobs

The reality of computer technology entering many professions has become the actual fear for a few employees/laborers in Nigeria. Much has changed drastically when it comes to physical labor which has unfortunately been substituted by computer technology. The idea of creating AI(Artificial Intelligence) for businesses is to lessen some physical labor and get effective results with little time duration. Nonetheless, with the assistance of computer technology in our daily activities, the efforts of manpower are no longer appreciated as they...
2 Pages 857 Words

Gun Violence among African American Essay

The Second Amendment or the right to bear arms is an ongoing issue. Gun regulation is not strictly regulated in America and there have been numerous mass shootings in the past few years. Gun regulations should be better enforced by the government. People who have guns in their home is associated with an increased risk of violent death in their homes. Many people believe gun violence is inspired by violent video games, but it is not to be blamed for...
2 Pages 834 Words
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