Essay on Nelson Mandela Servant Leadership

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There are different styles of leadership, in this report, we will be handling only three types of leadership styles. These are the servant leader, the participative leader, and the transformational leader.

Servant leader

Leadership behavior

Servant leadership puts employees in the spotlight, while management typically works behind the scenes

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Leader’s traits

• Open-minded

The servant leader must be open-minded because it focuses heavily on the concept of growth, cooperation, and servitude. To hear the ideas of people and to accept their contributions as valuable, you must be open. It is important that you not only take this passively because you need to actively search for different opinions, new ways of looking at things, and routes to try to challenge conventional methods.

• Trustworthy

The organization must be based on trust between the various shareholders for servant leadership to work properly. The transition to servant leadership will not take place if the staff do not trust the leader. Trust should be among the first things you establish as a leader because of openness, self-awareness, and community spirit.

• Helpful

Servant leaders promote self-development and self-wholeness. In a servant role, a leader who lacks empathy and the sense of wanting to help cannot succeed. A servant leader always looks for ways to assist and enhance the life of the employee, whether professionally or privately.

• Selfless

Servant leaders must also put aside their egos and requirements and concentrate on the well-being of the worker and the entire organization. In addition, a good leader does not only think of the present moment when making decisions, but also of future generations because of the emphasis on foresight and conceptualization.

• Aware

The awareness of your inner self and the knowledge of what the people around you are made of will help to become a better leader of servants. You need to identify the skills and value that each individual brings to a team, but also to identify the implications of various actions. A servant leader will be guided to serve better by being able to understand why individuals conduct the way they do.

• Accountability

Servant leaders should finally be held accountable. Responsibility, however, is not so much about punishment as a way of understanding that everyone makes mistakes.

Relation with subordinates

People working under this leadership will feel that they contribute to something meaningful and that in the workplace they always feel encouraged.

Why self-awareness is crucial for becoming an effective leader

    • Keep an open mind. At the point when you can manage your passionate world, you can be sensitive to others' feelings. To be an effective pioneer, you must be interested in new individuals and all they have to bring to the table. This shows that you can be a cooperative person and don't should be No. 1. The more open you are to other people, the more innovative you become.
    • Be mindful of your strengths and weaknesses. Mindful people know their qualities and shortcomings and can work from that space. Being aware of this implies that you realize when to connect for help and when you are acceptable all alone.
    • Stay focused. A significant piece of being a pioneer is making associations, yet you can't make those associations in case you're diverted. Train yourself to the center for extensive periods without getting sucked into online media, messages, and other little interruptions.
    • Set boundaries. A pioneer needs to have solid limits set up. Be warm toward others, yet state no when you need to. Be not kidding about your work and your interests, and keep your limits firm to keep up the trustworthiness of your objectives and the work you put into them.
    • Know your emotional triggers. Mindful people can recognize their feelings as they are occurring. Try not to quell your feelings or deny their causes; all things considered, have the option to twist and flex with them, and completely measure them before speaking with others.
    • Embrace your intuition. Fruitful individuals trust their impulses and face the challenges related to them. Your senses depend on natural selection and the need to succeed. They instruct you next; figure out how to confide in your instinct.
    • Practice self-discipline. Great pioneers will in general be focused in each part of their life. It is a character quality that furnishes them with the suffering center vital for solid initiative.

Servant leader examples

Nelson Mandela which we will further talk about, Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Theresa, and Mahatma Gandhi are prominent servant leaders, individuals who put others' desires above their own.

How each leader worked to maintain a healthy working environment

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (18 July 1918-5 December 2013) was an anti-apartheid activist, political leader, and philanthropist from South Africa who served from 1994 to 1999 as President of South Africa. He was the first black head of state in the world and the first elected in a popular election which was entirely representative. By tackling institutionalized injustice and promoting social integration, his administration worked on dismantling the legacy of apartheid. He was ideologically an African nationalist and socialist, serving from 1991 to 1997 as president of the African National Congress (ANC) party.

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Essay on Nelson Mandela Servant Leadership. (2024, February 29). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from
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