Nelson Mandela Achievements Essay

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Many great leaders across the world have inspired everybody with their visionary personalities. Among those great leaders, Nelson Mandela is the one who inspires me the most. Nelson Mandela was the first ever democratically elected black president of South Africa and a Nobel Prize winner. He struggled to end the intolerant culture of racial discrimination in the country. Humility and honesty were one of the most important traits of Nelson Mandela. Some people believe being humble is a sign of weakness but according to Mandela, a humble person is more satisfied with his life whatever the situation is. The proud one in a society always wants the best for himself but a humble person has strong faith in the will of God. That is the reason Mandela never diverted from his path. He had to face much trouble during his struggle. Even he went to jail for a long time. He nearly escaped the death penalty. He made a great speech from the prison which sought attention worldwide. Mandela demanded respect even when he was in prison as he believed dignity was the way to success. He always proved his opponents wrong based on facts. Time is very essential. Once a moment is passed it never comes back. So Mandela always insisted his followers utilize their time wisely. He believed in utilizing time in the struggle to make their country what they desired. Always ignore the labels. You have to behave according to the situation. He believed in taking a stand where no other individual was willing to. That makes you a leader and this is the best quality that a leader should have. He always believed and showed the world that their attitude towards a specific country will depend on the country’s attitude towards their struggle. There is no compromise on that. He always controlled his emotions while making any decision. It is the quality of all the leaders of the world to make decisions rationally. As a freedom fighter, he was ready to die for his cause. He believed to disappear under a cloud of glory rather than that of shame. He believed in facing death with bravery and determination. The traits described above make Nelson Mandela the most effective leader of the 20th century. He fought all his life for this cause. He made a speech from the prison which inspired people across the globe and caught attention worldwide. He made people follow him through his actions and speeches. Nelson Mandela was defiant. He fought against resistance all his life. He had great support from the black population of South Africa. He made speeches at international forums against racial discrimination. He was a symbol of peace and hope. When he spoke people listened to him. When he asked them to do something, people were always ready to answer his call. He always spoke less but inspirational words. The lives of lots of people have been changed due to his speeches. He received the Nobel Prize due to his extraordinary efforts towards peace.

Becoming a leader is not only having social interaction and making speeches in public or having appearances but it is far more than that. Nelson Mandela was a revolutionary leader. Revolutionary leaders are the ones who are always remembered even when they are gone. Their speeches have an impact on the personality of individuals in every era. Nelson Mandela was a great leader. When he spoke people listened, and when he asked them something to do they were always ready to answer his call. Nelson Mandela was always ready to make sacrifices. Even he was aware that he could be hanged. But still, he continued his struggle. That is the very reason he is the cause of the revolution and the great country that today we know as South Africa. He always believed that one’s creation is a blessing of God to the rest of mankind so he has to do his best to help others. He made people believe in them. He wrote books in prison that inspired all the people across the globe. He was the greatest revolutionary leader of the 20th century who has changed the lives of thousands of people with his struggle, vision, and personality.

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Nelson Mandela was a transformational leader. He should the people of South Africa a picture of their future without racial discrimination. Through his leadership qualities, he transformed the lives of many people. He provided the people a direction. He ruled over the hearts and minds of people. People trusted him and followed him. He made people believe that their struggle against racial discrimination would eventually have a positive outcome. His followers were always motivated, engaged, and satisfied with him. Nelson Mandela was a role model for the people of South Africa. He had an ideal influence over the life of people. He always worked very hard. He was a positive example for everyone to follow. When his followers saw him working conscientiously and diligently they began to respect and admire Mandela more. He never compromised on the country. He made it very clear on many occasions that their attitudes towards a certain country would depend on how they behaved in their struggle for freedom. He had high moral and ethical standards which he always showed the world through his actions and speeches. Hard situations never made him even divert a little from his path. He always made people realize the importance of their struggle. He kept his followers united. He made sacrifices and made his followers realize the importance of freedom. Even though he was jailed and escaped the near death penalty he never gave up his struggle. He developed a vision of a promising future and conveyed it to his followers through his speeches and books. He urged his followers to always work hard for their cause and go above and beyond their rules and responsibilities in pursuit of their shared vision. This made his followers commit. He always showed his followers their problems from a variety of perspectives and showed them how life would be by solving those problems.

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Nelson Mandela Achievements Essay. (2024, February 29). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 10, 2024, from
“Nelson Mandela Achievements Essay.” Edubirdie, 29 Feb. 2024,
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