Leader essays

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1 Page 549 Words
It’s 2019 and we live in a world that still sees a person and judge’s a person by the color of their skin or by their gender. Now,let’s step back in time fifty-something years ago. The lines have been drawn whites on one side and African Americans on the other. Where would you be at, would it be on the...
2 Pages 722 Words
Adolf Hitler, as we all know, was the leader of Germany’s Nazi party and his way of leading is not to the best standard which made him a tyrant. But what separates a good leader from a tyrant? That is a very difficult question to answer, I suppose. I think many leaders, fictional or not, have both the poor and...
5 Pages 2392 Words
Everyone’s life is an exploration of investigating relationships and loyalty. Loyalty can be shown through devotion, dependency, or honesty to other individuals or things. Everyone is loyal to something, whether it be their religion, significant other, political views, or a leader. Inscribed in Matthew 6:24 it is written, “No one can serve two masters: for either he will hate the...
2 Pages 841 Words
My ambition to be a student leader is rooted in a deep commitment to serve, inspire, and make a meaningful difference within my academic community. In my view, leadership is not merely a position but a journey of influencing, guiding, and uniting people towards common goals. It is about setting an example through integrity, empathy, and resilience. This role offers...
3 Pages 1257 Words
Time is a basic asset with less and more dynamic. In old times, time was considered as a sequential time and was accessible as a resource for economic usage. Time cannot be manageable similarly as other resources, such as human, physical, and information are managed, it is a critical resource that must be used as we receive it (Sutharshini Thevanes,...
1 Page 567 Words
“Our elective leaders don’t wake up in the morning worried about whether their military will remain subordinate to them” (General Dempsey M.E., 2015). Over the last 10 years, I have held many different leadership positions. Among these key positions, supervising teams, developing and resourcing training, and mentorship have been my key tasks. I have served as a drill sergeant, a...
2 Pages 1088 Words
Certain characteristics make us from ordinary people to great leaders. You can see countless examples all around you where the need for a team lead, manager, supervisor, etc. is always there so that they can mobilize people to get the work done. People don’t work according to their job description and tend to lose track unless they are directed. It’s...
1 Page 422 Words
To break things down first, we need to understand what the word leader means and know where it came from. According to Jia Lin, leadership is a matter of intelligence, trustworthiness, humaneness, courage, and discipline. Reliance on intelligence alone results in rebelliousness. Exercise of humaneness alone results in weakness. Fixation of trust results in folly. Helplessness on the power of...
1 Page 485 Words
IIn my understanding, the shape of the perfect leader requires the ability on organize group of people and requires many different skills. According to Jonas (2019), skills enable you to be a role model for a team in any environment with great leadership qualities, successful leaders come in all shapes and sizes. I think he or she with the shape...
1 Page 676 Words
Regarding forgiveness, research find that an individual with forgiveness ability can contribute to beneficial relational connections, achieve better cooperation, work fulfillment, individual resolve, innovative problem-solving, a feeling of adaptability when confronting changes, and productivity. For instance, there are frustrating things occur such as someone affronts me at work or the undesirable result comes out in the project as someone doing...
3 Pages 1155 Words
Abraham Lincoln once said, “Nearly all men can stand the test of adversity, but if you really want to test a man’s character, give him power”. In this quote, Lincoln asserts that the more power individuals are granted, the greater their responsibility to serve, develop, and empower those around them. Ultimately, leadership is not just about what one person can...
2 Pages 717 Words
Oprah is a great leader because she has been through so much and she never gave up. There are plenty of things I will mention that shows this, but one thing is what I believe made her strong from being a child is the fact she was sexually abused by her family when she was younger. Even though she went...
2 Pages 1002 Words
One of Oprah Winfrey’s quotes that has stuck with me for the past 3 years is: “The key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success but significance- and then even the small steps and little victories along your path will take on greater meaning”. A leader is built by being able to do everything confidently and encouraging...
2 Pages 707 Words
I am currently a gastroenterology and general medical registrar in the final 6 months of training. Working in these areas of medicine requires highly effective leadership skills, as the registrar is required to lead effective and cohesive teams, particularly in an on-call capacity. Through completion of the medical leadership module at Edge Hill University, I have gained a much greater...
3 Pages 1403 Words
During this course I have taken various types of self-assessment tests and the results to those were very thought-provoking. Never have I thought that these types of tests would be so accurate and interesting. The most significant key learnings that have stuck with me are the personality assessment tests called Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the measurement of locus control. I...
3 Pages 1398 Words
Leadership cut across all spheres of life, ranging from the family setting, church setting, business setting, market setting, school setting, football setting down to the political setting. Everybody defines leadership in many different ways, but one definition that got to me was John C. Maxwell’s definition. He defines leadership as: “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the...
1 Page 573 Words
Good leaders never know all the answers. The best leaders strive constantly to learn and grow, connect with people, challenge themselves, improve their teams, and develop better ideas. But first and foremost, people should understand intuitively that if you can’t lead yourself effectively, everything else in your life will be a struggle. Self-leadership comes first. It makes every other kind...
2 Pages 714 Words
What is a leader and who is the leader? A leader is a person who is willing to lead a group in a different situation. Being a leader is not only for a person who is good at talking or communicating and have many skills, but this position can be for all of us. A leader is a person who...
1 Page 422 Words
My answer is going to be somewhat different than a mainstream answer. I believe and I know that US Senator Bernie Sanders is an excellent leader and would be one of the best presidents we have ever had here in America. He is of, by, and for the people and has consistently had the same message for over 4 decades....
1 Page 413 Words
What is a leader? A leader is a person who influences a group of people towards the achievement of a common goal. This goal can be either positive or negative, and depending on the goal to achieve is whether the leader is positive or negative. An influential leader in my life is my mother because she exemplifies a godly woman...
6 Pages 2683 Words
Rapid and unprecedented changes are taking place in the business world as humans develop in their cognitive abilities, and these are further fueled by the advancement in technology, leading to increased dynamism in humans thought process. Global provocations in the print of climate change and the prevailing Covid-19 pandemic are also crucial factors that are impacting business landscapes and how...
3 Pages 1436 Words
Leader – a character who leads, such as a conductor or information (Meriam). Leadership – the act or instance of main (Meriam). The function of leadership is appreciation and making use of the thinking of speaking an organization’s vision. Leadership is in a league of its very own when it comes to other positions due to the fact of its...
6 Pages 2999 Words
John Fitzgerald Kennedy, a beloved president, decorated soldier, and American Icon. His name is one that forever holds intrinsic value to the citizens of the United States. Kennedy’s legacy is one unmatched as his personality, public image, and wisdom won over the hearts of millions. The presidency he overtook however, faced countless amounts of criticism as he stumbled amongst foreign...
5 Pages 2306 Words
Introduction This assignment will describe the “Whole team approach” to resuscitation with a well-organised multi-disciplined team, taking in to account human factors, Crew resource management (CRM) and non-technical skills. The Resuscitation Council (UK) Guidelines 2015 outline advanced life support (ALS) algorithm which should be followed step by step for in hospital and out of hospital cardiac arrests, this providing the...
5 Pages 2314 Words
Elon Musk is an associate exemplary leader, even as Father Jose Maria Arizmendiarrieta was. In but thirty years of existing on earth, Elon Musk went from being cowed, what others thought about as being smarty pants to attaining degrees in economic science and physics at the same time and beginning many undefeated businesses. One of which might be Zip2, which...
2 Pages 834 Words
Leadership plays a salient role in the success of any organization. It is a positive force based on solidarity and mutual trust, including perspective and commitment. Bill Gates is a great leader with a great vision. From his earliest years, he was impressed with the founding of Microsoft. Despite the tension throughout the journey, Gates continued to pursue his dream....
3 Pages 1243 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Leadership is a process where one individual can profoundly influence someone else or a gathering of individuals be it in an association or all in all. In an organization, leadership refers to the capacity of the supervisor or manager to initiate subordinates to work with essence. In short, it is a human instinct to tie the gatherings together and direct...
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