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Social Issues

Rhetoric Analysis of Barack Obama Gun Violence Speech

Have you ever wondered what the president has to do when they are in the process of preparing to give a speech? Well back in 2015 former President Obama was delivering a eulogy for Reverend Clementa C. Pinckney, who was a former member of the South Carolina Senate and he was a pastor of Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal church, but he was most notable because he was one of the nine people that were killed in the Charleston shooting in...
2 Pages 873 Words

Essay on an Objection to Euthanasia and Utilitarianism

Euthanasia also known as 'assisted dying' is the process of intentionally ending a very sick person's life in order to alleviate them from the suffering the disease is causing. Euthanasia is usually only used on a person with an incurable condition, however, there are other instances when euthanasia can be carried out. For Example, only a minority of suicides in England involved long-standing incurable people. 1.5 Euthanasia is significant today as many people who are experiencing unbearable pain or are...
2 Pages 834 Words

Analysis of Inner Party in '1984' Essay

In his dystopian novel 'Nineteen Eighty-Four', Orwell describes a pessimistic world that lacks freedom, emotions, and the human spirit. The solitary protagonist, Winston Smith's awareness of the doings of the oppressive government figure, 'The Inner Party' acts as a catalyst for his fight for freedom. Winston uses his knowledge to actively plan a revolt against the Party, but he unavoidably fails. Although, Winston's enduring desire to overcome the Inner Party, and restore life as it was prior to 'the Revolution',...
2 Pages 869 Words

Affirmative Action Speech

Affirmative Action is a policy that was developed in the 1960s to address inequality in education by taking race and gender into consideration in order to benefit a historically underrepresented group. Affirmative Action is the practice of taking race, gender, sexual orientation, and more into consideration in order to benefit a historically underrepresented group. Affirmative Action was a program based on ending discrimination, but it has only made discrimination worse. It has caused segregated dorms and many minorities to be...
2 Pages 874 Words

Act of Terrorism Spaniards in Cuba Blew Up The Battleship Maine: Critical Essay

History of the Spanish American War In February two events crystallized U.S. opinion in favor of Cuban independence. First, the Spanish minister in Washington, Enrique Dupuy de Lóme, wrote a letter critical of President McKinley that fell into the hands of the Cuban junta in New York. Its publication caused a sensation, but Sagasta quickly recalled Dupuy de Lóme. A few days later, however, the Battleship Maine, which had been sent to Havana to provide a naval presence there exploded...
2 Pages 849 Words

Is Human Trafficking a Social Issue: Analytical Essay

Social workers are responsible for all kinds of important issues whether it be assisting a family, aiding a community, advocating for a group, and many other possible situations. One problem in particular that plagues our world and needs to be highly addressed is human trafficking. Human trafficking is a very real and dangerous problem that occurs all over the world every day. It qualifies as a current form of slavery and disregards basic human rights (Alvarez & Alessi, 2012). Human...
2 Pages 840 Words

Critical Essay on 'A Rose for Emily': Role of Narrator

In William Faulkner’s A Rose For Emily, a unique narrator has been used. An unnamed narrator serves us in the story with Jefferson's people’s voice, a collective voice. It is not certain whether is a man or a woman. By doing this William Faulkner hides his narrator behind the pronoun “we”. At the last, the narrator says “Already we knew it” about Homer Barron’s body. Actually, the narrator is not a collective person, just a single person I think. This...
2 Pages 858 Words

Narrative Essay on My Favourite Sport

Cricket is my favorite sport which I have played throughout my life and will still play till I can, this is a reason for choosing this topic. My targeted audience will be teenagers who are looking to join or improve their skills in cricket. Cricket is a game played with a bat and a ball, it's the second-highest-watched sport after soccer. Every side has 11 players to play with, there are three formats T20, ODI, and Test. It's played with...
2 Pages 854 Words

Essay on Contextual Discrimination in the Criminal Justice System

Despite the efforts of judges and legislators, the criminal law of Wales continues to be a source of discrimination. Discuss with reference to two areas of discrimination (you may choose from any area of discrimination, for example, discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, or religion). A body of laws that apply to criminal acts is referred to as criminal law. So criminal justice is put in place to uphold justice by bringing peace to our rather chaotic...
2 Pages 850 Words

The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Allegory Essay

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is a children’s fantasy novel by C.S. Lewis published in 1950. Set in Britain during World War II, the novel portrays the lives and adventures of four young siblings Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy Pevensie as they discover the magical land of Narnia through the portal of an old wardrobe. Through Lewis’ thoughtful portrayal of the children and the childhood magic and fantasy of Narnia, the reader can see the importance that he...
2 Pages 848 Words

Persuasive Speech on Immigration

The Glaring Problems Within the U.S. Immigration System Since the 1960s, the United States has received more immigrants than any other country. In terms of scope, America’s immigration policy is unparalleled in effect. America’s immigration system must be reformed because of its lack of respect for human rights, because it targets nonviolent immigrants in the name of safety, and because of the massive systemic issues within the immigration courts. The immigration system desperately needs to improve its policy and detention...
2 Pages 842 Words

Depletion of Natural Resources Essay

Significance and Impacts Natural resource depletion is one of the crucial current environmental problems faced worldwide. Fossil fuel consumption emits greenhouse gases responsible for global warming and climate change. As of now, the global population is 7.2 billion and growing. However, at the current demand, Earth’s resources are only enough for 2 billion people. If we do the math, we are using more than what Earth has for us, and this situation is deteriorating day as our global population is...
2 Pages 863 Words

Is Social Media Friend or Foe: Argumentative Essay

Throughout this project, I will explore one way in which social media has made communication significantly more dangerous as it has become more popular. I have chosen this topic as social media is something that almost rules many young people's lives- including my own, as it’s something I use constantly daily. In order to do this I will weigh the advantages against the disadvantages, using real-life examples, and some of my own experiences. I feel this is a topic that...
2 Pages 837 Words

Argumentative Essay against Animal Testing

Animal testing has been a controversy for over a century since the Cruelty to Animal Act of 1876, the first law in the world aiming to regulate the use of animals in research, was passed. For example, in Korea, 4.14 million animals were reportedly mobilized and victimized in animal experiments in 2020, according to the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency, moreover, the figures have increased every year. While public awareness of animal rights has heightened so far, there has still...
2 Pages 871 Words

Persuasive Essay about Same-Sex Marriage in the Philippines

The lone issue that is necessary in marriage is love; it is a factor that joints between two people. Traditionally in the Philippines, marriage is unmistakably portrayed as a strict and professional commitment between man and a lady, sincerely as immoderate articulation of affection. Then again, homosexual marriage is a marriage between two humans of a similar sex. Gay connections are increasing, yet this problem, which is now no longer recounted in the Philippine setting in accordance with this 'sex...
2 Pages 860 Words

Reflections on What Shaped Me

Did you ever wonder what shapes a person? Well, I will tell you what made me, well me. It all started in kindergarten when my mom said, “Let’s go to the park”. I run and get hit by a jeep. That showed me life can easily be taken, no matter what. Later in life, I found someone who later in life will mean a lot to me. This makes me feel happy knowing I have someone who can mean a...
2 Pages 863 Words

College Isn't for Everyone: Critical Essay

In the article ‘College Isn’t for Everybody, and It’s a Scandal that We Think It Is’, the author, Thomas Reeves, argues about the issues regarding under-preparedness and the consequences of it when going to college. Reeves talks about the declining ACT scores nationwide over the years, as well as the millions of dollars that are being spent on remedial education. He addresses the fact that in a few places such as Michigan, Colorado, Texas, and New York academic tests have...
2 Pages 843 Words

A Place That Is a Part of Me: Personal Narrative Essay

I could see the beaches, stretching for miles. Rocks, broken down by the almighty sea for millions of years to form the very dunes that were situated before me. Precision crafting used to form the beautiful agricultural landscape that spans the entirety of the island. The tall, emerald-colored grass greeted me as it waved in the strong ocean breeze. The blazing sun, beaming down and reflecting off the majestic, turquoise sea. It blinded me. The unmistakable scent of peat, carried...
2 Pages 827 Words

Critical Essay on Anti-Heroes and Their Use by Writers as Main Characters

Most of us have grown up reading stories and watching movies about heroes and princes who are flawless, brave, and innocent as leading positive characters. On other hand, in these stories, we could also find a villain with every negative quality possible who must oppose and cause harm to the hero. This conflict between the hero and the villain has shown always resulted in the defeat of the villain. The only two choices of characters these plots offer the audience...
2 Pages 845 Words

Roe V. Wade Should Not Be Overturned: Persuasive Essay

Women's rights have been an ongoing fight for centuries. The fight to keep abortions legal has been no different. Men and women have been working together to keep this practice legal, and many seem to agree with them. However, the decisions made in Roe v. Wade are up for discussion once again. Yet the question still remains: is it morally wrong? In 2013, there was a large controversy over the decision on whether or not to overturn Roe v. Wade....
2 Pages 872 Words

Argumentative Essay on Why Immigration Is Good

Immigration happens worldwide, whether it be because of active war or to reunite with family. Immigration has been happening since1600’s and is not coming to a stop in the future anytime soon. But why do people have different opinions on it? Well, immigration comes along with many other ‘unknown’ factors to the public eye. Other immigrants come to claim benefits but then there is the other side of why they flee their countries, for educational purposes, employment opportunities and to...
2 Pages 834 Words

Analytical Essay on Impact of Facebook on Society

People tend to not put that much thought into Facebook and its negative effects on happiness it is just part of their daily lives. In 2020, there were 2.7 billion active users on Facebook, and I wonder how many of those people have thought about the effects it has on happiness. I believe Facebook can have a negative impact on the pursuit of happiness because it can disconnect people from real-life interactions, consume valuable time, and lead to social comparison....
2 Pages 839 Words

How Did the Geography of Ancient China Impact It's Culture: Critical Essay

Ancient China was isolated from other parts of the world due to its geography, and if you have ever looked at the map Asia is isolated from other countries and continents including, Europe, Australia, and others. The geography of Ancient China consisted of a lot of deserts including two major deserts, the Gobi Desert and the Taklamakan Desert to the North and West, the Himalayan mountains on the South, and the Pacific Ocean to the East, the country was protected...
2 Pages 834 Words

Bill Gates’ Impact on Society: Critical Essay

The great Audrey Hepburn, who was herself no stranger to success, noted that as you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself and the other for helping others. As applied to Bill Gates, both his hands were tightly grasping onto our hearts, our souls, and our conscience. Though the march of time may one day diminish his image, leaving his voice just an echo and his presence just a memory; I doubt any...
2 Pages 873 Words

Why Classical Poetry Should Be Studied in High School

When people hear of the word poetry, they normally think it’s boring. A matter of fact, it’s actually not. Most teenagers hate the fact that they are taught poetry, they find no reason to learn it, they find it a waste of time, and they won’t need it in future. I think that classical poems should be studied in high school so that students develop an understanding for more diverse language. Additionally, to also see a different explanation of the...
2 Pages 848 Words

The Vikings and Their Mark in World History

The Middle Ages was a period of time in our history going from about 590 to 1500. Medieval Europe had many big events, one of those things is the Vikings, who were known for their travel and brutal persona. Following the fall of the Roman Empire, the people from what is now known as Scandinavia, the Vikings spread their influence of their maritime skills, their warrior techniques and experienced trading talents. Because they were willing to settle new lands, they...
2 Pages 826 Words

The Greatest Composers of All Time, Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frederick Handel

There have been many great composers over the last few centuries who have written amazing works. However, when I think of the all-time great composers widely known today, I think of Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frederick Handel. Both born in the Baroque period, Bach and Handel discover many new elements of music and contributing to what is known as classical music. Johann Sebastian Bach was born in 1685 in Eisenach, Saxony (Germany). Bach was born into a family of...
2 Pages 875 Words

Goldberg Variations by Johann Sebastian Bach: Exploring Recordings on Harpsichord and Piano

The Goldberg Variations, BWV 988, was known a musical composition for harpsichord by Johann Sebastian Bach which based on a wonderful aria in an A/B structure. It is an aria of the set of 30 variations which based on the base line (and not mainly on the melody, which correlates with a common baroque ‘chaconne’ practice). There is something of a dividing line after variation 15, and the piece ends as it begins, with the return of the aria. Every...
2 Pages 839 Words

Goal of Impressing Society and How Devastating It Was for Me

I may not be the ‘perfect model’ with long silky hair, glowing tanned skin, bright colored eyes, and a perfectly slimmed body, but society, by embedding this image forcibly into my mind, gained my trust into thinking that there was this ‘perfect model’. This always leads me to drift of deep down within my mind, thinking, that maybe, just maybe, one day I could reach my goal. To grasp and hold on to my goal of impressing society. My whole...
2 Pages 854 Words

Suicide, Divorce and School Dropouts as Severe Consequences of Domestic Violence

According to Oxford Dictionary domestic violence is any behavior, which is used to gain power and control over a spouse, partner, girl/ boyfriend, or intimate family member. Atkin (1998) posited that domestic violence can manifest itself in different forms such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, intimidation and isolation and so on. Therefore, anyone can recognize that the consequences of domestic violence can be detrimental to any man, child or women since it can manifest itself into many forms....
2 Pages 836 Words
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