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Social Issues

Argumentative Essay on Why Same-Sex Marriage Is Wrong and Negative Consequences It Can Have

The practice of marriage between two men and two women. Although same sex marriage has been regulated through law, religion and custom in most countries are the legal and social responses have fluctuated from celebration on one hand to criminalization on the other. The author of the article ‘Same-Sex Marriage Weakens the Institution of Marriage’ is Ryan T. Anderson. The main idea of this article is that, mainly, marriage exists to bring a man and woman together as husband and...
2 Pages 919 Words

Critical Essay on Heroism in Homer's 'Iliad': Hector Vs. Achilles

Before I begin to compare the heroism between Hector and Achilles and pick a winner, I want to talk about the difference between a hero and a superhero. A hero can be anyone. Any man without an eye, without an arm or even without a big brain can be a hero. Because being hero doesn't require physical strength, anyone can be a hero even after if he dies, but doesn't give up till his last breath. A hero is decided...
2 Pages 905 Words

Story of Coronavirus Victim Survivor: Narrative Essay

I was one of the luckiest people in the world because I survived this pandemic and it is one of the scariest memories that I will not forget. That’s because even in its initial stage, it is very brutal. In this essay, I want to share my story, the story of a person affected by the coronavirus. I want people to take this situation seriously because others won’t be so lucky to come out the side alive. My boyfriend and...
2 Pages 915 Words

Critical Essay on Arthur Miller’s Play ‘A View from the Bridge’ and Its Main Themes

Betrayal and love are both prevalent themes that are explored frequently, especially together, in plays such as Arthur Miller’s ‘A View from the Bridge’. Betrayal in this play takes many forms, causing people and relationships to break down and change. Love is obvious in all the relationships in the play, but as the play progresses, these relationships change and morph along with the characters. This play explores the themes of love and betrayal, and I believe that it is equally...
2 Pages 950 Words

Critical Essay on Power and Understanding the Responsibility of Its Possession in Ursula K. Le Guin’s ‘A Wizard of Earthsea’

As the famous educator and author Peter F. Drucker once said, “Rank does not confer privilege or give power. It imposes responsibility”. Indeed, power and responsibility have a complex relationship that is associated by factors such as an individual’s morals and ethics, character, and the conditions under which they were raised. Drucker’s words resonate very heavily within Ursula K. Le Guin’s ‘A Wizard of Earthsea’, considering that the theme of power and responsibility is reappearing as Ged’s journey takes him...
2 Pages 884 Words

Nature of Power and Madness in William Shakespeare's Play ‘King Lear’ and Akira Kurosawa's Film ‘Ran’: Critical Essay

A narrative’s main objective is to question aspects of the world around it to engage its audience with the plot of the story and also to change their perspective of the world. William Shakespeare questions the nature of power and madness during the Elizabethan era through his play ‘King Lear’ (1606). Similarly, this is mirrored by the famous Japanese filmmaker Akira Kurosawa, as he questions the nature of power and madness in Japan during the 1980s through his film ‘Ran’...
2 Pages 886 Words

My Interest in Helping Others and Social Work: Personal Narrative Essay

My interest in helping others and social work has not appeared from nowhere. I have only a few clear memories from my early childhood, and one of them is when me and my parents were standing on the crosswalk and suddenly saw a couple of street dogs. One of them was really nice and it seemed like not far ago it was a favorite home pet of someone. But at the moment when I saw them, they were looking just...
2 Pages 914 Words

Issues of Love and Fate in William Shakespeare's Play 'Romeo and Juliet' and Their Relevance in Modern Times: Critical Essay

“Just because everything is different doesn’t mean that anything has changed”. This quote by Irene Peter refers to the similarity of William Shakespeare’s famous tragedy play ‘Romeo and Juliet’ (1597). It refers to how central matters noticed in ‘Romeo and Juliet’ would still be found in our modern world. Though the date and setting of the play are extremely different from our time and day now, the same complications still occur. This is explored through key issues seen in the...
2 Pages 927 Words

How My Parents' Divorce Affected Me: Personal Narrative Essay

“You promise everything’s gonna be okay?”, I ask my mother every night before hopping into bed. It’s almost as if every time I do this, a huge weight is lifted off my shoulders and I can peacefully fall asleep once I hear her reply with, “Yes I promise, now goodnight”. I’d say it’s my way of receiving that reassurance I’m constantly searching for. I never used to do this, but as you get older, life becomes a much more shifter...
2 Pages 903 Words

Samuel P. Huntington’s 'The Clash of Civilizations' and the Problem of Labelling Others: Critical Essay

Why are we labeling people? Why are we involuntarily biased? On the off chance that you arranged too many arbitrarily chosen individuals from over the earth, none of them would share the same skin tone or religion. You could classify them from darkest to lightest or from Muslim countries to Western countries. There would be too many reasons that lead us to label people classifications like 'dark' and 'white'. These classifications are the same as a believer or disbeliever, labeling...
2 Pages 894 Words

Informative Essay on Cartoons as a Great Teaching Tool

Science and technology are changing rapidly today, and people have sought to keep pace with these changes. The students expected in these rapid and mass processes are implicit and passive, and no student can respond quickly with the shortest stride. On the other hand, the purpose of education is to actively participate in classes, present alternatives that can solve problems, and train students who can think critically. Under these circumstances, new education and training approaches have become important in our...
2 Pages 924 Words

Who Are the Most Powerful People: Persuasive Essay

Who is the most powerful people? To answer this question, we need to look at the real life between those who are always behind the door without a word, and their opinions are considered calm and quite, and between those who always speak and want to stand out. Quiet people are everywhere, from the kid taking notes in class to the party guest standing in the corner. Of course, loud people get a lot of attention - you can't help...
2 Pages 943 Words

Persuasive Essay about Exercise

Exercise can be obtained in a variety of ways. Examples could be anything from swimming to dancing or even walking. Basically, it is any movement that moves the body and works the muscles. Everyone should make exercise a priority in their life. Not only does it help the outer appearance, but it can also help have a clear and fresh mind. It is obvious to anyone that engaging in regular exercise is healthy; however, when it comes to it most...
2 Pages 886 Words

Important Insights I Learned from My Humanities Course: Reflective Essay

Art is extremely necessary for our lives. It constitutes one in all the oldest forms and, most significantly, it shows a mean of expression developed by man. It's a language, that is charged with feelings and significance that has sprung up among men inhabitation. For this, I’m glad to experience the wonder of art. Learning about the humanities is meant to create us students with a better piece of knowledge and to understand that the mere possession of information and...
2 Pages 903 Words

Informative Essay on the Hubble Space Telescope and its Discoveries

The wonders of space and beyond is something that has intrigued and mystified scientists for centuries. From the beginning of time people have wondered what lurks beyond the horizon, what orbits the world, what galaxies exist beyond the Earth, and what in fact is beyond what the human eye can see. The development of the telescope can be attributed to three scientists, Leonardo Da Vinci, Galileo Galilei and Hans Lippershey. Even though they lived all lived during a similar time...
2 Pages 877 Words

Professional Regulation and Criminal Liability Paper

Professional regulation is arguably perfectly defined by (Black, J. 2002) as 'the steady and targeted attempt to change behavior according to standards in order to achieve identified outcomes, through techniques of standard-setting, information-gathering, and behavior modification. Professional regulation is set out as part of four elements of regulation the others being personal regulation, team-based regulation, and workplace regulation each of which I will discuss (General Medical Council, 2005). Professional regulation is essential in protecting the safety of those following it...
2 Pages 893 Words

Metaphors in Malala's Speech: Literary Criticism Essay

The 2014 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to two advocates for children’s rights, including a Pakistani teenager named Malala Yousafzai, at seventeen the youngest Nobel laureate in history. In her speech after receiving the Nobel Prize, Malala Yousafzai claimed that all children deserve to receive a proper education. At the beginning of the speech, Malala uses rhetorical devices and appeals such as metaphors and pathos to convey her main argument. When she is thanking her parents for their “unconditional love”...
2 Pages 910 Words

Metaphors in Letter From Birmingham Jail: Critical Analysis Essay

Near the beginning of the civil rights movement in America on April 12th,1963, eight clergymen announced that Dr. Martin Luther King's protests in the streets should end because they promoted “hatred and violence”. In Martin Luther King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” he emphasizes that he has a duty to fight for justice without the use of violence. King uses rhetorical appeals, provides examples and personal anecdotes, and strong use of literary devices. King successfully conveys his message to his fellow...
2 Pages 921 Words

How Has Football Impacted Our Society: Analytical Essay

1. Increasing socialization Football sport progresses our relationship with other people in many ways. First, “football sport can build young people’s confidence and prepare them for later live” (Inetwork, 2017). Second, young people have a good relationship with football sport. All over the world, young people play football because they enjoy the game especially when they have free time. Football sports make young people more united and friends in the community. “Football sport is an ideal activity for learning about...
2 Pages 898 Words

George Gershwin’s Impact on Society: Critical Essay

George Gershwin’s music journey started at the age of 11 when his parents bought his older brother, Ira, a second-hand piano (Biography.com, 2019 ). George had a natural talent for piano and he took it up, eventually seeking out mentors who could help him hone and nurture his abilities (Biography.com, 2019 ) He went on to study with and impress the noted piano teacher Charles Hambitzer who stated in a letter to his sister: “
the boy is a genius” (Biography.com,...
2 Pages 920 Words

Hernan Cortes' Impact: Critical Essay

The year was 1504. A cruel, greedy, ruthless, wild, and relentless man by the name of Hernan Cortes decided to set sail to The New World in order to establish a better life for himself after receiving an education in law and Latin in Spain. He left university at 19 in order to follow his interest in alleged tales of Christopher Columbus in the New World. In the New World, he worked with the governor of Hispaniola who would eventually...
2 Pages 878 Words

Metaphors in 'Heart of Darkness': Critical Analysis Essay

Blacklight “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that.” (King Jr.) Heart of Darkness, a novella written by Joseph Conrad, takes place on the River Thames and follows a narrator listening to a retelling of Marlow’s journey along the Congo River. While traveling into the heart of Africa, Marlow learns of the origins of Kurtz, a remarkable ivory trader seeing over the Inner Station, and obsesses over their potential future meeting. However, once arriving at the Inner Station...
2 Pages 897 Words

What It Means to Be a Man and the Idea of Hypermasculinity

In our society, toxic masculinity is viewed as the traditional stereotypes that correlate men with strong physical attributes. By discussing toxic masculinity, people are made aware of the pressures put upon men and the detrimental effects it has on them later on. In the video ‘What It Is to Be a Man’ by Dr. George Belliveau, we are introduced to the idea of hypermasculinity and how it is enforced upon young boys. Dr. George Belliveau continues to explain the concepts...
2 Pages 892 Words

Three Schools of Thought in the Context of the Educational Process

In this essay, I am going to examine three main schools of thought, namely - cognitive, behaviorist and humanistic - in the context of the educational process, and decide which of them seems best for the learning circumstances. Cognitive School of Thought Cognitive school of thought refers to how someone learn which is through mental processes, mainly on how people think, understand, remember and most probably apply it in their daily basis. So, scientists had estimated what goes on in...
2 Pages 902 Words

Theory of Mind in Relation to Non-Human Animals

Although many species have behaved as if they have a ‘theory of mind’ in various behavioral tasks, it is still an extensive debate as to whether they can attribute mental states to others. This essay’s main aim is to explain the concept of theory of mind and describe the methods used to assess mind-reading abilities of non-human animals. Theory of mind is referred to as the human ability to mindread. This term has been used in developmental psychology to explain...
2 Pages 950 Words

The World Belongs to Us for a Season

In today’s world, everyone is so involved in making a secure future that they have no control over their present. We are fed with this notion of a future day in our lives when everything will be secure, and then will we be able to enjoy to the fullest. Our lifestyle is based on working for a future we have no control over. Along with working hard, appreciating what we have now are both equally important. Lucius Annaeus Seneca has...
2 Pages 922 Words

Problem of Maldistribution of Physicians

Accessibility to quality health services is important for the upgrading of results. Vulnerable groups in upcountry and inner-city zones have inadequate access to general practitioner and compulsory medical inputs. In contrast, urban regions enjoy an oversupply of medical doctors. The geographic disparities in the spreading of physicians have led to the uneven improvement of health amenities and an overall reduction in life expectation for the residents in countryside. This essay focuses on the causes of maldistribution of health workforces and...
2 Pages 942 Words

Talking to a Child with Special Needs about Puberty

The talk. This is one of the most uncomfortable interactions between parents and children. Navigating this sensitive topic is a challenge. Most parents worry about the timing, setting, and whether the child is ready or not. Sometimes, parents are in denial; the more they delay the talk, the longer their child will remain a child and not hit puberty. However, the topic is inevitable and is best done sooner rather than later. A lot of kids are confused and feel...
2 Pages 880 Words

Stress Eating as a Growing Problem

When somebody is in a tight spot that individual may pick an undesirable method to relieve their uneasiness. One of the most popular ways that is unhealthy is emotional eating. Numerous individuals think it's anything but a major issue, since they don't consider it to be an issue. During the 1930s to 1950s, they believe smoking was not a big issue, however at this point they release exactly how terrible is smoking for an individual is. As life goes on...
2 Pages 883 Words

Stereotyping and Personal Transformation in Raymond Carver's Story 'Cathedral'

More than often, people use stereotypes to describe or define other people without fully knowing the effects they may have. A stereotype is commonly known as a widely held fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing. Many people are guilty of creating stereotypes about other groups and are not aware of it. This can lead to prematurely judging others without getting to know them. One of the only ways to lessen the behaviors...
2 Pages 920 Words
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