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Social Issues

Concept of Perseverance In Chinese Cinderella

Chinese Cinderella is a compelling autobiography written by Adeline Yen Mah. Chinese Cinderella is an extraordinary book that shows the reader how cruel we live in. Many wise lessons are woven into each sentence. While reading, the reader connects the book to the world, making the audience realize how cruel society and the world we live in can be. This novel is based on a child yearning for acceptance and love in a flawed and deliberated family. In the Novel...
2 Pages 943 Words

Poems By Wendy Wilder Larsen, Langston Hughes And Walt Whitman: Comparative Essay

An author uses many literary devices to help the reader understand the theme of the poem. Authors use different literary devices to describe how something is or felt. They also use sensory details to show the reader how something is and lets them visualize an image of what is happening. Authors also organize their poems in a way that fits with the theme of the poem. In the poems, “Deciding” by Wendy Wilder Larsen, “The Weary Blues” by Langston Hughes,...
2 Pages 914 Words

Ray Bradbury's Representation of Addiction to Technology in Fahrenheit 451

In 1995, 0.4% of the population used the internet and as of December 2017 54.4% of the population now uses the internet. That is a 54% increase in just 22 years. Shocking, right? The growth of technology has a huge effect on the world today and there have been many positive outcomes from this; however, there have also been some negative effects from the advancement of technology. Ray Bradbury addresses this problem in his book Fahrenheit 451. In the book,...
2 Pages 941 Words

Sense Of Magical Knowledge In Bless Me Ultima

Question 1: In the world of literature, magical realism comes with what would refer as a mixture of elements of magic that are characteristic of mixing up with the elements of real world. For instance, the novel provides the understanding of the fact that the Virgin of Guadalupe and the golden carp serve as symbols whose primary role is to add meaning to the story of Bless Me Ultima through the sense of magical knowledge as well as magic in...
2 Pages 928 Words

Negative Impact Of Fake News

Over the past decades, social media has become a major component in the modern human society. We tend to use this technology for both entertainment as well as acknowledging news around the world. While news can bring us precise and realistic information regarding the world around us, it can also be manipulated into fake news that aim to strike with a purpose. Nowadays, it is easier for others to generate fake news since most of the people across the world...
2 Pages 923 Words

Development of the Main Character Bechdel in Fun Home

In the graphic memoir titled Fun Home, by Allison Bechdel, sexual self-discovery is one of the criteria for the development of the main character. Furthermore, Bechdel depicts the plethora of factors that are pivotal in the shaping of who she is before, during and after her sexual self-development. Bechdel’s anguish and pain begins with all of her accounts that she encountered at home, with her respective family member – most importantly her father – at school, and the community she...
2 Pages 899 Words

Emily Dickinson’s Life And Poetry

The Story Of My Search When I was reading about Emily Dickinson’s life and reading her poems, they caught my eye because her life was so much more different than everyone else’s lives. Her poetry was very different and interesting and I wanted to learn more about it. “Emily Dickinson is one of America’s greatest and most original poets of all time. She took definitions as her province and challenged the existing definitions of poetry and the poets work.” (Emily...
2 Pages 911 Words

Maya Angelou: Way Of Life

Marguerite Annie Johnson Angelou known as Maya Angelou was a black African-American women who didn’t like racism between black and white people, though it was hard growing up being mistreated she would always stay as positive as she can. Maya was born on April 4, 1928 in St. Louis, Missouri, United States. She had a family of four. Her mother Vivian Baxter Johnson, her father Bailey Johnson and her older brother Bailey Johnson Jr. Growing up in the Johnson family...
2 Pages 934 Words

Ovarian Cancer: Difference between BRCA1 5382insC Carrier and Non-carrier FOC Patients

Ovarian cancer (OC) is one of the important causes of death within gynecological tumors in the western world, with a 5-year survival rate of approximately 30% in advanced-stage disease(152). About 10-15% of all OC patients report a positive family history of the disease and can be included as “familial ovarian cancer (FOC).(11,12) FOC patients were defined as those with a history of ovarian cancer in two or more family members or in combination with common cancer diagnosed at a young...
2 Pages 877 Words

The Fault in Our Stars: Book Review

The fault in our stars is a book about a 16-year-old girl named Hazel Grace Lancaster suffering from a thyroid cancer that has spread to her lungs. Since she is very depressed and lonely she loves to read books. One day her mom notices she reads the same book “An Imperial Afflicton” over and over again. She visits doctor and tells her about her condition behalf of which the doctor recommends her to join a cancer patient group where people...
2 Pages 908 Words

Social Darwinism: Revolutionism of Herbert Spencer (Simmons)

Summary Social life had degenerated into a stark, competitive struggle for existence and civil society had descended into the law of the social jungle. The author starts the article with a refer to the jungle. He addressed the sense of alienation, confrontation and defiance. The so called neoliberal policies pursued by many governments of low taxes, reduced government spending, privatization, de-regulation and the replacement of government programs by private-sector, market-driven services rapidly changed societies. The neoliberalism has a stronghold in...
2 Pages 891 Words

The Concept Of Black Consciousness In The Movie Named Sankofa

In the movie named “Sankofa” made by Haile Gerima, was technically about an African-American woman who traveled back in the time of slavery and experiences the life of enslavement. In the beginning, it shows a woman named Mona she is colonized and brainwashed which lead to her being separated from her origin. She was on a trip to Ghana, in that trip Mona went was in a old cave, that cave was one of the places in which Africans were...
2 Pages 888 Words

The Feeling Of Alienation, Anxiety And Disillusionment In The Namesake

Lahiri’s works has a deep insight into women’s problems and dilemmas, with a realistic portrait of contemporary women. The female protagonists in her novels are in constant search for the meaning and value of their life. Lahiri explains the cross-cultural experiences of dislocated women and the condition of belonging in the maze of cultural plurality. In the novel, The Namesake, Lahiri discusses the feeling of alienation, anxiety and disillusionment that the characters faced once they have migrated to abroad. In...
2 Pages 929 Words

Carl Jung’s Philosophy: The Devil And Miss Prym And The Lottery

When discussing The Devil and Miss Prym and “The Lottery” three main points will be proven the first point shall be how both stories show conflicts and patterns. The second point archetype is being shown in both stories discussing who's the scapegoat in each story. Third discussing how both stories connect with different philosophies, and their theories. The type of conflict means “situations or problem causing the action”(Detrick, Literature). In the book “The Lottery” there are many examples of person...
2 Pages 898 Words

Contending Roles and Points of View of Women and Men in Trifles by G. Susan

‘Trifles’ is a play written and composed by Glaspell Susan in the year, 1916, and mirrors the writer's distraction with culture-bound thoughts of sex roles and gender. In accordance with the title of the play, ‘Trifles’ by G. Susan recommends that the worries from the women are always viewed as simple trifles, insignificant issues that bear practically no significance to the genuine work of society, which, obviously, is being done by the male counterpart. Susan questions, and in this manner...
2 Pages 912 Words

Chetan Bhagat’s Novel And Portrayal Of Indian Society

Literature is an impression of society. It reproduces indecencies and excellencies of the general public. One of the elements of writing is to improve the general public. Writing echoes the defects of the general public with the end goal of committing the general public understand its errors and present appropriate reparations. It likewise exhibits perfect human characters for the general public to copy. The author, in an abstract piece, plans the human life and activities so that they give certain...
2 Pages 944 Words

Situation With ISIS In Iraq And Afghanistan

After withdrawing American forces from Iraq and significantly reducing, the number of troops in Afghanistan President Obama claimed the U.S. was on a new path to safety and security in the Middle East. However, this would not be the case. As President Obama took his eyes off Iraq and Afghanistan, the Taliban and the newly formed ISIS would begin to roll back U.S. advancements in both countries and embroil both young governments in another counter-insurgency fight. As President Obama worked...
2 Pages 918 Words

Aristotle’s Argument Concerning Virtue: Being Virtuous Is Simply The Result Of True Happiness

I agree with Aristotle’s argument that living a virtuous life is essential to having true happiness which is our ultimate purpose.In other words, happiness is the primary purpose of human life which is accomplished or fulfilled through virtue. Similarly, he believes that in order to reach that happiness which is the highest good, we must live our lives accordingly to our inherent characteristics as rational people in which we are able to become happy. Furthermore, happiness is not based on...
2 Pages 903 Words

A Farewell to Arms: Summary, Characters and Themes

World war1 that caused death to million of military and civilians fought between United states, France and Russia on one side and Germany on other and bloodshed everywhere. The main aim of Italian’s were prevent the German troops from reinforcing the Austrian troops on the front as they were an ally of Germany and Austria. The most important event shown in the novel is the Italian retreat that happened on October 24, 1917. Fredric Henry is a volunteer who has...
2 Pages 928 Words

Interaction of Man Free Will and Fate in Oedipus Rex by Sophocles

In Oedipus Rex, written by Sophocles, the play shows an intertwined interaction of man free will coexisting with fate which at the time Greeks at the time believed guided everything and everyone else in a balanced purpose. Women and men were free to make and decided their own decisions and at the end was ultimately held accountable for their own actions. The concepts of both fate and free will played an important part in Oedipus’ destruction. Even though he was...
2 Pages 906 Words

Rebellion and The Dark Side of Technology in Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451

Rebellion is one of the most themes that mostly make an appearance in the novel by using personification to strengthen Ray Bradbury’s point of rebellion. In the beginning, Montag loved to be a fireman but as time grew on he had grown sick on the smell like two parts of him were fighting to do the right thing and stopping. Montag likes to do his job but as he thought possibly being a fireman is wrong and he wants to...
2 Pages 901 Words

Relevance Of A Christmas Carol In Modern Society

A Christmas Carol is an ideal movie for anyone wanting to witness what some people experience throughout the holidays. The movie is set in England, and it accounts for some of the most crucial years in the world, the early to mid-1800s. This was a time of change, especially in England. A Christmas Carol overlooks the life of Ebenezer Scrooge, as Scrooge is played by the actor Alastair Sim, and the film was released December 2, 1951. The emphasis of...
2 Pages 913 Words

Damaging Perception of Rape Culture: Analytical Essay

Slut. Whore. Tramp. In a society where men benefit from women being hostile to one another, these three words become almost as valuable as gold. In a patriarchal society where there is a war against women, misogyny is expected to run deep. However, it has become so entrenched among humankind that women have begun to turn on one another, whether it is done intentionally or unintentionally through the use of microaggressions. Through this exact phenomenon of internalized misogyny, women continue...
2 Pages 889 Words

Social Justice in Nursing: Opinion Essay

Social justice is the action of trying to eliminate, if not reduce the disadvantages experienced by certain groups in populations by distributing resources fairly throughout the population. When talking about resources, it is meant as more than just services that are available, such as public transit. They are defined as “an aspect of having a positive effect on health, such as security of food, sufficient housing, reliable employment, good working conditions, adequate income, education, inclusion in society, and the social...
2 Pages 914 Words

Ideas of Marriage and Social Expectations in The Importance of Being Earnest

Authors use many devices when they want to express what they mean. Literary or rhetorical devices give the purpose of conveying the meaning of the text, to persuade, or evoke emotion and help tie back to the central message of the text. Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest, AJD’s “Marriage - How Has it Changed Over Time,” and Marie McKeown’s “Women Through History: Women’s Experience Through the Ages” all relate to each other and use either literary or rhetorical...
2 Pages 898 Words

Representation Of Mother In Girl By Jamaica Kincaid

Have you ever had the feeling or thought that your mother acted and raised you differently than other mothers? There are many mothers with different perspectives and opinions on how a woman should be or behave in front of other people. In Jamaica Kincaid’s “Girl”, a mother teaches a girl about certain beliefs coming from society and culture at the time to be a “perfect” woman in society, while in Gary Soto’s “Looking for Work”, the mother does not take...
2 Pages 936 Words

Eliminating Poverty in a Perfect World: Opinion Essay

What can be changed about poverty in America? Everything. One will never truly know poverty unless they have lived in poverty themselves. Poverty is caused by society’s trends changing. Poverty is associated with homelessness, the lack of education, a culture of poverty, epidemic diseases such as AIDS, and illiteracy overpopulation. Congress and I will help break these cycles of poverty by; enhancing economic growth with targeted action, mandate over time in the workplace, mandating higher education/training, increasing the Earned Income...
2 Pages 929 Words

Differences In Kant and Mill's Views On Lying

Throughout the course we have discussed many types of ethics and views on morals. However, one of the biggest differentiating facts between these types of ethics is their view on lying, whether it be right or not and if so when lying would be ethically correct. However, one of the biggest debates is between Kant and Mills. Kant made the argument that lying is never okay, no matter what situation or what motive, and Mills, who is known for utilitarianism...
2 Pages 940 Words

Feminist Aspects In The Awakening By Kate Chopin

The author of The Awakening was from St. Louis, Missouri. Kate Chopin is known for writing short stories such as “The Storm”, “The Story of an Hour” and “A Pair of Silk Stockings.” She published two novels in addition to her short stories, At Fault and The Awakening. Her first novel, At Fault, went largely unnoticed after its publication in 1890. Her final novel, The Awakening was published in 1899. The critics and public both condemned the novel, calling it...
2 Pages 885 Words

Sherman Alexie and Li Young Lee: Comparative Essay

The love for poetry and writing can begin with the simple routine of listening to the soothing voices of parents reading a bedtime story. Unfortunately for some, such as Sherman Alexie, the sweetest routines are not a part of their everyday life while growing up. Defying the odds at a young age, Alexie survived life-threatening health conditions, bullied because of his appearance and an absent father. As a boy, he was much influenced by his maternal grandmother, a spiritual leader...
2 Pages 950 Words
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