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Social Issues

Double Standards For Men And Women Within Islam

Muslim women can be involved in both Islam and hip-hop (McMurray, 2008). McMurray says that people often ignore the discourses surrounding Islam, which consequently ignores some Muslim groups such as the Black Muslim women. These women are used as agents of negotiating the relationship between Islamic faith and the hip-hop culture. She studies how the Black Muslim women negotiate hip-hop music and Islam, and how the society marginalizes the Black women due to their involvement in hip-hop music. McMurray uses...
2 Pages 933 Words

The Correlation Of Evolution And Islam

Community Psychology is a very important branch of psychology it understand peoples behavior within their communities, societies, organizations, community psychology focuses more on wellness than illness its an important factor to support towards social change through empowerment of weak groups such as women who suffer from brutality, youth and children living in poverty disabled people elderly and jobless immigrants. However the aim of this thesis was to contribute opportunities to enhance quality of life of people, communities and society. Twenty...
2 Pages 883 Words

How Marriage Was Shaped Over Time In Protestantism And Islam

Marriage is one of the earliest forms of relationships. From a biblical perspective, Adam and Eve were the first spouses that gave rise to today’s people. However, generations later, many religions came up, each with their interpretation of marriage. This difference resulted in different conduct across religions, prompting a deeper understanding of marriage. To do this, this paper will analyze the major points of change in Protestant and Islamic marriages, explaining why the changes happened and showing the differences between...
2 Pages 907 Words

The Empire Of Reason: Science And Islam In The Golden Age

Even in middle ages Muslim community the scientific process, the groundbreaking theory that perhaps the world functions however according human laws became created. That is of the Iraqi-born scientist's selfish benefit. As in other rich societies, technology developed underneath the Muslim Reich 1000 years ago. They explore the remains of Iran's former capital, a large kingdom, and the royal house palace.Rich, strong and prosperous societies would offer tremendous changes in information and technology. That's just what in Islam, in Baghdad,...
2 Pages 896 Words

Differences And Similarities Between Christianity And Islam

I had never considered the fact that Christians and Muslims could even be precisely compared on any level. I come from a Christian family and background, and comparing my own lifestyle and beliefs to that of a Muslim seems absurd, but the more I recalled the basics behind each I came to the realization that they consist of basic grounds that are only different when you dive beneath the surface. Islam and Christianity are built on the same general foundations,...
2 Pages 902 Words

The Aspects Of Islam As A Religion

Islam is a universally known monotheistic religion which has different characteristics that are significant in its adherents daily lives to reach Jannah (Paradise). This is evident through Allah (PBUH) and his prophets sacred texts, ethics, rituals and ceremonies which are represented in the Quran and biblical stories throughout history. Islam has influenced over 1.8 billion adherents globally and impacts their belief systems and affects Islams dynamic, living religion and belief in a supernatural being. Islam revolves around five fundamental pillars...
2 Pages 932 Words

The Conception Of God And Meaning Of Prayers In Islam

In the third lecture namely, The Conception of God and the Meaning of Prayer, various aspects of God have been explained In the third lecture, various aspects of God have been explained. These include Creativeness, Knowledge, Eternity and Omnipotence. Eternity is described by Iqbal using the ash ‘rite theory of Atomism. Divine knowledge is only possible through eternity , and divine knowledge includes everything related to the past present and future too Omnipotence is the blind power without any limits....
2 Pages 893 Words

How Suffering Can Save People

“To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.” This brilliant quote by Friedrich Nietzsche reflects how Christians view suffering as something that can be beneficial. This essay provides an in-depth explanation of how suffering follows the example of Jesus, how fortitude helps with the acceptance of suffering, how suffering can save people, and how suffering can help people go to Heaven. Followers of Christ make voluntary sacrifices and confront inexorable suffering because in...
2 Pages 945 Words

The Role Of Bible in Christianity

The effort to rely on a few paragraphs to prove whether a person is reliable is itself unreliable. I think the same is true of a book, and the very mention of the word 'bible' is controversial to a man who already has an opinion. So it's hard to prove that the bible is true. The fundamental way to trust a man is to be close to him, and the only way to trust the bible is to read it...
2 Pages 937 Words

Early Christianity: The Different Interactions With Christian Jews

During the 2nd to 5th century, Christianity had started to gain traction in in the Roman Empire. With this new serge of religious development came the writings of the Bible and the Gospel of Matthew, which projected the words of Jesus and how a Christian Jew should behave and worship God in “The Sermon on the Mount.” Based on the written explanations recorded in the Gospel of Matthew, some may say that Christianity was easily accepted into Roman society, but...
2 Pages 903 Words

The Rise Factors Of Christianity

According to what most people say, (and what the bible says) is that Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah/savior who was also Jewish was the son of God. The Bible is the holy book of the Christians. The first four books in the new testament of the Bible are the gospels written by 4 disciples named Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Gospel translates in old English to “good news”. A Martyr is a person who oofs (dies) for their beliefs. There...
2 Pages 885 Words

The Concept Of Contraception In Various Religions: Christianity, Islam And Hinduism

Contraception is a typical thing that most of the individuals in our general public all think about and use. For the individuals who aren't mindful of what contraception is, contraception is a wide range of techniques to prevent conception (getting pregnant). The use of contraception is incredibly normal. However, to certain religions it is considered 'evil' or 'morally wrong'. In the current day greater part of the world’s population don't typically end up 'saving themselves' for marriage like most religions...
2 Pages 943 Words

The Pursuit Of Happiness Through Sports

Sports have been a contributing factor to many people’s health and well being. Not only that but it also brings about a lot of happiness that people find within these sports. Many find a form of happiness with collaboration with their team while others may find it in being able to try their hardest and do well, sports has it all. Many people who play sports seem to be happier in life, they also talk about it as if it...
2 Pages 902 Words

How Has Internet Changed Sports Marketing

There might be ups and downs in the overall scheme of things, including the revenue generated by the sports industry; but given the stiff competition from other forms of entertainment, the global sports industry continues to not only survive but thrive. This is made possible due to the continuous improvements in technology and the way that sport is being presented to the viewer. The expansion of different sports to new markets around the world and the significant interest shown by...
2 Pages 918 Words

Gender Sports Teams Shouldn't Exist

We have all heard the saying “boys are stronger than girls”. And because of this commonly known saying, it is engraved in our minds, and daily lives. But is this true? Science has proven that males are naturally stronger than females, even comparing the same weight from males to females, females averagely have less muscle mass than males. But what about the people that are equal to men physically, there are extraordinary females who aspire to make the world equal...
2 Pages 943 Words

The Significance Of Sports Among The Teenagers

Did you know that archery is the second oldest sport in the world? This fact proves that sport activities have become a part of human life since the start of the progress of the world. Nowadays, we can watch there are many people who have ventured into the sport as their choice to make sure that as the platform to build their career. For example, professional swimmer, professional football player, members of professional weightlifting sports and many other examples that...
2 Pages 921 Words

Summer Sports vs. Winter Sports

While both Summer and Winter sports are Sports doing the same activity, they have differences in time, conditions and a plan strategy. But there are some clasic and general sports that are performed in both of season such as volleyball, basketball, football, ice hockey, skiing, indoor swimming, indoor tennis, etc. Whatever you can play the sport that you want whenever you want. The most important thing is be active and do sports. It's healthy for your body and your mind....
2 Pages 918 Words

The Effects Of Sports On Children Development

As a parent would you put your kid into a sports program to develop their characteristics? As a young kid, my mother and father put me into many sports such as basketball, baseball and soccer. When I was at practices and games I always loved being there and having fun. Children who play sports are less likely to end up doing drugs and their behavior will be better balanced than kids who don't attend sports. Also playing sports as a...
2 Pages 882 Words

Emerging Technologies In The Sports Industry

In today’s day and age, technology is continuously revolutionising the number of industries and the sport industry is no different. It has changed the way we consume sports altogether. Advancements in technology have created an impact on the audiences, the athletes as well as the businesses. For the audience, the way we watch, interpret and overall experience of the sport has changed. For athletes technology is no lesser than a boon. It has helped them a lot to up their...
2 Pages 891 Words

Women Representation In Sports

Sports is one of the most popular activities of mankind across the world. It is well valued between all ages, gender and races. However, in early years of modern Olympics, women were not well represented. Women participated for the first time at the 1900 Paris games only in tennis and golf. Then, women’s athletics and gymnastics started in the Olympics 1928. Through time, more women's events were added. In 2012, women's boxing was introduced, resulting with no remaining sports that...
2 Pages 919 Words

Objective Career Success

How successful is your career? What is career success? How somebody defines success? A sole answer to these questions is difficult to be presented, as success means different things to different people. In recent years, many researchers have attempted to define the concept of job success by trying to analyze the individual and organizational factors that shape it. Understanding the factors that predict job success is an issue that is of interest not only to employees but also to organizations...
2 Pages 893 Words

Emotional Intelligence: Improving Myself

Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage one’s own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. In the class, we spent several week discussing and learning about emotional intelligence and how it affects us in our daily as well as professional lives. The first emotional intelligence activity we did was an emotional intelligence self-assessment that portrayed our emotional intelligence scores based on a few simple questions about ourselves and our interactions. It split emotional intelligence into four...
2 Pages 894 Words

A Healthy Lifestyle Can Reduce Fatigue And Boost Energy

Have you ever felt drained at the beginning of the day where you expected to be more energetic? Feeling exhausted most of the time may be more widespread than you think. In fact, two-thirds of Americans are exhausted most of the week. This article will provide solutions to reduce fatigue and boost energy. Therefore, David Norrie believes that it is important to explain the principal lifestyle factors such as sleep, stress, and diet and also how they are linked together....
2 Pages 883 Words

Religion Evolution In The Middle Ages

Following the fall of the Roman Empire, religion became an important aspect of daily life in Europe, because every person from the King to the peasants was controlled by the church. Religion impacted on the social, economic and political systems of the time and help strong power due to the low education levels of peasants. The Middle Ages is described as a 1,000-year-period. The phrase “Middle Ages” is used to describe Europe between the fall of Rome in 476 CE...
2 Pages 895 Words

The Abortion In Catholicism And Sikhism

In 2019 it was discovered by the Australian New Zealand Journal Of Public Health that approximately one in six Australian women in their thirties have an abortion. Abortion is known as the medical process of ending a pregnancy. Since abortion is a highly regarded ethical issue, religious followers take into account the teachings of their religion. Catholicism is one of the religions that do not accept abortion, although others have exceptions, for instance, Sikhism. Although religions have different perspectives -...
2 Pages 906 Words

How Abrahamic Religion Changed History?

I will start this paper by giving definition of each religions, so basically I inserted definition that came from my chosen sources and I will cited and explain the matter and followed by the founder and a brief explanation about the founder of religion. The next to this is my explanation to answer the question “How Abrahamic religion changed history?” Based on my learnings and understanding, Judaism is an oldest monotheistic religion and it was founded 3800 years ago during...
2 Pages 940 Words

The Role Of Religion In China

As in all ancient societies, religion was a significant factor in the culture of early Chinese dynasties. Another important factor in the development of Chinese society was the geography of the region. During the Shang, Zhou, Qin, and Han dynasties, China developed two religious systems. The culture included arts, inventions, and important political achievements. China was very isolated from the rest of the word. The west and southwest side of china was blocked by the Himalayan mountains which consists of...
2 Pages 917 Words

Religion And Its Relevance In Today's Society

For many years, religion has always been a major topic of discussion, whether that be within modern culture, or from its humble beginnings as early as second-century art. Within my essay, I intend to discover more about religion and the relevance it has in today's society — through the exploration of both artistic and photographic mediums. The second-century saw the birth of Christian art, also known as Paleo-Christian art or primitive Christian art, which involves a mixture of architecture, sculpture,...
2 Pages 884 Words

Linking Indian Mythology To Science

Indian mythology not only houses a number of cultures, ethics, traditions but also science and technology. If you are aware of the Indian mythology then you would certainly know about Mahabharata- the epic, legendary narrative of the Kurushetra war between two groups of cousins Kauravas and Pandavas. This epic being the longest epic poem written by Vyasa, is a treasure house of all kinds of science fiction starting from teleportation to black holes. Here goes a story which would give...
2 Pages 897 Words

Jane Eyre And Religions Teachings Of Forgiveness

Throughout the novel Religion is seen as the perpetrator of many of Jane Eyre’s fears, and at first only serves to enforce a strict rule of conformity and placate any form of discontent with its preachings of a fiery pit for those that act in contempt. As the novel progresses though, a kinder side of Christianity is shown in its teachings regarding substituting anger with forgiveness. As such, Jane is freed from her spiteful past and is able to pursue...
2 Pages 888 Words
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