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Social Issues

Should We Continue Exploring Mars?

According to (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2019) Research about mars and its possible life continues as signs of water indicate form of recent lively activity. If earth suddenly becomes uninhabitable mars is the easiest planet to access and live on. (Jones, CJ 2019) appointed that Mars is the fourth planet from the sun. Mars is a terrestrial planet with a thin atmosphere. (Sharp, TS 2017) concluded that the atmosphere is made from 95.32% carbon dioxide, 2.7% nitrogen, 1.6% argon, 0.13% oxygen, 0.08%...
2 Pages 913 Words

The Significance Of Patience, Humility And Hope In Christianity

Being Christian today requires individuals to be counter-cultural and go against society to follow the path of Jesus and God. Continuing along the path of Christianity can be difficult as many challenges and opportunities to sway from the path of God can come up during your life. Pope Francis said 'I ask you, instead, to be revolutionaries, I ask you to swim against the tide; yes, I am asking you to rebel against this culture that sees everything as temporary...
2 Pages 905 Words

Social And Criminal Problem Generated By Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs In Australia

Introduction Social and criminal issues produced outlaw motorcycle gangs in Australia are best tended to through a scope of techniques. It is clearly evident that the impact of outlaw motorcycle gangs in Australia is seen to flow in an oppositional cultural manner potentially resulting in the foundation of criminal activities and organised crimes (Bjorgo, 2017). The best methods for tending to a social and criminal issue produced by fugitive bike packs in Australia are through three significant strategies: media and...
2 Pages 928 Words

Should Parents Be The One To Determine Children’s’ Future

Future is a period of time that is to come. (Cambridge Dictionary). Future can be tomorrow, next year or anytime else. Everyone also hope that own will have a bright future. While a child is born, their parents will start to plan their future because they hope their children will have a better future. Planning your future is one of the most powerful and effective ways to attain what you want. Nowadays, there have many people ask that should parents...
2 Pages 941 Words

Enzyme Biotech: What Enzymes Are And How They Work

Enzymes are key protein molecules in living systems. Once synthesized, they are not usually converted to other kinds of molecules, and so are the substances taken in as fuel for digestive and respiratory processes (such as sugar, fat, and molecular oxygen). This is because enzymes are catalysts, which means they can participate in chemical reactions without themselves being changed, just like the moderator of a public debate who ideally moves the participants and the audience toward a conclusion by dictating...
2 Pages 917 Words

Calendrical Ritual Of Ramadan

The spirit of Eid is one of peace, forgiveness and brotherhood. Gifts and greeting are exchanged as all animosities and ill feelings towards fellow beings are forgotten (Rashid Ahmad Chaudhry, 1988). However, while Eid is an occasion for joy and happiness, it is certainly not an occasion to indulge in foolishness, overeating and mere pursuit of pleasure. The main purpose is always to seek the pleasure of God Almighty by glorifying Him and rendering thanks to Him for having enabled...
2 Pages 930 Words

The Resonation Of Themes In Romeo And Juliet within 21 Century

Four hundred years have passed since “Romeo and Juliet” was first performed in London during the Elizabethan era, so why is the average student in the 21st century still expected to analysis and study Shakespeare’s historical figures? This is just one dilemma many students are asking. This play explores the highly distinguished themes and concepts such as; love, death, and marriage. These themes make this play relevant to today as it was when it was originally staged. The playwright, William...
2 Pages 880 Words

Jackie Robinson And Lebron James

There are many different characteristics of basketball that a player needs to be good at the sport. This includes awareness. This characteristic involves a player to understand the game a lot better, this doesn’t mean that the only point is to put the ball in the basket, it is way more than that. Awareness is about knowing where you are meant to be and having good spatial awareness which falls into this characteristic. Another characteristic that basketball players have to...
2 Pages 885 Words

Women In History Of Workforce And Gender Roles Change

Women have played a significant role throughout history, from Dido of Carthage to Wilhemina of the Netherlands. However, they have been overshadowed and confined to the home by societal norms since, well, the dawn of humanity. But during World War one and two, unique circumstances allowed for women to be temporarily emancipated from their domestic duties, and this taste of freedom eventually led to the feminist movements that fully emancipated women from the yoke of gender roles. For some context,...
2 Pages 901 Words

Measurement Of pH That Different Amounts Of Mylanta Takes To Relieve Heartburn

Rationale This scientific report aims to determine if different amounts of Mylanta liquid, when increased in dosage size, is more effective in relieving heartburn faster. The human stomach is a muscular, stretchable sac with a sphincter (ring of muscle) at each end and contains hydrochloric acid which activates pepsinogen ('Biology: A human emphasis', n.d.). This then breaks down the food into smaller particles which make the environment highly acidic. The stomach receives food from the esophagus and stretches to store...
2 Pages 897 Words

The Aspects Of Love In Shakespeare’s Play Romeo And Juliet And Film Five Feet Apart

William Shakespeare, a monumental playwriter in society has explored many contrasting themes throughout his works. His writings embrace themes such as love, tragedies and comedies. Shakespeare’s most famous writing, “Romeo and Juliet”, describes the love tragedy between two naïve young lovers in Verona, Italy. The tale “Romeo and Juliet”, was written during the Elizabethan era and is set in the 14th century. This time distinction displays how Shakespeare explores universal themes that were not only relevant during the time of...
2 Pages 899 Words

Social, Legal And Ethical Aspects Of Gene Therapy

Gene therapy is a technique used by doctors to prevent and treat illnesses and diseases by inserting a gene into a patients cell, (Mayo Clinic, 2019). It is a more advanced form of biotechnology, which involves modifying and developing genetically living organisms to improve the overall quality of life for humans, (Khan Academy, 2019). Modern biotechnology advances technologies and products to provide for the food for the hungry, help fight the war on the rare and unbearable diseases, cut down...
2 Pages 911 Words

Charity Among Teenagers Essay

“You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.” - Winston Churchill This quote is what volunteering is all about, being a light in the darkness for someone else, being a light doesn’t just mean giving money but it’s also about giving time and love. Volunteering can take in the form of helping the hardship homeless, volunteering at a youth group, providing someone with help in an area that you specialise in or...
2 Pages 937 Words

The Value And Importance Of Integrity

Integrity is how somebody lives their life. We dictate how we run our own lives, and the way we run our lives defines us. Sailors and people have something that can never be taken from them, and that’s integrity. It is something that means a lot to some people and then nothing to others. The ones who value their integrity are the good people in this world, and the bad people are the ones who have none or don’t value...
2 Pages 912 Words

The Importance Of Parents And Carers

Parents need to develop management skills so that they can meet the responsibilities and the expectations of multiple roles such as, work, study, sport and family. They would be required to use their personal management skills to effectively manage the needs of both themselves and their child. It is necessary that they develop balance and plan how much time they will dedicate to each commitment they have made. A strategy to assist Jane and Harold to manage their multiple commitments...
2 Pages 927 Words

What Influences Do Nature And Nurture Have On Being An Extrovert Or Introvert?

There are many different theories as to whether introversion and extroversion is predominately influenced by nature or nurture. It can be influenced predominately by one or the other or seen to be both working together. The brain contributes to this and brain activity, there are areas of the brain that relate to either introversion or extroversion. Polygenic inheritance can influence which of these personality types you are as well as studying the different stages of life. The research has found...
2 Pages 918 Words

Role Of Microbes In Biofuel Production

Microbes are the organisms not able to be seen from naked eye. They play various roles in our daily life used as in biofuel production, biofertilization etc. Biofuel Energy products such as alchohols, diesel, hydrogen, biogas produced by the help of microorganisms are called biofuels. Microorganisms help in fermentation process or provide essential enzymes and help in the production of biofuels. Due to increase in global energy demand and increase in global oil prices biofuel is an area of immense...
2 Pages 944 Words

Apple Company: Planning, Organizing, Leading And Controlling

Apple was founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs and his friend Zwynak. They wanted to make computers small so people could put them in their homes or offices. Apple is an American company that manufactures personal computers and accessories. It was the first company, a successful personal computer company, and began expanding and developing it to include manufacturing phones Portable, Bluetooth headsets, and many other products from Apple. This organization is headquartered in California. Planning According to Theo Himamm,” Planning...
2 Pages 911 Words

Viruses: The Origin

Viruses’ evolutionary history has been an interesting but challenging topic for the cell biologists and virologist. Due to their great variety, it has been difficult for biologists to classify them and how they connect to the traditional tree of life. It can express genetic elements that can move between cells. They can represent organisms that lived freely before becoming parasites. It is also alleged they can be precursors of life (David R. Wessner, 2010) Recently, it was proposed that the...
2 Pages 897 Words

Aristotle And Dante Discover The Secrets Of The Universe

Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe rely mainly on intervention from inside than from outside. Despite this reason, the book will not be for everyone; however, Aristotle's path into maturity and self-acceptance may find compelling and inspiring. When Dante’s father says to him, “Dante, you’re an intellectual. That’s who you are. Don’t be ashamed of that.” -Dante Quintana, Section 1, “The Different Rules of Summer” pg. 35. Comes because they were talking about religion and Ari always...
2 Pages 916 Words

Daughter-mother Relationships In The Poem To A Girl Venturing

In the sonnet To a Girl Venturing out from Home is that the sonnet portrays the mother showing her young little girl to ride a bike. The differentiation is clear: the title of the sonnet recommends that her little girl is mature enough to venture out from home, concentrating on the past,when she was a kid. The pressure between the mother and girl travels every which way as,progresses,taking the crowd into the activity, the inclination for reflection and response. The...
2 Pages 913 Words

Factors And Resolving Of Grief

Grief is a combination of what one feels and what one thinks when a loss or separation has occurred. These feelings often arise after the loss of a person, event, status, relationship, pet, etc. Grief can occur after a divorce, loss of a job, loss of a pet, or any multitude of events. It even occurs when a 12-year-old has his bicycle stolen. Frequently one thinks of the death of a loved one as a grief event, but grief occurs...
2 Pages 919 Words

Martin Luther King And His Search For Equality

Martin Luther King Jr. is a prominent name that stands for the ending of racism, discrimination, and segregation of African Americans in the United States. On April 3, 1968, he spoke passionately about his support for the striking sanitation workers in Memphis, Tennessee in the speech “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop.” King proves his stance through the use of rhetorical devices such as a looming rhetorical question, a compelling metaphor, and an appeal to pathos. The author's purpose is to...
2 Pages 928 Words

Gene Editing And Ethical Issues

Gene editing can be defined as a process whereby biotechnological techniques are used to alter certain parts of a genome to obtain favorable characteristics that can be passed down to successive generations (Webster, 2020). There are many ethical issues around the modification of the genome which raises a question on whether we should edit the human genes or not. Considering the safety that is compromised, religion, issues of future conflicts, loss of diversity and the social imbalances it brings about,...
2 Pages 927 Words

Baseball: Rules, History And Injuries

Thousandsof fans gather for food, home runs, and the view on the field at Major League Baseball games all over the world. Hardly any fans will think about how conceivable it is that they could be harmed or endure genuine head damage by a baseball or a bat leaving the field of play. Actually, such wounds happen considerably more every now and again than many may understand, with a 2014 investigation finding that in excess of 1,750 fans are harmed...
2 Pages 928 Words

Fate Is to Blame for Romeo and Juliet's Deaths

If Hitler wasn’t elected, the Holocaust could’ve been avoided. Maybe if Romeo and Juliet hadn’t met, Tybalt and Mercutio’s deaths could’ve been avoided, and even the deaths of Romeo Juliet themselves could’ve been avoided. The thing that ties each of these events together though is Fate. In the tragic play by William Shakespeare titled, “Romeo and Juliet”, two teens, each from feuding families, find each other at a Capulet party one evening. All in that same night they instantly fell...
2 Pages 900 Words

Soccer In The Terms Of Coronavirus

This dangerous virus has sharply and unexpectedly burst into world soccerl, as it has all our lives. Initially, it was planned to hold matches without spectators in the stands, but then it became clear that this plan is not suitable. All championships (except for immortal Belarus and a few other small countries) - and European Cups have been paused indefinitely, and all over the world are struggling with this terrible problem Even one of the most famous soccer temples. The...
2 Pages 915 Words

Legality Of DNA Fingerprinting In India

DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID (DNA) DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) is the primary hereditary material in a human body. The Human DNA is double helical in structure. Majority of the DNA is present in nucleus of the cell called the Nuclear DNA, and some in the mitochondria of the cell called the mitochondrial DNA. The DNA complexes with proteins to form chromosomes which contain our genes and all genetic information. DNA FINGERPRINTING TECHNIQUE It is a technique in which a sample of DNA is...
2 Pages 876 Words

The Relationship Between Romeo And Juliet In The Shakespeare's Play

Romeo and Juliet are the main protagonists of William Shakespeare’s romantic tragedy. Romeo, a descendant of Lord and Lady Montague, falls in love and secretly marries a young girl called Juliet, a descendant of Lord and Lady Capulet, whom of which happen to be the rival family. Romeo is a well-respected young man in Verona. At the start of the play Romeo is portrayed as a romantic, he feels he is as good as dead without Rosaline’s love; “I live...
2 Pages 919 Words

Patios As An Official Language

Is speaking a dialect forced upon our ancestors by their colonial masters, something that should be forgotten or something to be celebrated? For too long, the Jamaican Creole was the language of the countryside and the uneducated. The citizens of Jamaica continue to overlook the value of our Jamaican Creole. When the British colonized Jamaica in 1655, they propelled Jamaica into an English speaking country, even though the majority of slaves here spoke other African dialects. As a form of...
2 Pages 939 Words
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