900 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Empathy: Is It Hardwired Or Can It Be Learned?

Empathy has been researched in the field of learning sciences thoroughly for its eminent effect on learning outcomes. In the field of psychology, there is no common definition of empathy that everyone agrees upon. However, in this essay, empathy will refer to ā€œan affective response that stems from the apprehension or comprehension of another's emotional state or conditionā€ (Arghode et al., 2013, p. 7). Because of its high relevance in learning, the prolonged nature vs. nurture debate of empathy has...
2 Pages 876 Words

Most Common Injuries In Soccer

Abstract Soccer involves many physical interactions that can result in many severe injuries. Soccer injuries is not a reason not to play soccer. People can get injuries without playing soccer. Players just needs to know how to prevent from getting these risky injuries. This essay is targeting the footballers inform them how to prevent risky injuries. Soccer is a great way to build endurance, improve speed, and promote fitness, all while enjoying the camaraderie of a team sport. Soccer is...
2 Pages 945 Words

Are Humans Inherently Good or Evil? Essay

Man is capable of both good and evil, but which nature were we originally born with? Mencius released Manā€™s Nature Is Good, discussing his standpoint on this topic, but in a much different light than most. Mencius clearly believes that all men are born inherently good with desires to achieve principle respect by making moral decisions. Later, in Hsun Tzuā€™s written piece Manā€™s Nature is Evil, we clearly see that his philosophy is founded upon the idea that all men...
2 Pages 914 Words

Is Romeo And Juliet a Tragedy or Love Story?

Written a long time ago, the famous love story of young Romeo and Juliet may not be as romantic as it leads its audience on to be. While the story focuses on the true love between two young lovers, there is a bit more meaning behind it all rather than the romance alone. Knowing whether Romeo and Juliet is a romance or a tragedy is significant because the difference between the two can change the entire way a reader views...
2 Pages 899 Words

The Ways Of Holy Prophet Muhammad

The ways of Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is written by Dr. Muhammad Abdul Hai Aarfi, disciple of Molana Ashraf Thanvi, and is published by Darul Ishaā€™at. This book is based on the life of Holy Prophet (SAW) and his teachings. In my opinion, the main purpose of this book can be to provide guidance for day-to-day issues of a Muslimā€™s life in the light of Hadith and Sunnah. The book is divided into 4 parts, the first part named Beams...
2 Pages 916 Words

Population And Demography Factors

Population Many factors play into the evolution of our population now compared to a century ago. As mentioned in our book ā€œPopulation; An Introduction to Concepts and Issues,ā€ the rise of life expectancy is the ā€œmost important phenomenon in human history.ā€ Population growth has presented transformations in human society since the beginning of human history. The increase in population growth has led to a longer life expectancy due to healthier eating and medical advances, in comparison to a century ago...
2 Pages 906 Words

Impact Of Spirituality On Job Satisfaction

To survive in the 21st century, organizations need to be spiritually based. This, in turn, will lead to workers being satisfied with their entire work experience. In order to get an improved understanding of behaviour at work, employees should be studied from physical, psychological, and spiritual dimensions. Although the physical and psychological dimensions of individuals at work have been studied extensively, the spiritual dimension has been neglected for many years. The objective of the current research will be to determine...
2 Pages 915 Words

Financial Aspect Of Professional Wrestling

Professional Wrestling is a career that has a very wide gap in the pay depending on the level of experience and the promotion in which you are working for. When you begin in the wrestling world and are wrestling matches for promotions, these promotions are likely going to be small and hence the pay for these events is very low and can range from Ā£10 to Ā£25 depending on venue, crowd capacity etc. This a vital step however on the...
2 Pages 945 Words

Cinematography, Photography And Film Making As My Scholarly Interests

Specifically my interests are real world production based training, researching new technologies, techniques and workflows,and developing my own artistic style. In addition to that I do a lot of research on the history of Photography and that leads me to establish the Photomuse, Indiaā€™s First photography museum and a rural art gallery which always interpret art education in different style. As a educator and Cinematographer within such a technologically innovative field, it is my duty to continue developing myself as...
2 Pages 881 Words

Why Is Leadership Needed To Be Guided By True Spirituality?

We observe now a dayā€™s business leaders get involved in some ethical and unethical practices We know according to the law of Karma the activities of a person are adjusted by the outcomes. Success and failure depend on the karma of leader. Leader must adopt a mission to create and sustain value. Spiritual principles are the missing constituent in most past approaches of leadership which shows innovative progress in inner mind of the leaders. Bad Karma of leader like, cruelty,...
2 Pages 941 Words

Love Versus Desire: Different Ways To Differentiate

Understanding the distinction between affection versus desire can be very dubious. Particularly on the grounds that desire is the normal and first period of most sentimental connections and can last as long as two years (at any rate that is the thing that the specialists need to state). It's the principal period of 'affection' however it doesn't in every case frequently form into a caring sentimental relationship. In any case, when you are seeing someone in the event that you...
2 Pages 930 Words

Colliding Black Holes

Normally we think of black holes as stellarblack holes, black holes formed from the collapse of a sufficiently sized star. And rightly so! They make up most of the black holes in theuniverse. Weā€™re also familiar with supermassive blackholes which are generally located in the centre of most galaxies, getting bigger and biggerevery day by eating the matter that spirals into them in their accretion disk. And thereā€™s also a class of black holescalled intermediate mass black holes, black holes...
2 Pages 893 Words

The Theories Of Hate Crimes

Understanding why people commit hate crime and why victims do not report to the police has received a considerable amount of attention from researchers. A number of theories have been discussed and for this research three areas, that are believed to be relevant to hate crime against the Indian community, will be further examined. Labelling Theory The strengths of the labelling theory encourages people to see criminal activity as a process rather than a static event. These result from actions,...
2 Pages 930 Words

What Is Fair And Fairness?

Fairness. How abstract. Can it really be defined or is based on individual desires? The Oxford dictionary describes fair as ā€˜Treating people equally without favouritism or discriminationā€™ but historically, the concept of equality itself has been twisted out of spite. Equality should not even be a concept but rather a natural occurrence. From an anthropological point of view, this social disparity is largely based on race. After centuries of discrimination towards people of colour and favoritism towards the white race,...
2 Pages 939 Words

The Tackling Of Dialect Discrimination

Dialect can be defined as a variety of a language that differs from others in its vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation peculiar to a specific region or social group. It is widely accepted that standard dialects and accents are often rated more favourably than nonstandard varieties. As a result, The issue of addressing dialect discrimination has been a source of great debate. Trudgill summarises the different approaches to this (Trudgill, 2000). The solution suggested in the essay title of teaching everyone...
2 Pages 885 Words

Introduction To Microorganisms And Pathogens

What are microorganism? We refer a microorganism as a living thing that is too small to seen with the naked eye. An Examples of microorganisms include bacteria, archaea, algae, protozoa, and microscopic animals such as the spider mites. We only realized the existence of microorganism in 1665, this was because Anton von Leeuwenhoek invented the microscope. Before that time, it was thought that phenomena such as illness and food spoilage were caused by ā€œspontaneous generation.ā€ Leeuwenhoek discoveries lead to Louis...
2 Pages 944 Words

Life Of The Buddha

Siddhartha Gautama who later on in life becomes Buddha is the son of Maya and King Suddhodan. As soon as he was born he was able to talk and to walk and when he walked lotus blossoms grew in his steps. To show him off to the world Siddharthas father wanted to have a ceremony. Aceita who was an astrologer had shown up to the ceremony unexpectedly and told Siddharthas parents that he would become nothing or become master of...
2 Pages 884 Words

Parents Rights To Childrenā€™s Privacy

Today the BBC has reported that TikTok has been fine 186 million won by the Korean Communications Commission for the mishandling of children's data who are under the age of 14 because TikTok collected data from children without parental consent (BBC, 2020). The standard protocol of companies and governments has been and will continue to be that the parent or guardian will control the private data of their children. But what about when parents release details about their child? While...
2 Pages 881 Words

The Portraits Of The Characters In An Inspector Calls

As an Inspector Calls was written after World War Two, most men went away to fight during the war, so many jobs that were traditionally performed by men, had to be filled in by women. This switch in roles enabled everyone to see that women were equally as capable as men. It helped to change the existing perceptions about what a woman can and canā€™t do. Consequently, many women experienced a new kind of independence that working and therefore earning...
2 Pages 876 Words

The Effects Veganism On Environment

Veganism, as previously known as ā€˜Vegetarianismā€™ are the people who abstain from eating dairy, meat, cheese, eggs, honey or gelatine (Suddath, 2008). Vegans do no longer eat something which comes from animals, nor wear whatever thatā€™s crafted from animals either including leather and wool. The difference between a ā€˜veganā€™ diet and a ā€˜vegetarianā€™ diet is that veganism is an extreme form of a vegetarian diet, although the term was created in 1944 but the ā€œconcept of avoiding flesh has been...
2 Pages 931 Words

The Significance Of Public Confidence In Nursing

In this essay, I will be discussing this statement of ā€˜public confidence in nursing is essentialā€™ in relation to the significance of professionalism and trust within values-based nursing. Public confidence is important because it affects attitude towards practice of nursing students and nurses and their professionalism. It helps to guide day to day practice so nurses can provide excellent care to patients. The nursing profession is a demanding, highly technical job and it is often undermined and isnā€™t given as...
2 Pages 889 Words

What Are The Benefits Of Team Working?

What is teamwork? Teamwork is a component that can be found in the specifications of each position available in a company and the recruitment specialist analyzes this component during the selection process, using different means of use: specific questions that evaluate the ability of personal interrelation, and understanding of the needs of the person with whom they interact. The presence of the qualities necessary to be a good member of the team or, on the contrary, their lack, can be...
2 Pages 878 Words

The Semiotics Of Burger King And McDonald's

Burger King is a subsidiary brand of Restaurant Brands International and the leading brand in RBI's revenue-based portfolio. In 2018, BK accounted for just over 67% of the total RBI revenue. Burger King was founded in 1954. It is the second largest hamburger nourishment brand in the world by number of operating restaurants worldwide. Burger King Restaurants operate in over 100 countries and territories in the United States. In recent years, Burger King has experienced steady revenue growth. This is...
2 Pages 898 Words

A Character Analysis Of Atticus Finch

In Harper Leeā€™s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, the reader is introduced to an admirable father figure within the first chapter. Atticus Finch, a single father of two, lives in rural 1930s America working as a lawyer and state legislator. Being older than most parents in Maycomb, his children perceive him as not doing anything of particular interest; nevertheless, he remains attentive to their needs and takes their frivolous concerns seriously. Atticus is seen as honorable and principled...
2 Pages 904 Words

Life And Times Of English Author Jane Austen

Jane Austen is a female author from the Georgian era, spanning from 1714 to 1837. In my independent study novel, Pride and Prejudice, she is known for her social commentary that bridges the gap between romance and realism. Born in Steventon, Hampshire, England, on December 16, 1775. Born to Cassandra and George Austen, she was the seventh child of eight. She had one older sister. The Austens were very close and they strongly encouraged creative thinking and general learning in...
2 Pages 916 Words

Exploration Of Cultural And Social Problems In The Novel The Death Of Ivan Ilyich By Leo Tolstoy

In the text The Death of Ivan Ilych, presents parts that reflect society in people's lives, in addition to reporting the culture. The culture of the novella is showed capitalism and the peoples liked only money and status. One example about this in the novella is:Well, he's dead but I'm alive. According this part, we can to perceive that people only think themselves, and did not care what was happening, and this part show the capitalism, because he wanted only...
2 Pages 882 Words

Moral And Physical Power In The Novel Gulliver's Travels

What would one do if they suddenly found themselves on a strange island inhabited by people six inches tall? Would one rule them, or simply submit to them? This is the exact situation that Lemuel Gulliver in the novel 'Gulliver's Travels' finds himself in. In part one of this novel, the difference between having physical power and moral power is apparent. To begin with, in chapter one of 'Gulliver's Travels,' Lemuel finds himself restrained to the ground, not being able...
2 Pages 905 Words

American Values In Christopher Mccandless's Into The Wild

In America we have values, a personā€™s principles or standards of belief or what a person finds important in life. Throughout history, we have acquired values that are still present to this day. In A Narrative of the Captivity, Rowlandson loses her child and has to continue working to be able to survive. During that time period, work was not stable, she had to find people to do favors for to be able to earn money for food and water...
2 Pages 939 Words

Infections Of The Lower Respiratory System

Lower respiratory infections include pneumonia (infection of the lung alveoli), as well as infections affecting the airways such as acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis, influenza and whooping cough. They are a leading cause of illness and death in children and adults across the world (European Lung Foundation). History of disease Lower respiratory tract infections are a leading cause of morbidity and death worldwide. A relatively small percentage of these infections come to the attention of the surgical pathologist because most are...
2 Pages 899 Words

The Case In Favor Of Legal Recreational Marijuana

The war on drugs has been very harsh due to the way our government is handling the situation. A lot of people have a very strong taboo when talking about marijuana, and this just comes to show how much the government can make you think a certain way about a topic without having any form of information on it. Many years ago the USA government had a very racially biased look at the drug. They decided to link the use...
2 Pages 895 Words
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