A Study on Perception of Employees towards E-Recruitment

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Internet is a globally connected and organized network system that makes utilization of TCP/IP to transmit information through different kinds of media. With emergence of Internet from 1990’s employment practices have evolved, the transformation from billboards to newspaper’s job advertisement to online job portals and now even to social media recruitment has completely evolved the Hiring Process. This study aims to determine the factors that influence the perceptions of employees towards e- recruitment. The study indicates that factors such as user friendliness, information provision, and website usability are significantly related to the perceptions of employees towards e-recruitment. Amongst the three factors, information provision appears to be the strongest predictor. It can be said that e- recruitment will continue to gain prominence, and employers must pay considerable attention to their online recruitment information, appearance, features, and functions if they wish to attract the right job candidates.

Keywords: E-Recruitment, Online portals, Perception

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Today Modern organisations are working in an unmatched, highly competitive and unstable business environment which is designated by the universality of business which has led to mobile workforce. Organisations pay a much due attention to the recruitment and selection process, as employees is the main asset. In today’s Dynamic world, ruthless competition is no longer restricted to local or regional boundaries so there arises a need for strategizing & setting in place a robust mechanism for alluring and holding top talent becomes important for the company's survival and growth. Economy very much depends on the value created by the human resource of an organisation. Today HR professionals have been placed on heavy demand with its reversal in relation with human capital, acquisition, utilization, development, retention of employees. With changing dynamics, HR is expected to understand, conceive, innovate, implement and nourish relevant strategies and contribute effectively towards giving the company its winning edge. These efforts on the part of the company have resulted in recognizing talent as priority of the company to maintain competitive edge and talent becoming a strategic priority.

The recruitment process incurs cost as it includes the salaries of recruiters, time spent by the management on preparation of job description, advertisement cost, cost of selection, administrative cost, cost of overtime and outsourcing in case the vacancy remains unfilled. Thus, an organisation is required to gather all these relevant information so as to evaluate the performance of a recruitment process effectively.

The recruitment process is a broader concept which aims at creating a pool of eligible candidates for purpose of selection, whereas the selection process has narrow scope it aims at selecting best candidate from those who have applied for job.

The selection of candidate is the lengthiest step in recruitment process where various tests are conducted and then interview is taken which in return ensures the best suitable candidate for the job. The procedure for selection must be systematic and scientific so as to ensure no scope of doubt and confusion about the choice of selected candidates. Different markets are looked upon for different level of employees, domestic market for professional employees, regional markets for technical employees, and local markets for clerical and blue-collar employees. Selection is the process of differentiating between applicants so as to identify (and hire) those with a greater likelihood of success in the job.

The future success of the company is predominantly based on the success of human resource efforts, which evolves through the identification and attraction of quality new employees generated from the recruitment process that will stimulate organisation to development as a result of manpower skills available in the organisation. organisations have witnessed the transformation of conventional recruitment methods to online recruitment, particularly since the mid-1990s.

To match up job candidates with live vacancies, Companies and recruitment agencies have started recruiting online. By Using database technologies, online job advertising boards and search engines, employers can now fill posts in a fraction of the time previously possible. Internet recruitment has become a trend that has led to the emergence of a new market in which there is an unparalleled level of interaction between potential employers and employees therefore comes as no surprise. It implies publishing job opportunities online, having an online fill-in form available for applicants and a computerized database available to store the curricula received. Applicants can send their résumés via email or upload them to corporate, social networking or recruitment websites from their home or any other place with an internet connection, and directly contact the recruiter or the decision maker using this channel. This makes it not only less time consuming than traditional recruitment methods, but also more convenient and comfortable for applicants. Applicants reactions to the information on the online job ad are influenced by the perceived efficiency and ease of use, which refers to whether or not the candidate considers the job ad easy to understand and apply for .The candidates' reaction is also influenced by the amount of information provided by the organisation regarding the job position, which should be specific and updated. In crux, the adoption of the internet as a medium by organisations for recruitment is faster than any other medium.

Literature review

FRED AND KINANGE (2016) explored the e-recruitment activities adopted by the organization, e-recruitment process has an impact on organization, performance and efficiency of recruitment process in the organization. The HR department manages the workforce diversity in culture, time zones, expertise, benefits and compensations. Secondary data was collected for this study. This study found that businesses appear to be concerned quality oriented, competent candidate for vacancies that mainly focus on the cost. Third parties play an active role in the online recruitment process such as recruitment agencies and head hunters. e- recruitment add to efficiency, effectiveness of the recruitment process, specific internet recruitment methods attribute to the organizational developments and increases performance for organizational recruiting.

NASREEM ET AL. (2016) the study found that most of the organizations in Pakistan were using both e-recruitment and traditional recruitment sources. It also revealed that the IT based organizations are not completely relying on e-recruitment. The study also indicated that majority of respondent organizations use e-recruitment for filling the top positions.

AHLAWAT AND SANGEETA (2016) explored the different sources of e-recruitment in the organization like ease of use for the organization, increasing the speed to hire, keeping ahead of competitors, cost savings, to ease of use for candidate, to provide large candidate pool. This study was a set of comprehensive overviews of e-recruitment, also to see the challenges and benefits of using online technologies. The organization used online recruitment system to track and manage candidate’s application that gives significant benefits in the term of cost and capability, efficiency to monitor on recruitment activities.

MALHOTRA & SHARMA (2016) compared with traditional recruitment process with e-recruitment advantages and disadvantages, changed in recruitment practices and strategies causes of e-recruitment tools and analysed the challenges and opportunities for both organizations and employees using e-recruitment. The study found that traditional method not be replaced by e-recruitment. It should complement. It is a fast process. In the modern time job portals are the most popular source of e-recruitment because commercial websites provide a platform for employers to meet the prospective employees.

ALAN PRICE (2012): In his work human asset the executives in a business setting, officially characterizes recruitment and determination as the way toward recovering and pulling in capable applications with the end goal of business. He expresses that the procedure of enlistment is definitely not a basic choice procedure, while it needs the board basic leadership and wide arranging so as to designate the most fitting labour. “Human asset may be thought of as the total learning, creative abilities, innovation talents and aptitude of an organisation work force, as well as the values, attitudes and benefits of an individual involved”

SAKS (2012): Recruitment involves set actions and activities taken by an organisation in order to identify and attract individuals who have the capabilities to help the organisation realize its strategic objectives such activities should generate a pool of desirable candidates; enhance their interest in and attraction to the organisation as an employer; and increase the probability that they will accept a job offer. This definition makes explicit the difference between the functions of Recruitment and of Selection (which follows Recruitment) and highlights the link between recruitment and organisational strategy (goals and objectives). Another important contribution by Saks is the identification of three phases in the recruitment process: Application, Interaction, and Job offer.

EDWIN B. FLIPPO (2013): Recruitment is the process of searching, seeking the candidates for employment and attracting, stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation.

PARRY & WILSON (2015): stated that recruitment includes those practices and activities carried out by the organisation with the primary purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees. E-Recruiting is using the internet to recruit through corporate websites, specialized websites or online advertisement.

GALANAKI (2016): Recruitment is a vital function of human resource management, which can be defined as the process of searching the right talent and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation. It is the process of discovering the sources of personnel to meet the requirements of the staffing agenda and attracting the adequate number of employees, as to be able to make the effective selection among the applicant’s employees.

SCHREYER AND MCCARTER (2010): defines Internet recruitment as the recruitment process, including placing job advertisements, receiving resumes, and building human resource databases with candidates and incumbents.

LIEVENS AND HARRIS (2011): There are five approaches to Internet recruitment, including company websites, job boards, e-recruiting, relationship recruiting, and surreptitious approaches.

SINGH AND FINN (2013): Internet recruitment provides many advantages to recruiters and job seekers. For recruiters, the use of the Internet enables firms to enhance their growth in their ability to attract the right quality (in terms of appropriate levels of knowledge, attitude, skills and aptitudes) and quantity of human resources at any given time.

In views of CASCIO (2012), Growing globalization and the use of new technologies, among other phenomena, have led to changes in the job market. In an ever-changing context where new technologies experience rapid development, Online Recruitment (OR) is an important source of recruitment.

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A Study on Perception of Employees towards E-Recruitment. (2022, July 14). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 10, 2025, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/a-study-on-perception-of-employees-towards-e-recruitment-analytical-essay/
“A Study on Perception of Employees towards E-Recruitment.” Edubirdie, 14 Jul. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/a-study-on-perception-of-employees-towards-e-recruitment-analytical-essay/
A Study on Perception of Employees towards E-Recruitment. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/a-study-on-perception-of-employees-towards-e-recruitment-analytical-essay/> [Accessed 10 Jan. 2025].
A Study on Perception of Employees towards E-Recruitment [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Jul 14 [cited 2025 Jan 10]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/a-study-on-perception-of-employees-towards-e-recruitment-analytical-essay/

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