Academic and Career Goals Essay

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Reflective report


1-In this reflective report, I will be reflecting on and discussing my academic goals, employability goals, and well-being goals that I have set up for myself. In this report, I will include different skills. I have learned and what I have done to build and develop my skills. Additionally, I will also talk about what it took for me to achieve my goals and the different problems I faced during my time at university in order to attain my goals and skills. I will also mention my SMART targets and give a table of my SWOT analyses.

Reflection on academic report skills development activity

2-Throughout my time at university, what I struggled with the most was my presentation skills. This is because ever since I was a child, I was always afraid of presenting in front of large crowds and this fear continued all the way to university. So, because of this drawback that affected my confidence and grades, I set myself a goal to become more comfortable and confident when presenting in any module in university. I was able to improve my presentation skills by effectively organizing the contents of my presentation and knowing exactly what t say and when to say it. Even if I prepared my presentation well, I still knew that my speaking voice would have a huge impact on how well or bad the presentation will go. I developed this by practicing my presentation in front of family and friends before I presented my work to everyone else. I would also record myself presenting and playback it back and see how I did and what I can do next time to improve my presentation skills better. Additionally, I also learned how to project my voice when speaking to a large crowd. The first time a presented it didn`t go well because I was very nervous and I let my worries get the best of me which is the reason why I got a low grade for that presentation. However, after I have incorporated all the skills. I have learned about developing my presentation skills, I was able to perform much better in all the presentations that came after it.

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3-I also learned that when presenting you must be very passionate about what you`re talking about because this will make presenting much easier. I knew this because every time I would present about topics I`m interested in; I would seem more confident and enthusiastic when talking and this made the audience more engaged throughout the whole presentation. One of the most lucrative ways of developing any skill like this one is getting feedback from teachers and students because they can let me know how I did and what I needed to do to make my presentation better next time so that I can get a higher grade. I learned that every presentation may not go as I anticipate however, I can prepare well beforehand and practice thoroughly as much as I can so that I can become more comfortable in any situation like this one.

Reflection on my employability goal

4-The employment goal I chose to develop is my communication skills. The reason I choose this skill to develop is that communication skill is one of or if not the most important skill, I need to have in order to get a successful job. The reason I chose this skill as a goal to progress is that there are different types of communication skills that all need to be developed equally in order for me to have a successful interview or a successful role in an organization. The types of communication skills include written or verbal communication; this is important because if one or the other is lacking then this could affect my chances of getting my desired job. This is because if I can communicate well verbally but can`t communicate well in my writing, then this could discourage employers. Additionally, there are also other skills within communication that also need to be developed, these include active listening and being attentive. If I can develop my communication skills, then all these other skills will also be developed alongside it which is why his skill is the most important skill I need to develop. The actions I have taken to develop this skill is similar to question 1 because I had to develop my written and verbal communication, I practiced this by giving a presentation to my friends and family members before I had to present in front of large crowds. This gave me the ability to alter and strengthen my presenting skills which therefore made my verbal communication better. The way I improved my written communication was by carefully analyzing the different responses teachers would read my work they would notice the lack of grammar, punctuation, and spelling and they would highlight it so that I can see the mistakes and they would also tell me what I needed to do next time so that I can improve and have a better-written essay or report.

Reflection on your Well-being goal

5-The goal I chose for my well-being is to reduce my stress level. This goal is very important for me because I have found myself getting very stressed with work and university and I need to try and reduce my stress levels so that I can stay calm and focused when doing work. This is instead of panicking and over-worrying about what I need to complete and by when. I will try to achieve this goal by organizing what I need to do step by step and making sure that I acquire help if I am facing any overwhelming difficulties b asking my teachers, friends, and family members. Additionally, I can also do physical exercises to help control my stress level, this includes maintaining and controlling my breathing levels so that I can stay calm and relaxed when I`m overloaded with work or problems. From doing all of these practices to help with my stress level I have found that these exercises only work when I`m in the right mindset because if I`m not mentally prepared to undergo any of these exercises then they will absolutely have no effect and from being organized I have found that this does help with my stress level because if I am organized ahead of time and know what needs to be done and by when then this will reduce my stress levels because I won`t be worried or distressed anymore.

Summary and conclusions

6- To conclude, I have found that there are lots of skills and goals that I need to achieve in order to succeed in the workplace or in general life. With the skills and goals, they need time and patience in order to attain them, and with practice and handwork, any skill can be achieved. I need to know what my target is and what it takes to get there and how I`m going to do it. All these actions play a vital role in my future job because these skills I have mentioned can massively impact me in a positive way.


2 Smart goals

7- The skills that I can develop through the duration of my course at university are interpersonal skills and writing skills. For my interpersonal skills, I will be able to develop mine by talking and communicating with people in my class effectively about coursework and exams so that I can practice developing these skills. In addition, I can also develop this skill during presentation and group work since a good level of communication is very important in this, as this could make or ruin a presentation if the members don`t communicate properly.

The other skill I can develop during my time at university is my writing skills as this is a very important feature that I must obtain and have a high level of because this skill is needed for every type of industry that I want to work in. I can also develop my writing skills by doing coursework to my utmost, and making sure that I have included the correct punctuation, spelling, etc. I think that through time in university my writing skills will improve gradually with every coursework I hand in.


  1. https:www.studocu.comen-gbdocumentuniversity-of-Greenwich-business-ethics-coursework reflective-report-ppd9639262view
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