The outcome of scientific studies that involved animal is not eternally trustworthy. This is due to the reason that in the year 2004, there are 92 % of the medication that successfully gets through the preclinical trials include the use of nonhuman animals in experiment has come to nothing as the medication that had been created failed to appear into the market and are not always safe to be consume. To give you an idea, in the late 1950s and early 1960s, thalidomide which had already pass through extensive animal testing has been honoured as a wonder drug after it has been released to the market. It is often used to treat a number of cancer and diseases including leprosy, anxiety as well as trouble in sleeping. Nevertheless, when this medication is prescribed to pregnant women, it turned out to become a hazardous substance as it will destroy the normal growth of embryonic and causes birth defects in newborn babies. According to the investigation, nearly 10,000 to 20,000 malformed infants were born after their mother had consumed thalidomide. Therefore, based on the investigation, the study has obviously proved that it is not indispensable to involve animals in scientific studies as the test may work on animal but probably not on humans. In another word, certain medical research that required animals are completely meaningless.
The action of scientists that carry out scientific studies which involve animals is brutal and remorseless. This is because all animals have emotions and are able to sense sorrow, anguish and pain in the same way that a human do. In other words, their response towards the discomfort throughout the investigation is similar to the reaction of the human towards the misery. To show you what I mean, the poor creatures such as mice and rabbits are normally be governed as they will be latched into a small cage so they are not able to move around throughout the whole investigation. Besides, animal testing yet endorses the animal to be poisoned, burnt as well as brain damaged which is extremely hurtful to the poor creatures. Nonetheless, most of the poor creatures that are utilized during the experiment are then killed after completing the experiment, as they are worthless. Therefore , animals deserved the same deference and honor that a human is given even though they do no have the rights and liberties.
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To wrap it all up, it is illogical to kill millions of animals just for the sake of creating new medication. Animal experimentation is a remorseless way to plague the poor creature for mankind’s own advantage. Thus, it may be said that the use of poor creatures in an experiment is not ethical, cruel and injustice. In fact, animals are born to be wild as well as free and are not to be controlled by humans. Although, we are not qualified to completely ban the usage of animals in scientific investigations until the scientists successfully discovered a new method that can fully displace the usage of animals. But, the scientist should at least try to lessen the amount of poor creature being used and the misery that they may encounter throughout the test. All in all, protecting the poor creature from these scientific investigation is vital for well-being of the animal kingdom.
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