Argumentative Essay about Michael Jackson

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The environment is one of the most crucial aspects of our daily lives, it plays an important role in maintaining the healthy living and existence of life in the world as a whole. The environment is everything that surrounds us as human beings including every living thing on the planet. The earth has very few resources that can support all the organisms living on it. With the rapid increase in the human population, severe pressure is being put on the limited available resources, leading to the depletion of the ones that cannot be renewed. Human activities are causing a great amount of damage to the environment. If humans continue damaging the environment in such a negative manner, the world's ecosystem will irreversibly be affected. So it is in our best ability to ensure that our environment is well taken care of at all times it is always being said, 'it's better to be safe than sorry' because if we don't mend our ways sooner what we witness the earth song music video by Michael Jackson will soon become our reality. How human beings treat the environment is no better than the way they treat one another. In this essay, I will go through some of the human behaviors of humans towards one another which are depicted in how they treat the environment through an analysis of one of the music videos by Michael Jackson 'Earth Song, 1995'.

This paragraph outlines various impacts of humans on the environment. The rapid growth of the human population is linked to the increased usage of both natural and manmade resources, energy, and land for growing food and living. Almost everything that humans do has an impact on the environment. Various human activities that negatively affect the environment include the growth of industrialization, Urbanization of forest and farmland, Pollution, etc. The main contributing factors of pollution are; farming, water, and air pollution. Farming has an increased impact on the environment and this is a result of increased pressure on farmers to yield a single crop and focus more on one type of breeding. Farming one type of crop continuously reduces the quality of the soil and very often results in soil erosion. On the other hand, there is deforestation, which is the rapid removal of trees. As the populations of human beings continue to increase rapidly, the need to cut trees to create spaces to accommodate the increasing population of humans has increased quite greatly over the years. The environment is being affected as trees are being removed to construct houses and build roads. Trees were often used by humans for activities such as producing fire for cooking or for warming themselves mostly in winter. The reason I say ‘were’ is because unlike the early primates on earth humans have indeed become quite intelligent over time as the brain size has increased, they have developed the burning of fossil fuels to create electricity which is quite more advanced. The burning of fossil fuels contributes to air pollution which damages the environment. These activities disturb the ecological balance in one way or another. Such ecological unbalances later result in different severe effects such as rising temperatures, climatic change, insufficient rain, polluted environments, water resources that are contaminated, the loss of vegetation, etc.

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Michael Jackson created a very great video relating to how people treat the environment. In this paragraph, I will analyze ways that the video relates to the human impact on the environment. Taking a closer look at the video, one should rather rethink his or her doings towards the environment. The Earth song video by Michael Jackson can be viewed as an awareness video as it depicts how our behavior towards the environment affects the environment. We are supposed to be taking good care of the environment, but it quite seems like in trying to improve our lives as human beings we in turn cause harm to the environment. As seen in the video trees are being removed without even thinking twice what the consequences of this might be. Trees help provide us with the oxygen we require in daily life as Michael Jackson says in the music video ‘how will we breath’, it’s quite difficult to imagine our environment without those trees, on the hand in the video the burning of fossil fuels is being shown, as mentioned in the above paragraph, the burning of fossil fuels is the major source of air pollution. The ending of the video somehow gives us hope that the damage to the environment can be restored, but I believe this can only be done if we start taking full responsibility for taking care of the environment, and ensuring that by all means the environment remains preserved for the future generations, imagine the poor child in the video having to grow up in an empty environment with no life. The Earth song shows us that if we continue with our negative behavior toward the environment in the end we are the ones going to suffer, we are depriving future generations of witnessing the beauty of the earth, and we are depriving the children in the video the opportunity to live in a greener environment.

In this paragraph, I will outline the behavior of humans toward one another. From my point of view, I would say that the way that human beings treat the environment is very similar to how they treat one another. Let’s take into consideration the fact that according to the bible, humans are taught to love one another as they love themselves, but in today's world, we all live like enemies in this world. Humans are more dependent and rely much on the environment to carry out life on this planet earth. Humans require each other to succeed in life, as we all know at some point in our life we all need some guidance in some way or the other to be able to overcome the challenges we are faced with in this world. Instead of showing gratitude towards one another a person just uses you for his or her benefit, after he or she gets what he wanted all along, they end up ditching you. This is similar to how treat the environment instead of preserving it we are destroying it every day of our lives, through activities depicted in the video of Michael Jackson (Earth Song, 1995) and the previous paragraph. We as humans often act as if we care about each other when we don't we hurt each other daily. This is similar to the way we try to take care of the environment but instead end up causing more harm to it without even realizing it. We as humans tend to make another person a part of our lives when there is something to gain from that, we are very quick to remove the same person from our lives when heshe no longer is of use to us without even thinking twice that they might be of benefit to us again in the future. We lack respect towards each other. In most cultures, we are taught to greet people regardless of who they are or whether we know them or not. But most people fail to live up to that and pass each other like lifeless beings, so if a person can ignore another person what will be so hard for him or her to ignore a paper seen on the streets? When we fail to take care of each other as human beings there is no way a person might treat the environment right.

In summation, how we treat the environment relates to how we treat the environment. Humans impact the environment in various ways including pollution, deforestation, etc., which we see in the Earth song music video by Michael Jackson. Imagine not being able to take care of one another how will we take the responsibility to take care of the environment? If you are not able to respect a whole human being who lives, how will you take of the environment, because taking care of the environment simply involves picking up just a piece of paper? So what might work is if we as human beings learn to respect each other, if we start to learn to take good care of each other regardless of where we come from. When we start incorporating such behaviors among ourselves we might then be able to incorporate them into the environment. The Earth song by Michael Jackson shows us that there is an opportunity for us to restore the environment to the way it was before all of this if only we mend our ways and start taking good responsibility towards it.

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Argumentative Essay about Michael Jackson. (2024, April 18). Edubirdie. Retrieved February 1, 2025, from
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