Argumentative Essay on Animal Cloning

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Recently, there has been quite a lot of community displeasure in the field of animal cloning. Animal cloning for consumption is a very debatable topic in society at this point in time, whether the products are safe to consume, humane or inhumane towards the animals. The public has stated they are against animal cloning and will not acquire ‘cloned’ foods. Scientific evidence to state the safety of the products has been expressed to them. The public has major concerns about the ‘safety’ of the food due to Dolly the sheep’s health implications: Dolly suffered from arthritis in a hind leg joint and from sheep pulmonary adenomatosis, and a virus-induced lung tumor that led to her premature death.

The evidence clearly shows experts have decided the main use for duplicated animals will be breeding. ‘Clones’ will not be used for meat or milk reasons as of right now. Researchers have clearly said that meat and products from cloned sheep and their offspring are safe for human consumption. It has been scientifically proven that duplicated meats are safe to consume as is any other meat. A significant number of tests and research has been completed on a large scale of cloned products, throughout the testing there were no health concerns they needed to further investigate as of right now.

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This shows us that animal cloning is as ‘safe’ as any other animal or animal product to consume. When future ‘cloned’ meat or milk is sold, they will not be required to state whether they are ‘cloned’ or not. It will be up to the discretion of the manufacturers to disclose what they feel is necessary.

With this in mind, it is evident that cloned meat and duplicated animal products are the same as regular products. Duplicated products do not have any negative health implications or safety concerns.

From a Christian perspective, cloning or making changes to the ‘blueprint’ of an animal or human is playing God. This is something that is not condoned in the Christian faith. With this being said, I personally don't see a problem with animal cloning. Throughout my research, I’ve come across a lot of positives, and those positives have outweighed the negatives. Bringing back a species that is near extinction or has, unfortunately, become extinct, is a massive achievement. Cloning an animal that has a rare ability to produce twice the amount of milk reducing work, money, and resources for farmers is a positive outcome for animal cloning. Therefore, I'm all for animal cloning and think it is a decent idea.

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Argumentative Essay on Animal Cloning. (2023, September 19). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“Argumentative Essay on Animal Cloning.” Edubirdie, 19 Sept. 2023,
Argumentative Essay on Animal Cloning. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
Argumentative Essay on Animal Cloning [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Sept 19 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from:

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