Bermuda Triangle essays

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1 Page 645 Words
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Is there any more mysterious place on earth than the Bermuda Triangle? This is the most mysterious part of the ocean, and many people cannot return. This is an abnormal area. It is sometimes called the Devil's Triangle. The hideout of aliens, some secret military experiments, and the gateway to another dimension are some theories about the Bermuda Triangle. These...
Bermuda Triangle
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1 Page 479 Words
The Bermuda Triangle is a region of the North Atlantic Ocean (roughly) bounded by the southeastern coast of the U.S., Bermuda, and the islands of the Greater Antilles (Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, and Puerto Rico). The exact boundaries of the Bermuda Triangle are not universally agreed upon. Approximations of the total area range between 500,000 and 1,510,000 square miles (1,300,000 and...
Bermuda Triangle
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2 Pages 1026 Words
Living on the paradise Island of Bermuda was an awesome experience. Living in a foreign country was a different experience with socialism, the weather, and going to church. “Bermuda is a group of islands located in the North Atlantic Ocean, and it is a territory of the British government. Known for being among the best tourist destinations, Bermuda has also...
Bermuda Triangle
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3 Pages 1506 Words
What comes to your mind when you hear the word “sea”? Sandy beach, palm trees, vacationing people? Well, none of that is relevant when it comes to the Sargasso Sea. This one has no shores, and what it has instead is lost ships! Buckle up, as you are about to discover what mysteries it is hiding! The Sargasso Sea is...
Bermuda TriangleSea
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2 Pages 689 Words
Hundreds of Vessels and Aircraft with thousands of men on board had vanished into thin air with no trace or single distress signals in an area that we now call The Bermuda Triangle. Which may also be known as The Devil's Triangle or Hurricane Alley. This area is a mystical section with an invisible outline that covers up to 440,000...
Bermuda TrianglePersonal Beliefs
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4 Pages 1666 Words
You won't discover it in any official guide, and in case you're cruising in the Atlantic, you're likely not to try and notice when you cross its unclear limits. All things considered, the Bermuda Triangle — additionally at times known as the Devil's Triangle — for quite a long time has been the subject of various books, TV projects, paper...
Bermuda Triangle
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