Humanities essays

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2 Pages 969 Words
IIT Gandhinagar provides more than 50 humanities and social sciences courses. Each course has its importance. These humanities and social sciences courses play a huge role in every student's life. Humanities courses help us to develop the qualities of being humane. Humanities also give us a taste of art and literature. Whereas social sciences teach more about society and human...
2 Pages 1024 Words
Frankly speaking, when we came to know that we are supposed to take eight humanities courses in our four years of B.Tech, we all were shocked for the time being. We came to IIT to study engineering, not this illogical stuff. We had a question, after all why study these courses that are never going to play any role in...
1 Page 449 Words
Being asked whether the humanities should be taught in the university or not, made me question myself on what the profound meaning of the humanities is. After searching it up, I discovered that this is an intellectual pursuit that deals with human society and culture, involving the study and analysis of history, literature, linguistics, philosophy, politics, and the like. Having...
2 Pages 1016 Words
Is STEM major taking over the world? Conard states that we need more STEM majors because our economy depends in it. Do we really need more STEM majors when some get their doctorate and can’t get a job for their position, how do we need more STEM majors when there not all getting hired for those jobs? STEM major has...
1 Page 423 Words
The humanities traditionally encompass those disciplines that treat human culture, experience, and perception as an object of study, while simultaneously treating the person as a knowing subject, and that pierce to the core of culture and the human condition. According to the editors of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, the humanities are differentiated in terms of substance and process, in a community...
1 Page 503 Words
Colleges develops our skills to be effective and successful in our careers in the future. Not only that, according to Ciardi (1940), this type of education lets us go in the minds of many amazing authors. These authors help us to understand what the world is and what the world should be. In today’s world, the humanities are the subjects...
1 Page 562 Words
One of the hardest choices a college student must make is what degree to go after. With the growth of student loans and the rising price of tuition, many undergraduates, myself included, feel the coercion to choose a major that will make us successful after graduation. The question as to what one plans to do with their major is natural...
2 Pages 755 Words
The humanities is a useful subject, especially in any healthcare field, as it promotes an understanding of different cultures and histories, which is useful when caring for people from different backgrounds to ensure the best possible care is provided. Nicholas Kristof in his article ‘Starving for Wisdom’ starts a story of a country that has become so consumed by the...
2 Pages 796 Words
When I knew that I had to take a humanities class as part of my nurse training, I couldn't understand why. I thought it was a total waste of my time and I sincerely started the class with the idea that I had to pass it with good grades and move on. But just a week later I realized how...
2 Pages 896 Words
Art is extremely necessary for our lives. It constitutes one in all the oldest forms and, most significantly, it shows a mean of expression developed by man. It's a language, that is charged with feelings and significance that has sprung up among men inhabitation. For this, I’m glad to experience the wonder of art. Learning about the humanities is meant...
2 Pages 745 Words
“The arts and humanities teach us who we are and what we can be. They lie at the very core of the culture of which we are apart”. This wonderful saying by Ronald Reagan reveals the powerful connection between the study of humanities and the arts. The study of humanities through the understanding of human beings in the world based...
1 Page 510 Words
The last 100 years have been a whirlwind of change, from the Industrial Age to the Technological Age. The question should be what hasn’t changed? As just about everything else has. Politically the landscape has descended into right-wing crazy land for the most part, such as Donald Trump. There was and still is a fight against liberal members with fake...
4 Pages 1652 Words
Humanities studies human culture through academic disciplines. However, there is a lot more to the arts and humanities than just academic disciplines that study human culture. The arts teach us the past we had and guide us to a better tomorrow. Humanities allow us to 'relate why things are the way they are, get to critically think, and build a...
4 Pages 1756 Words
Geography was a slow discipline to emerge, and ‘until the early 1960s, ‘change in British geography was slow and slight’ (R. Johnston: 2006). It lacked imagination as well as promotion, however, took a turn in the 1950s when regional geography dominated. This included ‘identifying, describing, and to some extent accounting for (if not ‘explaining’) areal differentiation or the varying characteristics...
3 Pages 1407 Words
In an era of climate change, what is the role of the humanities, especially literature? it seems that action on climate change has been relegated to the short time scales and utopian rhetoric of international policy and the even shorter timescale at a time of diminishing futures . There exists a profoundly entrancing connection among crisis and writing – which...
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