Cultural Competence Essay

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2 Pages 1109 Words
Culture is a pattern of ideas, customs, and behavior shared by a particular people, community, or society. These patterns identify members as part of a group and distinguish members from other groups. Culture is constantly evolving. One way of thinking about cultures is whether they are primarily ‘collectivist’ or ‘individualist’. Knowing the difference can help health professionals with diagnosis and...
5 Pages 2423 Words
Cultural competence involves being aware that there are differences from one’s own cultural and that of others’ culture. To be culturally competent also requires one to respect the differences, obtain knowledge and self-educate on the differences, and anticipate needs based on the differences. Cultural competence and sensitivity are imperative to provide good health care. The goal of this paper is...
5 Pages 2283 Words
Literature Review “Multiculturalism is often used to refer to one or more particular minority, racial, and/or ethnic groups in the United States” (Stockman, Boult, & Robinson, 2004). Using the word ‘multicultural’ refers to the wide range of co-existing cultural groups within society. Due to the growth of diversity in society, multicultural instruction has been introduced into education. Multicultural instruction is...
2 Pages 880 Words
Introduction: Identify the scenario and its context, the role you are providing, and the purpose of your report XBR Minerals is a global mining company that has experienced a decline in productivity because of arising challenges in cooperation between their Japanese and Australian staff. The video illustrates the challenges arising from the different culture, common sense and worldviews that impacted...
5 Pages 2269 Words
Healthcare facilities provide care for many different diverse cultures whose beliefs may affect the medical treatment in which they need to receive. In today’s time the increased racial and ethnic diversity can bring some new challenges for healthcare providers, there is a need for healthcare organizations to provide culturally competent care this is essential to reduce healthcare disparities among the...
6 Pages 2685 Words
Abstract In the past five to ten years, American medical system has not only become technologically advanced but multiculturally diverse. That is why being culturally competent is very important in the healthcare field. One reason cultural competency is important is that it allows healthcare professionals to better provide patient centered care to those whose beliefs and values are different than...
2 Pages 915 Words
The process and content Cultural awareness embraces learning about the cultures of clients whom the health-care professional will be working; moreover, this includes familiarizing with patients' preferred language, cultural and religious practices, and beliefs. For this reason, the health history and physical examination process should be approached in a professional manner; moreover, health-care professionals should “be alert to cues regarding...
2 Pages 1084 Words
The National Cares Mentoring Movement is a non-profit organization located in the Atlanta area. This organization was founded in 2006 and was formed after the events of Hurricane Katrina. “The organization’s priority population are young black children who come from low-income families and unstable communities” (National CARES). Among all demographics, they believe that black children are at the highest risk...
3 Pages 1460 Words
Cultural competence in giving administrations to all, despite culture, financial status, instructive foundation. Cultural competency implies making the practices and approaches that will make benefits more available to different populaces, and that accommodate fitting and viable administrations in different circumstances. If an association is seen as being harsh, misleading, or discourteous of the requirements of Hispanic families, the group will...
5 Pages 2055 Words
Chapter I Introduction A. Background Intercultural interaction and communication have witnessed a considerable increase in the world. Globalization necessitates the ability to interact efficiently with people across cultures. The social, economic, cultural and technological shifts in the modern world namely the increase of migration, the professional and educational mobility in addition to the exponential growth of technology, have yielded fertile...
1 Page 645 Words
Culture is the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group (Virkus, 2009). In the field of nursing, we deal with various cultures regularly. We as health care professionals, need to be able to provide culturally competent care to the patients we care for. Self-assessment to acknowledge strengths and weaknesses within your cultural competency...
3 Pages 1184 Words
Introduction “A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people.” -Mahatma Gandhi America is a land where immigrants and minorities from different cultural backgrounds and heritages come together to adopt one common culture. From the beginning of time, the term ‘culture’ has often been associated with social behavior, norms, values, identities and the way in...
3 Pages 1285 Words
Introduction Cosmopolitanization of modern life (Beck 2009), meaning the mixing of people from diverse cultural backgrounds, has set new sensible and more sophisticated standards for effective intercultural communication, reflexive dialogue and collaborative learning. Modern people are required to undertake a reflexive project (Giddens 1991), namely to build up their own diverse biographies (multiple identities and life-style cultures). They also have...

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