Death Changed My Life: Personal Narrative

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Death is unavoidable. We make arrangements for the afternoon and do not mull over how those plans can be removed in a split second. The occasion is undesirable, and no one knows how to adapt to the news of losing someone they know. I never contemplated it myself, until I was looked at with the stun and irrefutable truth of my cousin's passing. Although healing from such a traumatic event might seem impossible. I was able to discover the good in me and what shapes me now. Which includes being too upfront, finding my spirituality, and savoring life.

Understanding that life is tied in with voicing my opinions, discussing, and, contending transformed me as an individual. I was amazingly shy and repressed, which prompted regret for not conveying my emotions enough. One day after fighting with my cousin, whom I considered my sister, I lost her. I was overwhelmed with grief and sorrow for leaving things unsaid. I could have apologized or explained my stance in the argument. However, I preferred winning the case and moving on. Taking life for granted and expecting people to always listen to you backfired on me and left me speechless. I have come to understand that I have a voice and unique thoughts to communicate. My concern about inaction is substantially more extreme than my regret of action, which means keeping quiet is almost certainly more regretful.

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Having a solid, profound viewpoint enabled me to discover the importance of life's troublesome conditions and cushion the agony that accompanied those conditions. Having confidence in something more prominent than me gave me a sense of trust in a miserable situation. The spiritual practices helped me recuperate from the affliction. Finding my spirituality also detached the dread of death and different weaknesses. It likewise beats the connection to this world and life-related issues. Henceforth, I lost the nervousness and am prepared to confront disappointment and results throughout everyday life. My spirituality is primarily based on bringing more gratitude into my life. I regularly reminisce about something I am grateful for. This practice gave me the chance to view the world differently and in a much more positive, sincere way.

Ever since my cousin's sudden passing, I have understood that it is easy to die. I lead my life dependent on the presumption that each part of me will work how I anticipated it to. However, I realized I could not be relying on these assumptions. While it's imperative to think about death, it's not beneficial to harp on it. I'm not living a life that is always fixated on the idea of death. Instead, I am reminding myself of death and making the most of life. Individuals on their deathbeds are known to state, 'I wish I would have done this,' or, 'Done that,' Therefore, I try not to sit tight for later because there may not be a 'later.' This implies saying 'yes' and accepting open doors when they emerge — doing the things that I want to do each day and carrying on with a satisfying life. Recently, I decided that I wanted to travel to Turkey, and before I know it, I was on the plane heading there. I knew if I dwelled on the idea of traveling, I would have backed off since I have loans to pay, and school to worry about it. However, being impulsive and living to the fullest certainly gave me the best memories and experiences ever. When I genuinely do the things that I cherish each day with the individuals I adore, death will indeed not appear like a major ordeal.

I am freeing myself and genuinely existing, developed from the experiences of voicing my opinions, being spiritual, and living life to the fullest. Although some people are naturally gifted with such skills, I had to acquire them through the idea of death. My cousin's death certainly left me in agony. Despite that, I was able to understand how life works and how I should live. To this day, I am still growing and liberating myself slowly and trying to turn my life into an unforgettable and exceptional adventure.

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Death Changed My Life: Personal Narrative. (2023, July 20). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 30, 2025, from
“Death Changed My Life: Personal Narrative.” Edubirdie, 20 Jul. 2023,
Death Changed My Life: Personal Narrative. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 30 Jan. 2025].
Death Changed My Life: Personal Narrative [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Jul 20 [cited 2025 Jan 30]. Available from:

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