Disney's Impact on Children's Perception of the World

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In this media content review, I'm going to talk about Disney princesses. My form of media I chose along with my topic is gender. The reason I chose this topic was because I love Disney and as a little girl, my favorite Disney princess was always Cinderella. This paper I chose discusses Disney’s way to feminism and how cartoons have a positive or negative impact on children as they influence a child’s perception of the world.

Cartoons can have an influence on a child development, it can have positive effects that can play a role in education for children, as an entertainment for kids but at the same time teaches children behavior, vocabulary, and discovering the world. A negative impact a child can distinguish is bad behavior and vocabulary. Some cartoons can become aggressive and gain a negative imagination in a child making them stay in a negative imaginary. Children 2-5 years old’s watch cartoons, about 30-32 hours a week. As children develop, cartoons become attractive to them which then gets them to watch TV and this is usually socialized by family or school, etc. Cartoons have influence children’s perspective as they grow, seeing the development of values or upbringing ideas, whether it being a form of gender, race, or violence. As children spend a lot of time on TV, this form of media is more effective in certain knowledge or ideas that cartoons transmit to kids.

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In the 1920s and early 1930s, the fairy tale cartoons that started with Walt Disney paved an experiment that turned fairy tales on their heads and exposed their foolish aspects of “romantic love” and fixed gender roles. Disney began changing and adapting to something classical, but Disney’s experimentation led to children being socialized by gender rules, and how they should view romantic love. As Disney was developing more realistic human figures and made characters as stereotypes, giving animals cute figures and making it seem comical and live. Children develop beliefs about the world based on experiences and observations around them. The exposure of TV helps develop young boys and girls how to view their perception about gender and their behavior. In this case, princesses form the way children can be socialized. For example, boys are socialized at such a young age. Boys are taught a way to manifest a way on how to treat girls throughout their lives and follow certain values. As well with young girls, girls develop a sense of having a romantic relationship with a ‘happy ending’. Fairy-tale films tend to seek to keep our eyes open and sharpen our perspective. It challenges us to see how we consider change in the long run. It being a boy’s and girl’s gender expectations, as other children are uncomfortable about boys playing the role of girls or vice versa. Disney was accused of spreading anti-feminist ideas.

The gender behavior shaped from an early age by the ideas of the roles that women and men receive in socialization process. This paper cases which gender roles manifest in children’s early lives, making them understand the ‘acceptable’ and ‘unacceptable’ ways in which to act in society. My personal experiences back then left an emotionally mark on me, with glance of hate we receive from people or things we face and become a failure. It is a system that stays with us along the way as we grow. My experience with this form of media being gender rules and my topic on Disney princesses, as a little girl I was always told to not do this or that because that was a guy’s role to do so. Cinderella still till this day continues to affect society because it influences young girl’s self-esteems and how to act, dress, and eat a certain way. Girls are pressured to act and look like a ‘princess’ because of role model’s young girls look up to in this generation being Disney princesses. Although Disney’s version of Cinderella still has some negative characteristics of a princess, a message noticeable was: ‘Stop dreaming and make your dream into a reality’. This children’s story ‘Cinderella’ had taught me to not let your good experiences turn into bitterness but forgive and be kind no matter how the world could be.

Overall, Disney is one of the cartoon series that are demanded for a children’s desire. Cartoons are an important essential role in every childhood because it helps teach us many things and impact on a child’s development in the right away. I think to keep children from negative effects of cartoons, parents can limit the hours and keep an eye on what they are watching, as well as the age limit.

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Disney’s Impact on Children’s Perception of the World. (2023, January 31). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/disneys-impact-on-childrens-perception-of-the-world/
“Disney’s Impact on Children’s Perception of the World.” Edubirdie, 31 Jan. 2023, edubirdie.com/examples/disneys-impact-on-childrens-perception-of-the-world/
Disney’s Impact on Children’s Perception of the World. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/disneys-impact-on-childrens-perception-of-the-world/> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
Disney’s Impact on Children’s Perception of the World [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Jan 31 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/disneys-impact-on-childrens-perception-of-the-world/

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