Does Maturity Depend on Age Essay

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Most people believe that as one grows older, their maturity increases. Although this occurs to most people, maturity truly depends on a person's moral beliefs and experiences rather than age. Maturity is not dependent on a person's age, as shown through the examples that children have more sense than adults in some situations, and a lack of a meaningful life causes adults to be blind to the world around them.

Some children exhibit more maturity than adults in certain situations as a result of their experiences, for example, in To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout and Jem who are children, recognize the wrongful conviction of a man by a jury as an act of racism. Because of their experience of Acts of discrimination, they have matured at a young age. They realized that the sentencing is wrong because they used genuine reasoning; however, this was not the case for the jury, who let their stubbornness and racism blind them from seeing the truth. When such adults behave in this way, it usually results in a lack of meaningful experiences throughout their life.

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Adults behave immaturely in certain situations because they are unable to grasp the meaning of things to which they have not previously been exposed. In the book Fahrenheit 451, Mildred, who represents most adults of her time, leads life in the world ever written with technology, and does not understand what her husband explains to her. Because she has lived her comfortable, luxurious life, Mildred is ignorant to the magnitude of the situation around her. She has never experienced pain; therefore, she childishly refuses to see a world beyond the comfort of her own home. Her monotonous, meaningless life has caused her to be close-minded, even in adulthood.

The idea behind maturity comes with age relates to the experiences one has had going through while growing up. Experiences make a strong impact on our way of thinking and perception towards life, if you experience a hard situation at a young age you are likely to mature earlier than others. It is all about what life throws at you. Sometimes a kid has faced such experiences that have made a changing impact on their thinking process as compared to the experiences of older people.

Although everyone grows older, maturity depends on moral beliefs and experiences rather than age. Once maturity allows them to see the truth in a world where all others are blind. Gravitational occurrences are vital in life in order to develop a clear understanding of certain situations and being able to use sensible reasoning in such situations.

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