Essay about Mother's Day

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I came across a story from website, about a little boy who forgot his lines in a Sunday school presentation. His mother was in the front row to prompt him. She gestured and formed the words silently with her lips, but it did not help. Her son's memory was blank. Finally, she leaned forward and whispered the cue, “I am the light of the world?”. The child beamed and with great feeling and a loud clear voice said, “My mother is the light of the world”. Well, the boy is right. Mothers in numerous ways are the light of the world. That is why Mothers' Day is set aside to appreciate our mothers for the things they have done for us.

This week, as I was praying and reflecting on Mother’s Day, a reading from 2 Timothy 1:5 came to mind. Paul wrote to Timothy and recognized ‘a mother’s faith’. What Paul wrote to this young man Timothy was amazing because, in those days, women were not recognized very often. Paul wrote: “I remember your genuine faith, for you share the faith that first filled your grandmother Lois and your mother, Eunice. And I know the same faith continues strong in you” (NLT). This is wonderful! Paul begins by recognizing the faith of these women and then he says that he can see Timothy living in the same faith. This is a great compliment. Paul calls it genuine faith. In NIV and NRSV Bible translations, it is referred to as sincere faith. What Paul is saying, these women’s faith, was authentic or real. That doesn’t mean they were perfect, but it means their faith was genuine. That is what impressed the Apostle Paul. Their sincere faith also influenced Timothy. As you can find from this verse, the faith of these women was transferable – from grandmother (Lois) to daughter (Eunice) and now to Timothy (son). I believe this relates to many mothers if not all.

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Let me share a short story about my mother. My mother is called Esther. She is 92 years old. My mother being a mom was the same as being a Christian. She became a believer even before she got married to my late father at the age of 19 years old. So, being a Christian was the foundation for her life, and that is how she brought me and other siblings. My dad was a policeman, so most of the time he was away. My mother looked after us. She worked very hard to make sure we were provided for all of our needs. She made sure were well fed, and above all, she taught us the Bible and to love God, and she lived as an example for us. Like all mothers, my mother was the most optimistic person in the world when it came to her children. She was hopeful and confident about her children’s future and success. She had great expectations for her children. This is a story not just for my mother but for all mothers.

We may not meet the mother’s expectations, but nevertheless, a mother’s love is unending. Mothers never stop loving, just like God never stops loving us. Nothing we can do to stop them. How can mothers do that? It is by the grace of God, grace alone, that they never stop loving their kids.

Mother’s Day is to celebrate the sharing of God’s love by the moms in our lives and to thank all mothers, but more important to thank God who gave them endurance and everything they needed to care for us, to bind us our wounds and to wipe our tears. Moms who told us that we were the best even though we knew we were far from it. Mothers who believed in us and loved us even when the whole world turned against us. Mothers who put their faith in Jesus Christ and shared that love with us.

The word of God tells us to love unconditionally. That is what a mother’s love is like. That is how mothers love their children. When she stands at the door to welcome you home, that smile on her face is real. When she stands at the door to wave you goodbye, that smile on her face is real. She wishes you never go.

I would really like all of us to remember to honor our mothers, especially on their day, Mother's Day.

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Essay about Mother’s Day. (2023, November 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“Essay about Mother’s Day.” Edubirdie, 21 Nov. 2023,
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