Essay on Curiosity to Learn

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Earth sciences, in general, have always been compelling to me, but my particular interest in geology and physical geography has sparked as I have learned about geographic processes that have shaped the world around me. How our solar system formed, Earth's structure, tectonic processes, and their hazards especially fascinate me. These are the courses I want to study, because they will give me an even wider knowledge of topics I love, and will help me in the future.

My curiosity ranged from seeing huge, significant geological features in documentaries to seeing small-scale landforms in real life. Since learning the fundamentals of geology, everywhere I go I find myself looking for geological features. My interest in hiking has confirmed my interest in the subject. During a recent trip to the Lake District, I was captivated by all the different formations and compositions, which I further researched. It intrigued me to find that Scafell was formed by volcanic eruptions, whereas Windermere was formed by deposited marine sediments, even though they're close in proximity.

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Outside of the classroom, completing Future Learn courses has furthered my curiosity for these areas, particularly 'Extreme Geological Events'.

Completing the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award and partially completing the Silver Award, improved some transferable skills, such as resilience, teamwork, leadership, and communication. The expedition I did allowed me to learn basic map reading skills and compass skills to find our way, which will assist me when I have to complete fieldwork in the future. In particular, the volunteering section I completed at a local library improved my confidence massively, as I had to communicate with a range of visitors and staff and I had to do different tasks independently. Along with the volunteering, I completed a physical section, where I learned a completely new type of dance with a completely different age range than I'm used to, which also boosted my confidence. In addition, work experience at a local primary school helped me to become familiar with and adapt to a professional working environment.

I am confident that the three subjects I took at A Level will be beneficial and will contribute to the degree I want to do. They are going to provide me with a strong foundation of fieldwork and research skills, which are key abilities for this particular degree. Several topics in my A-level courses are also part of some geology geography degrees content, a few examples including biogeochemical cycles, hydrology, natural hazards, and processes on Earth's surface. In addition, as my subjects are the three Earth sciences, multiple subjects overlap topics, which has allowed me to have a further in-depth understanding of these particular subjects.

In the future, I hope to progress even further into geography and geology. Volcanology in particular is something that I'm looking into, as I saw a lecture that inspired me further to look into it as a career path.

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Essay on Curiosity to Learn. (2024, May 20). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 28, 2024, from
“Essay on Curiosity to Learn.” Edubirdie, 20 May 2024,
Essay on Curiosity to Learn. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 28 Sept. 2024].
Essay on Curiosity to Learn [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 May 20 [cited 2024 Sept 28]. Available from:

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