The Desire to Know and Why Your Future Depends of It Curious. By Ian Leslie
In this book Leslie Gives an exploration of one of humanity’s most distinguishing traits, Leslie formulates a definite point of view, but backs it up with good studies.
Ian Leslie writes about our current understanding of curiosity and the important role it plays in an individual's life and the society built by those individuals. Leslie starts off with writing about Sue Savage-Rumbaugh and her Language research center near Atlanta, Georgia. They were determined to teach an ape, Kanzi’s adoptive mother, Matata an how to communicate using symbols. Rumbaugh and her colleagues used a keyboard to teach Matata. Their method was successful, Kanzi and Matata worked together in studying vocabulary. Kanzi and Matata learnt ways they could communicate and ways to use vocabulary in such extraordinary ways it proved to us apes are just like humans.
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There was one thing Leslie wrote about that Kanzi never asked why? Which leads us to the next story Ian Leslie wrote about John Lloyd a successful TV producer and director, who woke up one morning in confusion with no answers to many questions that inflicted urge and pain to his lack of acknowledgement of his surroundings and thoughts of being a failure, This cause Lloyd to go into serious depression. Lloyd choose to deal with the depression in the same matter he had once done. He chose to follow his curiosity and be aware of his surroundings, He also did a lot of ready during his depression. After 6 years, Lloyd overcame his depression, he became aware of himself and began his journey of curiosity.
He wrote books too. Lloyd also talked about our society and the impact of it on curiosity, the media and the challenge of finding more ways of getting people hungry to learn, question and create. He also goes into details about our education and working. He tells how we are in need of curiosity in our education and work environment describing the differences of someone with a strong desire of curiosity and some with less curiosity. Technology is also mentioned by Leslie, that technology is rapidly replacing humans.
In the chapter we followed along by doing a quiz to know whether your higher in NFC (Near Field Communications) than an average person. He goes into details of people who are high and low in NFC, he also describes the characteristics of someone who has a higher NFC than the average NFC. During the end of the chapter Lloyd explains more in details of the importance to have curiosity and why we need to keep being curious. Lloyd explains the diverse curiosity and the epistemically curiosity, which is the chief subject of the book.
Finally towards the end of the chapter Lloyd explains the fundamental reason to choose curiosity and why it's important to humanity.
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