Everyone in life has faced a problem. There is not one, single person that has never gone through a diligent hardship. Some people face difficulties every day. Personally, my life has gone pretty well. However, the biggest complication I am worried about is getting into a good college and being able to pay for it. Getting into a college is very important to me. Although, it isn’t quite that easy. Going to college is an enormous responsibility, a large chunk of money, and a necessity to get good grades in high school.
College can be fun, but also very stressful for many. If I decide to live on my own at college it will not always be that fun. I have to cook a meal every time I am hungry. I have to do my own laundry every week at the least. I also am responsible for doing the dishes and keeping up with the cleaning. Along with all of that, comes the tremendous heap of homework. The worst part is, the amount of money it is to stay on campus. I will most likely live at home if the college I chose to go to is near. I, personally, have a job; however, it is a lot more money than the amount of money I have made. College is a large amount of money just counting tuition. This is a large problem most high school kids face. I am going to start working a lot more during the summer. For right now, with sports, my life stays pretty busy. I work on the weekends and on Tuesday nights. The last problem about college is keeping my grades up in high school. Personally, I do really well in school. My goal is to keep working hard and achieving my goals. In college, it is going to be a challenge. It will be way more difficult to keep good grades in college. I plan to do something in the medical field which requires at least
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Everyone in life has faced a problem. There is not one, single person that has never gone through a diligent hardship. Some people face difficulties every day. Personally, my life has gone pretty well. However, the biggest complication I am worried about is getting into a good college and being able to pay for it. Getting into a college is very important to me. Although, it isn’t quite that easy. Going to college is an enormous responsibility, a large chunk of money, and a necessity to get good grades in high school.
College can be fun, but also very stressful for many. If I decide to live on my own at college it will not always be that fun. I have to cook a meal every time I am hungry. I have to do my own laundry every week at the least. I also am responsible for doing the dishes and keeping up with the cleaning. Along with all of that, comes the tremendous heap of homework. The worst part is, the amount of money it is to stay on campus. I will most likely live at home if the college I chose to go to is near. I, personally, have a job; however, it is a lot more money than the amount of money I have made. College is a large amount of money just counting tuition. This is a large problem most high school kids face. I am going to start working a lot more during the summer. For right now, with sports, my life stays pretty busy. I work on the weekends and on Tuesday nights. The last problem about college is keeping my grades up in high school. Personally, I do really well in school. My goal is to keep working hard and achieving my goals. In college, it is going to be a challenge. It will be way more difficult to keep good grades in college. I plan to do something in the medical field which requires at least 4 years of college.
Going to college is an enormous responsibility, a large chunk of money, and a necessity to get good grades in high school. I plan to overcome this large hardship by maturing and taking more responsibility, working more to earn more money, and achieving good grades.