Essay on Proles in '1984'

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For my topic, I have decided to write about what the meaning of 'Big Brother' is and what

might cause the fall of 'Big Brother.” “Big Brother” is the totalitarian leader of Oceania and the idol of the Party. He is an acclaimed, accomplished war hero, a master inventor and philosopher, and the founder of the revolution that brought the Party to power. The Party uses the image of Big Brother to represent a sense of loyalty and fear in the people of Oceania.

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The meaning of “Big Brother” is loyalty and allegiance to the Party. They use “Big Brother” as a way to put fear and discipline into the people of Oceania and they have him plastered everywhere to give a reminder to the people of what he represents. He’s on their coins, telescreens and appears all over the city with the slogan “Big Brother is watching you.” He doesn’t make an appearance in the book so he might just be a false idol created by the Party leaving the people unaware of what he really looks like or if he’s even real at all. Which, in a way, makes him a more effective leader.

“Big Brother” is everywhere in Oceania as an embodiment of the party, the hidden telescreens all around the city, and the Thought Police disguised as average people and even children. He has a hold of many freedoms that are taken away from the people such as sexual lust interactions, rebelling, speech censorship in the form of Newspeak, and the ability to see authentic historical records. The society of Oceania is essentially made up of three main classes, the Inner Party, Outer Party, and the Proles. The Proles make up about 85% of the population which is plenty of people to start a rebellion, but the party and “Big Brother” has them in such fear and restraint that they don’t even think to rebel. There are some that are like Winston and want to see the Party burn to the ground, but I don’t think that the majority are willing enough to put themselves at risk in going up against the Party.

I think that the downfall of “Big Brother” and the Party as a whole will be a result of Winston’s doing. Winston constantly, throughout the story, expresses his hatred for the party for being so controlling, intrusive, and oppressive. He wants rebellion so bad that he starts to question why the Proles don’t all form together and overthrow the Party. One of the things Winston hates the most about the Party is their perspective and control of sexual interaction. Their belief is that sex should not be about pleasure and only about making more Party members. Having to conspire with Julia to create specific dates and locations to make love, angers Winston very much because he’s putting himself and Julia at risk of being imprisoned or even killed for what they’re doing. So I believe that Winston will conspire a plan to get all of the Proles together and form an alliance to take down “Big Brother” and the Party for good.

Finally, I hope that “Big Brother” and the Party get taken care of for Winston’s sake. I really enjoyed all of the suspense and twists this book had such as the dark-haired woman, who was supposedly a Party spy, turning out to be a woman named Julia that was in love with Winston and Mr. Charrington being a member of the Thought Police foiling Winston and Julia’s love making spot. All in all, I had a great time reading this novel and would definitely recommend it to others.

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Essay on Proles in ‘1984’. (2023, September 25). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 8, 2025, from
“Essay on Proles in ‘1984’.” Edubirdie, 25 Sept. 2023,
Essay on Proles in ‘1984’. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 8 Jan. 2025].
Essay on Proles in ‘1984’ [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Sept 25 [cited 2025 Jan 8]. Available from:

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