Essay on Racism Against Asians in Canada Due to the Coronavirus

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The article I chose for this essay is about the racism that is happening to Asian people in Canada due to the coronavirus. Amy Go who is the national president of the Chinese Canadian National Council for Social Justice in Toronto, explained that many of her friends and family have experienced xenophobia and racism due to the coronavirus. She spoke about how her friends and family have witnessed racist acts and remarks towards Asian people, from people moving away from Asian people on the bus to kids being bullied in school. She finds the situation similar to the SARS outbreak that occurred in 2003. Social media has made it easier for racism and hate to spread faster in comparison to the SARS outbreak. Asian people are being targeted in public and facing severe discrimination and even isolation. Justin Trudeau gave a speech in Scarborough explaining that Canada has no room for discrimination and hopes that misinformation will stop being spread. Amy Go wants there to be more resources available for Asian people facing discrimination, such as hotlines, better monitoring of misinformation being spread on social media and overall better support. In conclusion, racism and discrimination towards the Asian community is at an all-time high right now due to the misinformation and fear being sparked around the coronavirus.


This article does bring up questions on our multicultural ideal. Canada claims to be a multicultural nation, but why are we divided as a nation when these situations arise? It is in times like these we need to come together and provide support to those that are experiencing prejudice and hate towards their culture. It seems as though when things are at peace, we wholeheartedly embrace our multicultural nation, but when an issue arises cultures face isolation. At the end of the article Amy Go hopes that more support is offered at a national level. More information on the coronavirus needs to be spread to eliminate the amount of false information being released to the public. It is in times like these that the people facing cultural bias need our support. No one should have to be publicly bullied or humiliated because of the stereotype surrounding their race. People also need to realize that because someone is Asian does not mean they automatically have been infected with the virus. If something is not done at a national level to abolish the prejudice at hand, I fear that violence will result. More policies should be put in place to support people who have fell victim to discrimination surrounding the coronavirus. There is no telling how much longer the virus will pose an issue, but for now we know something needs to change in regards to how the Asian culture is being treated. I do not feel the article was written with any bias, as the person being interviewed is a member of the Asian community herself. She knows firsthand what it is like in public right now, as well as her friends and family. The content in this article heavily relates to what we have learned in class. In week 5 we learned about race, and in this document, it discussed racism, which is exactly what the Asian community is facing not only in Canada but worldwide. There is a negative attitude surrounding Asians right now, because many people are acting as if all Asian people carry the coronavirus. Which is extremely untrue because anyone could possibly be a carrier for the disease as it has spread to other countries. As discussed in week 3 our multicultural ideal is in question, because our nation is isolating Asian people due to the fear that they are all infected with coronavirus. Which is a complete false allegation that has caused serious social injustice. Lastly, in week 2 we discussed equity, and there is serious inequity happening right now in Canada. Overall, I hope that our nation comes together and offers more personal support to those who have experienced the inequality currently occurring in our country right now. Once we come together and offer solutions to the issue, we can be better prepared for when another situation like this arises. We can start by informing people on the situation in a non-bias way, and preventing the release of false information.

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Personal Insight

The content in this article sadly does not surprise me. I have seen countless posts on social media discriminating against the Asian community due to the coronavirus. In my opinion, there is an exponential amount of fear that is being spread through the media. Although coronavirus is a serious illness, I feel there is a lot of misinformation being spread. People are jumping to conclusions and placing stereotypes on the Asian community. Which is leading to discrimination in schools, the workplace, on public transit, etc. This article does illicit a personal/emotional response because it makes me feel a tremendous amount of sadness for the people who are facing this type of discrimination. I do not think that anyone should face isolation and discrimination in public for anything. It is also upsetting that there is so much hate being spread through social media. I am worried that soon things could turn violent towards the Asian community, or that racism will continue to spike towards them. I agree with Amy Go that the situation is similar to the SARS outbreak where the same kind of discrimination was occurring in Canada, as well as worldwide. I did not think that Canadians would be so discriminatory towards Asians, especially since they make up a percentage of the Canadian population. I have Asian friends and could never imagine even making a joke to them about the coronavirus. I also hope they don't face racism in Windsor due to the coronavirus. I always believed Canada to be a very open and accepting country but after researching articles about race and ethnicity I couldn’t believe the number of articles discussing the intolerance against Asians due to the coronavirus. I hope that in the near future people stop spreading the misinformation and stand up for people who are facing prejudice and inequity.


  1. 'Racism 'Still Very Much Alive' in Canada as Stereotypes Around Coronavirus Spread, Some Warn' | CBC News. (2020, February 1). Retrieved from
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Essay on Racism Against Asians in Canada Due to the Coronavirus. (2022, October 28). Edubirdie. Retrieved February 12, 2025, from
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