Essay on Similarities between Grendel and Frankenstein's Monster

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‘Grendel’ was written by John Gardner and in the novel, unlike the creature Grendel lives at home with his mother who occasionally lacks interaction with him. Because of this Grendel isn’t too pleased with his mother most of the time. For most mothers in today’s society, they communicate with us every day however that was quite the opposite when it came to his mother. For that reason, Grendel willing wants to engage within the society, by observing the humans. The humans don’t accept him, so later on his actions are influenced by the Shaper and the dragon. He grows hatred toward everyone. As a result, he spends 12 years killing the Geats. Until he’s eventually killed by Beowulf. “‘Why can’t I have someone to talk to?’, I said. The stars said nothing, but I pretended to ignore the rudeness. ‘The Shaper has people to talk to’, I said. I wrung my fingers. ‘Hrothgar has people to talk to’” (Chapter 4, p.53). Is what Grendel said after being chased out of town as he only wants companionship. He is also slightly confused on how the Shaper and Hrothgar get rewarded with acquaintance when they are aggressive and they’re liars and he was none of those things.

‘Frankenstein’ was written by Mary Shelley and in the novel a scientist named Victor Frankenstein creates and brings a creature to life. Victor is horrified and disgusted by the creature, and he immediately gains hatred toward it. In the novel it states: “... I possessed no money, no friends, no kind of property. I was, besides, endued with a figure hideously deformed and loathsome; I was not even of the same nature as man...When I looked around and saw and heard of none like me. Was I, then, a monster, a blot upon the earth, from which all men fled and whom all men disowned?” (Chapter 8, p.85). In this quote the creature sees himself as a nobody due to his appearance and lack of similar qualities as the humans. He sees himself as a monster now even though he doesn’t want to. The monster begs for understanding he felt lonely and abandoned by his creator. In my opinion the creature is more passionate than Grendel. Considering that he had legitimate reasons to murder certain individuals. Also, in the end when Victor dies the creature is modified and he decides to leave his misery behind by killing himself.

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Both Grendel and Frankenstein somewhat have similar lives. Due to no one to teach them about the outside world, including communicating with humans. Both of these monsters are harshly judged and the society is terrified by both of these monsters which results in them being lonely and isolated. Grendel and Frankenstein are both abandoned by someone. Both are frustrated within themselves due to them being rejected and as a result they murder humans. Furthermore, throughout these entire novels the monsters wanting companionship is the most surprising and the most significant part.

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Essay on Similarities between Grendel and Frankenstein’s Monster. (2023, January 31). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“Essay on Similarities between Grendel and Frankenstein’s Monster.” Edubirdie, 31 Jan. 2023,
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