Evaluation Essay about a Movie

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The documentary, “The Eleventh Hour” narrated in 2007 by Leonardo Dicaprio a movie actor and a producer, tells us mainly about the current and future state of the world and humans. The documentary gives us a message about how our mother nature is changing drastically throughout the years from human behavior and what can be done to slow or reverse the destruction. Over more than fifty scientists, politicians, and environmental activists have made contributions to the documentary. We have created the problems that the earth is facing and now we have a responsibility to fix them [2007 Leonardo Dicaprio]. Leonardo Dicaprio argues that with the rapid population growth normal food consumption becomes overconsumption. The documentary persuasively argues that each individual and corporation can make a considerable contribution to change in stopping the degradation of the environment. Human focus on the economy has led to global warming.

In the documentary 'The Eleventh Hour' Leonardo DiCaprio argues that with population growth normal food consumption becomes overconsumption. As the demand for food will bring issues for the environment because of the lack of resources to supply food for the nation. Not does the country need to import food from another country, but it will also be taking food and resources from other countries. This can be seen from an ecological level. Many individuals rarely realized how their consumption is resulting in aggravation of the situation. For example, Thomas Robert Malthus in his 'An essay on the principle of the population', had the same idea as population growth is potentially exponential while the growth of the food supply is linear.

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The documentary is trying to convince us ' The Individual and the corporation' to help slow down environmental degradation, by engaging in environmental activity and helping to raise awareness of the acute challenges which we have created and have faced. Over time since the Industrial Revolution, we have totally separated from nature. Leonardo Dicaprio-'Our economy is set up to grow and expand which is causing unbalance.'Finally, every one of us can apply his professional skills in building a more sustainable relationship between humankind and the ecosystem whether he/she is the CEO, designer, or engineer. Industries in return can embrace environmentalism by use of green technologies in their production process. For example, switching to less environmentally damaging types of transport such as bikes, and public transport instead of using private cars. Also, companies should switch to renewable energy sources, as fossil fuel is one of the greatest problems humanity is facing. In my opinion, ecosystems have a great potential of restoring to their natural balance, however, the influence of mankind has critically sabotaged this ability. The film argues that today is the day when humanity can change its attitude to nature and prevent a global disaster. Therefore, there is a critical need for a different approach to balancing the relationship between humans and the environment. Also, it is important to carry out purification and preservation activities with persistent effort by both individuals and businesses to reduce and stop their activities that are damaging the environment.

According to the documentary, the human focus on the economy has resulted in global warming. Burning of Fossil fuel is the predominant cause of Global warming that normally appears in the increased level of carbon dioxide. Global warming is the main cause of deforestation and droughts. The warming of the sea has released a huge amount of carbon dioxide that's been trapped on the ocean floor, as a result, it will minimize the solar energy that is reflected into space leading to a further increase in temperature which humans will not survive on. In the movies, it shows us how humans are going around and cutting trees for building homes. This is how deforestation is starting where soil erosions follow and as a result, unpredictable rainfall will happen which is going to ruin the crops. Animals that live in the forest are being kicked and they have no place to go. Species that have existed in the ecosystem have gone extinct and all this is happening because of human behavior. Since we are taking over too much for other species to survive. We are part of the problem of why species are being killed. We have been filling the air we breathe with pollutants by pouring carbon into the atmosphere to fulfill our needs to consume. The impact of air pollution causes drowsiness, headache, asthma, and lethargy. The use of pesticides and fertilizers in the soil to produce foods results in cancer and premature aging, without our knowledge were still humans don't care about. As I watch the movie I was shocked by the fact that someday the earth will die so will mankind. Someday the earth will go back to green again after many years of change, but there will be not a single soul on it. [''The earth has all the time in the world, but for the human race we are at the 11th hour and there is no turning back''-from the movie 11th Hour 2007].

In conclusion, Humans have played an important role in destroying the environment, to stop further climate change we all should change our attitude toward nature and must take a step to fight against the catastrophe if not then global warming will go uncontrollably, and as a result, mankind's future is in danger so as the ecosystem too.

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Evaluation Essay about a Movie. (2023, November 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 10, 2025, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/evaluation-essay-about-a-movie/
“Evaluation Essay about a Movie.” Edubirdie, 21 Nov. 2023, edubirdie.com/examples/evaluation-essay-about-a-movie/
Evaluation Essay about a Movie. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/evaluation-essay-about-a-movie/> [Accessed 10 Jan. 2025].
Evaluation Essay about a Movie [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Nov 21 [cited 2025 Jan 10]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/evaluation-essay-about-a-movie/

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