Frederick Douglass' Experience Of Slavery

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Knowledge was always a key to life. A lot of time is spent to educate people, for good reason too since it is what keeps the economy stable. It gives people a mentality that lets them to think for themselves. And of course, knowledge helped to gain freedom. From slavery, to women’s rights, it is the main reason how we got to the world as we know it. Knowledge gave a chance to evolve as people and as a society. Without it, we would still be in a time of sticks and fires.

There are many different freedoms in the our course of history that had happened in this world. Most of which us as humans did not understand until many years of depriving it. Not until the people who were being deprived of their rights gained a little bit of knowledge did they start to rebel. For example, Frederick Douglass’s biography expresses the hardships he had to go through when he was just a small child as a slave. He was treated as is he were just property of a white man. And, like property, they were kept in the dark from any type of basic information. Slaves don’t even know their own date of birth. Not knowing how old they are, they were treated the same as farm animals. Slaves were not allowed to read or write, nor are they allowed to be taught. But when a woman, who tried to teach Frederick Douglass how to read or write, was scolded, Frederick Douglass overhears something. He came to find that if slaves had knowledge, they would be uncontrollable and start to become rebellious. Despite what he heard, he conrinued to learn how to read and write, eventually becoming a great leader, and becoming a symbol for the abolitionist movement.

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Frederick Douglass worked as hard as he could when he was child. He and many others were fed as if they were pigs, whithes giving them what is called “mush”. They were given a linen shirt that only reached to their knees. Many slaves didn’t dare to risk escaping, since there are severe punishments. Frederick witnessed a punishment for a slve named Demby. The slave rebelled against his orders so the slave-holder had “ no choice” but to shoot where he stood. The gave Frederick Douglass a little perspective of why the other slave didn’t try to run. Using violence, the whites kept slave from even thinking about trying to escape. And the slaves knew that either they or someone they care about would die.

Whites always knew that if the African Americans knew half the stuff that whites knew, then there would be no slaves. There wouldn’t be anyone that whites can put to work to do their dirty work. But as soon as Frederick Douglass knew the alphabet, it led to the abolitionist movement. It created an effort to help slaves gain the rights that they should have gotten since the beginning. It show how no matter how little of education you have, it can have a major impact in both today’s world or in history.

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Frederick Douglass’ Experience Of Slavery. (2022, March 17). Edubirdie. Retrieved February 3, 2025, from
“Frederick Douglass’ Experience Of Slavery.” Edubirdie, 17 Mar. 2022,
Frederick Douglass’ Experience Of Slavery. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 3 Feb. 2025].
Frederick Douglass’ Experience Of Slavery [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Mar 17 [cited 2025 Feb 3]. Available from:

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