Hidden Figures' Gender Inequality Essay

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The benefits that Hidden Figures presents in terms of portraying gender is that at the end of the film they accepted that women can do the same some a male can. By watching this film people will learn that racial bias and typical stereotypes still are happening in our society today. This film was a great way of showing gender performances and so many other aspects of our lives, are governed by social norms.

The second wave is a period of feminist activity to increase equality for women by gaining more than just empowerment. This issue includes the rights regarding domestic issues such as dress codes and employment. Second-wave feminism is the failure to ratify equal rights and where white women are being more focused on by everyone else.

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Throughout the movie Hidden Figures, I noticed that a Wave of feminism was happening in certain clips. However, the type of wave that I saw the most was the second wave where Dorothy was a hard worker and didn’t stop working until she got the promotion that she deserved as the supervisor. Dorothy was just asking for the supervisor position because she was doing the work as a supervisor but wasn’t getting paid as one. The IBM program threatened to take over the jobs of the black women or the “colored computers” which was what they called them. Another example could be when Katherine raised her voice against the injustices she’d faced as a black woman at her workplace. She confronted her boss Harrison that she had to run across the streets just to access the bathroom as they were segregated for white women and women of color. Lastly, in one of the clips Mary wanted to be an engineer but had to face many obstacles on the way for instance, being a woman and wanting to be an engineer, and fighting for the right to be the first black person and woman to attend her all-white grad school where she has to face also constant marginalization.

What we need to do is instead of fighting the system of oppression, women should be allowed to be empowered by choosing how they would fit into these existing power structures. I feel like everyone needs to have the same equality and not be treated differently because of their skin color or because their gender. Everyone is the same in different ways and we’re all humans and can do all the same thing. What we shouldn’t do is treat certain people differently and we shouldn’t have a certain rubric to follow to fit into a certain category, everyone should have the same freedom and power.

Watching this movie people may learn that discrimination still tends to happen around the world and it isn’t being fixed by anyone. Hidden Figures is a good movie by shows minority women fighting and making their mark in this world. This was a nice reminder of how much is wrong with our country and how still women are sometimes discriminated against and overlooked because of their gender and reflects the potential dangers of discrimination. This movie should motivate us to start making a change in our society. To make a difference and to push for equal rights for all such as working in unity and to disregard bias against women and all disregarded groups.

Profeminist Movements support battles for equitable treatment for women and increase women’s rights. It focuses more on equal pay for equal work. What this means is being aware of women’s experiences and bringing them to the center of being noticed, not to displace men but to be known as what they are.

In the movie Hidden Figures, some Profeminists happened in the clip when the man that they were going to help out get to the moon wanted Katherine to double check the calculations because they sent him off, he told Harrison “I want the smart girl”. This shows that he was one of the people who believed in her and her intelligence and didn’t look at her race. Also, he didn’t treat the African American women differently when he was shaking everyone’s hand and greeting them. At the end of the movie, she helped Nasa make everything happen smoothly. She was eventually recognized now by everyone when she became the first African-American woman to head up a department at NASA.

The intersectionality of race and gender makes the struggle of these women even more praiseworthy. What we need to do is learn to see women the same way we do with men. No man should treat a woman differently because they think they can do the same amount of work they’re capable of doing. A real man will respect a woman and be well aware of what women go through because of their gender and stereotypes.

When you’re watching this movie, will help the audience learn that the three black female mathematicians fought against segregation, discrimination, and sexism to work and get paid what they deserved and excel at NASA during the Space Race. It will also show that not all white males treat people of color differently because of their skin color some of them do have dignity and treat them the same way they will treat their race. For example, A male colleague recognized Mary's skill and encouraged her to train so that she could progress from mathematician to engineer.

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Hidden Figures’ Gender Inequality Essay. (2024, February 28). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 8, 2025, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/hidden-figures-gender-inequality-essay/
“Hidden Figures’ Gender Inequality Essay.” Edubirdie, 28 Feb. 2024, edubirdie.com/examples/hidden-figures-gender-inequality-essay/
Hidden Figures’ Gender Inequality Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/hidden-figures-gender-inequality-essay/> [Accessed 8 Jan. 2025].
Hidden Figures’ Gender Inequality Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Feb 28 [cited 2025 Jan 8]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/hidden-figures-gender-inequality-essay/

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